The R&D Boundaries of the Firm: An Empirical Analysis

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1 The R&D Boundaries of the Firm: An Empirical Analysis
2011 Fall Seminar on Technological Innovation The R&D Boundaries of the Firm: An Empirical Analysis Gary P. Pisano Administrative Science Quarterly, 35 (1990): 고윤미, 권애정

2 Summary #1 1. Sources of transaction costs
□ make-versus-buy decision in R&D 1. Sources of transaction costs Environmental uncertainty and complexity Transaction-specific assets Small-numbers bargaining Appropriability problems 2. Factors for R&D procurement at the project level hypothesis H1 A pharmaceutical company will be more likely to internalize R&D in those BT product areas in which R&D capabilities are concentrated in fewer R&D suppliers. supported H2 A pharmaceutical company will be more likely to internalize R&D in those BT product markets in which it faces greater competition from other established pharmaceutical company . not supported H3 A pharmaceutical firm that tended to use in-house R&D for its traditional pharmaceutical products will have greater propensity to internalize R&D for BT-based products. H4 A pharmaceutical firm will be more likely to undertake a BT R&D project in-house when it has accumulated more in-house R&D experience in the relevant area of BT. H5 A firm with a higher percentage of its business in pharmaceutical will be more likely to internalize BT pharmaceutical R&D projects.

3 Summary #2 • structure of competition between entrants and incumbents
□ R&D markets in radical technological changes • structure of competition between entrants and incumbents new entrants Sell new R&D skills incumbents Internalize R&D competition capabilities on commercial activities (marketing & distribution) ability to buy and develop new R&D skills VS cooperation ability to select partners and manage cooperative relationships

4 Discussion #1 □ The transaction cost theory approach 조직 내부에서 R&D를 추진하는 함에 있어 단점은 무엇인가? Internal R&D 추진을 촉진할 수 있는 요소는 무엇인가? * competency trap, rigid capabilities, filtering of information, failures of recognition, problems in implementation More tacit and specialized knowledge and technology인 경우 internal R&D 추진보다는 external R&D 추진이 효율적이지 않을까? * 기술의 속성에 따라 R&D 추진방향을 결정 entrants는 new R&D skills의 판매를 통해서만 시장에 접근할 수 있다. 판매를 통해 시장 접근이 성공한다 할지라도 그 이후 기업 생존은 보장할 수 없다. 그렇다면 entrants는 기술 판매 이후 지속적인 기술 개발을 위해 어떠한 방식의 혁신이 필요한가? 새로운 기술을 받아들인 incumbents는 기존 기술과 접목하여 보다 빠르게 기술 변화에 적응하게 되면 incumbents 중심의 경쟁 구조는 변하지 않는 것인가?

5 Discussion #2 □ The boundary-spanning exploration approach
기업에서는 기술적 경계 뿐만 아니라 조직적 경계를 고려하여 R&D를 추진해야 한다. 이러한 경계탐색 활동이 실질적인 조직의 성과로 연결되기 위해서는 어떠한 노력이 필요한가? 또한 조직이 어떠한 전략군(strategic group)에 속하는 지에 따라 R&D 추진 방향이 결정될 수 있지 않을까?

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