Course Overview Information Literacy.

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1 Course Overview Information Literacy

2 Course Outline Information literacy, described as the “ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information,” is one of the most important skills for today’s information professionals who face a daily explosion of information resources and the challenge of using these resources effectively and responsibly. 인터넷의 확산과 전자출판 등을 통해 무수히 쏟아져 나오는 정보 환경 속에서 자신에게 필요한 양질의 정보를 신속, 정확하게 검색하는 능력은 무엇보다 중요한 능력이라고 할 수 있다. 따라서 본 강좌에서는 정보와 각종 정보원에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 대학생활을 함에있어 기본적으로 필요한 정보탐색과 활용능력은 물론, 일상생활과 관련된 정보를 스스로 찾아문제를 해결할 수 있는 능력을 배양하고자한다. Information Literacy

3 Course Objectives Learn to use appropriate tools for identifying and locating potential sources of information. Develop and use a variety of search strategies. Gain hands-on experiences in information literacy practices. This course aims to change the way students learn. Instead of the traditional model of relying on “omniscience” of teachers, students will begin the practice of resource-based learning where they will actively seek out, evaluate, and synthesize knowledge from a variety of resources. Information literacy, which facilitates such type of learning, will allow each student to become a lifelong learner who can fulfill the information need in a way that best suits his or her abilities, interest, and experiences. Information Literacy

4 Course Requirements Grading Requirement Course Blog (30%)
Final Project (40%) Participation (30%) Requirement Curiosity Information seeking know-how Analytic ability Communication skills Information Literacy

5 Course Resources Homepage Required Readings Online Resources
Required Readings Lecture material and online contents Online Resources Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education by Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) ACRL Information Literacy Website Information Literacy

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