Practical English 2 Grading Policy

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1 Practical English 2 Grading Policy
Fall 2015

2 Grading Assessment

3 Quizzes Quiz 1 5% WEEK 5 2 quizzes Quiz 2 5% WEEK 12

4 Quizzes Bonus points Minus points (penalty)
You will be given two Clinic Assignments. If you do the clinic assignments ON TIME, you will get bonus points (maximum 3 points). Minus points (penalty) If you don’t do the clinic assignments  minus 3 points Late submission  minus 1-2 points You also lose quiz points for using your cell phone during class.

5 Online Assignments 10 activities per unit Each unit
10 activities = 6 points Not complete = 0 points 8 units 8 x 6 = 48 _+ 2 bonus 50 points 10 activities per unit

6 PE2 Online ∙∙∙ What is it?
Daegu University wants students to do their book work online. 앞으로 문법기 과 쓰기 언라인에서 공부할 거예요. Students are required to use the website to complete assignments. 학생들은 과제를 완료하기 위해 웹 사이트를 이용해야해요. Our class has a lot of speaking activities. 우리 수업은 말하기 활동이 많이 있어요.

7 Online Assignments 10 activities per unit DUE Dates Units 1–4
October 13, :oo Units 9–12 December 1, pm 10 activities per unit

8 Attendance If you: 3 lates = 1 absent (unexcused)
15 minutes late = 1 absent (unexcused) 11 absences = Fail If you: sleep: you’re in dreamland = not in class = absent speaking activities  not participating = absent

9 Attendance Festivals and Sports activities – are not excused
You are an adult. You are free to make your own decisions. If you decide to attend festivals or sports activities, ENJOY! Have fun! But you will be marked absent; excuse notes are NOT accepted. If you sleep during class time, you will be marked absent. If you want to sleep, I suggest you stay home where you can lie down comfortably. It’s not comfortable to sleep in a chair.

10 Participation 뭐죠? Use English. 영어 이용하면 돼요. Speak often –in English.
Ask questions –in English. Help other students. 영어 이용하면 돼요. 수업동안 많이 말해 주세요 –in English. 질문을 물어보면 돼요 –in English. 다른 학생을 도와주세요.

11 REMEMBER At home: In class: listening, reading, grammar
Online assignments, In class: mostly speaking Partner activities, S  S conversation

12 REMEMBER Midterm & Final Midterm & Final listening, reading, grammar
Online assignments, Midterm & Final mostly speaking Partner activities, S  S conversation Speaking Exam Paper exam

13 NO 당신의 참가는 점수에 심한 영향을 미칠 거예요.

14 당신의 참가는 점수에 심한 영향을 미칠 거예요.

15 당신의 참가는 점수에 심한 영향을 미칠 거예요.

16 당신의 참가는 점수에 심한 영향을 미칠 거예요. Participation Attendance 출석

17 Midterm Exam 2 parts Speaking 50 pts Listening/Writing 50 pts

18 Final Exam 2 parts Speaking 50 pts Listening/Writing 50 pts

19 Point System F Letter Grade Score A+ 100–95 A 94 – 90 B+ 89 – 85
59  11 absences

20 REMEMBER : Class Rules If you bring food, you must bring enough FOR EVERYBODY.

21 Sleeping in class minus Attendance/출석 point
Please do not sleep during class. 수업 시간에 자지 마세요. SLEEP = Absent

22 Chatting/messaging during class minus point on your quiz
수업 시간에 핸드폰을 사용하지 마세요.

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