The Curse of the Mummy 본문 주요 내용 설명.

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1 The Curse of the Mummy 본문 주요 내용 설명

2 * Death shall come on swift wings to him who disturbs the peace of the king.
he who ~ = a person who ~ : ~하는 사람 (단수) cf) those who ~ = people who ~ 하는 사람들 (복수) (Being) Carved in stone, these are the words (that) Howard Carter was reported to have seen as he entered the tomb. These are the words. + Howard Carter was reported to have seen the words. => These are the words that Howard Carter was reported to have seen.

3 In what has come to be known as the curse of the mummy, it is believed that tragedy and death befall those who disturb the graves of Egyptian kings. In the curse of the mummy : 미라의 저주에서 What has come to be known as ~ : ~라고 알려진 것 In what has come to known as the curse of the mummy : 미라의 저주라고 알려진 것

4 The great burial chambers contained the wrapped bodies of pharaohs, as well as items (which) Egyptians believed would aid the kings in their next life. 이 문장에서 which는 would aid를 동사로 취하는 주격관계대명사. 원래 주격 관계대명사는 생략할 수 없으나, 바로 뒤에 삽입절(S+V)이 따라 나오면 생략 가능하다. bury : vt. 묻다, 매장하다 burial : n. 매장, 토장 (=interment) chamber : n. 방, 회의소 Chamber of Commerce : 상공회의소

5 Bodies (that undergo this embalming process) are called mummies.
The body was wrapped in pieces of cotton (which was) soaked in resin, (=) the liquid from pine trees. Resin (송진) = the liquid from pine trees (소나무에서 나온 액체) Bodies (that undergo this embalming process) are called mummies. body = dead body undergo : 겪다, 경험하다, 당하다 이런 방부처리 과정을 겪는 시체는 미이라라고 불린다.

6 After years of working in Egypt and studying various sites, (being) still convinced (that) he would find an unopened tomb, Howard Carter approached wealthy British businessman Lord Carnarvon. convince : vt. 납득시키다, 확신시키다 => be convinced : 납득하다, 확신하다 ex) I’m convinced that he likes music. approach : vt. ~에 접근하다, ~에 다가가다 => approach to 목적어 (X) / approach 목적어 (O)

7 Carnarvon gave Carter just one more year within which to make a discovery.
within which to make a discovery = within which he should make a discovery (관계사 + to 부정사 = 관계사 + 주어 + 동사) Carnarvon gave Carter just one more year, and he should make a discovery within just one more year. and + just one more year = which => Carnarvon gave Carter just one more year within which to make a discovery

8 With him were Lord Carnarvon and twenty others, including archaeologists, workers, and servants.
=> Lord Carnarvon and twenty others, including archaeologists, workers, and servants were with him. (주어가 수식어구를 동반하여 길어질 경우, 부사구를 앞으로 빼고 동사와 주어를 도치시킨다!!!) ex) On the hill stood a man with his arm bandaged. => A man with his arm bandaged stood on the hill.

9 Upon opening the tomb they found wonderful treasures.
=> upon ~ing = when 또는 as soon = When they opened the tomb, they found wonderful treasures. (급박한 내용일 때는 as soon as로 해석하고, 그렇지 않은 경우는 보통 when으로 해석.)

10 A wound was discovered on the left cheek, in the exact spot as the insect bite (that caused Lord Carnarvon’s death). the exact spot as ~ : ~와 정확히 같은 부위 the exact spot as the insect bite that caused Lord Carnarvon’s death : 카나본 경의 죽음을 야기했던 곤충 물린 곳과 정확히 같은 부위

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