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2 2.1 Project Concept and Need
Design/Build 방식 요구사항 정의 개념설계 개념설계 승인 예비/상세 설계 입찰서류 완료 선정 통보 시공자 선정 제안 접수 입찰 공고 입찰 결정 시공 준공 FIGURE 2.1 Project development cycle for new project Private & public projects Private : Manufacturing plants, hospitals, research laboratories, hotels and commercial buildings, communications networks etc. public : Bridges, tunnels, transportation facilities, dikes, and dams etc. 수로

3 2.2 Establishing Need The first step in any project is the establishment of a need and a conceptual definition and refinement of the facility that will meet that need. 제품수요시장 조사, 타당성분석(Feasibility Study), 비용분석 자금제공자의 요구에 의해 타당성 분석의 내용이 결정: 자금제공자가 사업 타당성에 대한 근거를 요청

4 2.3 Formal Need Evaluation
Deciding whether or not to proceed with the preliminary and final design Cost/benefit analysis Graphical representation of the project (e.g., sketch or artist’s rendering) and a layout diagram of the facility Cost estimate based on the conceptual-level information available Benefit Tangible (직접적인 효과) Intangible (간접적인 효과)

5 2.4 Conceptual Drawings and Estimates
Conceptual documentation to potential funding sources (e.g., banks and investors) A cost estimate based on the conceptual drawings and other design information (e.g., square footage of roof area, floor space, size of heating and air-conditioning units, etc.) is prepared. A projection of cost to the future date on which construction will begin is required. The projection is made using the Engineering News-Record (ENR) indexes of basic construction cost. 건설관련 물가상승률 정보 제공

6 2.4 Conceptual Drawings and Estimates
군 우체국 프로젝트 사례 FIGURE 2.2 Project proposal: layout sketch and outline specification Military Post Office Project

7 2.4 Conceptual Drawings and Estimates
군 우체국 프로젝트 사례 필요 예산 FIGURE 2.3 Current working estimate for budget purposes

8 2.4 Conceptual Drawings and Estimates
목재 FIGURE 2.4 Engineering News-Record construction cost indices

9 2.5 Preliminary and Detail Design
The drawings are a graphical or schematic indication of the work to be accomplished. The specifications are a verbal or word description of what is to be constructed and to what levels of quality. When completed, they are included as legally binding elements of the contract. The design team leader coordinates the efforts of architects and engineers from differing disciplines. The disciplines normally identified are architectural, civil and structural, mechanical, and electrical.

10 2.6 Notice to Bidders Because of his commitment to the owner to design a facility that can be constructed within a given budget and at an acceptable level of quality, the architect/engineer wants to be sure that the lowest bid price is achieved. 입찰 제공 정보 : the general type and size of the project, the availability of plans and specifications for review, and the time, place, and date of the bid opening. In some large cities, a builder’s exchange may operate to serve the contracting community.  예) 나라장터 ( Paid services such as Dodge BidPro (©Dodge Data & Analytics) provide detailed information customizable by date, geographic area, type of project, and other customizable parameters.  유료 입찰 서비스

11 FIGURE 2.5 Typical notice to bidders
병원 하수도 개선 프로젝트 사례 2.6 Notice to Bidders FIGURE 2.5 Typical notice to bidders

12 FIGURE 2.6 Example of available project listing
2.6 Notice to Bidders FIGURE 2.6 Example of available project listing

13 FIGURE 2.7 Bid package documents
The documents that are available to the contractor and on which he must make a decision to bid or not to bid are those in the bid package. In addition to the plans and technical specifications, the bid package prepared by the A/E consists of a proposal form, general conditions that cover procedures common to all construction contracts, and special conditions, which pertain to procedures to be used that are unique to this particular project. All supporting documents are included by reference in the proposal form. FIGURE 2.7 Bid package documents

14 2.7 Bid Package Bid package  Bid Form  Award of Contract(Notice of Award)  Notice to Proceed Builder Contractor Builder Contractor The prices at which the work will be constructed can be stated either as lump-sum or as unit-price figures. In many instances, the project duration in working or calendar days is specified in the special conditions portion of the bid package.

15 FIGURE 2.8 Example proposal form
2.7 Bid Package FIGURE 2.8 Example proposal form

16 2.8 General Conditions A committee for engineer documents has been formed jointly by the American Consulting Engineers Council, the National Society of Professional Engineers, and the American Society of Civil Engineers to prepare standard contract documents. The committee is called the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee (EJCDC). These documents have been endorsed by the Associate General Contractors (AGC) of America and the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) The rights, privileges, and responsibilities that accrue to the primary contractual parties in any construction contract are also defined in the general conditions. Therefore, sections pertaining to the (1) owner, (2) architect (or architect/ engineer), (3) contractor, and (4) subcontractors are typically found in the general conditions. 국가를 당사자로 하는 계약에 관한 법률, 시행령, 시행규칙

17 2.8 General Conditions American Institute of Architects (AIA)’s general conditions are listed below: 1. Definitions 2. Preliminary matters 3. Contract documents 4. Bonds and insurance 5. Contractor’s responsibilities 6. Owner’s responsibilities 7. Engineer’s responsibilities 8. Changes in the work 9. Change of contract price 10. Change of contract times 11. Test and inspections 12. Payments to contractor and completion 13. Suspension of work and termination 14. Dispute resolution

18 2.9 Supplementary Conditions
Modifications to the basic articles of the general condition in the form of additions, deletions, or substitutions. Additional articles of a contractual-legal nature that may be desirable or necessary for a particular project.

19 2.9 Supplementary Conditions
FIGURE 2.9 Special conditions: typical index of special conditions

20 2.10 Technical Specifications
The contract documents must convey the requirements of the project to potential bidders and establish a legally precise picture of the technical aspects of the work to be performed. This is accomplished visually through the use of drawings. A verbal description of the technical requirements is established in the technical specifications. 시방서

21 2.10 Technical Specifications
A typical index of specifications for a heavy construction project might appear as follows: 1. Clearing and grubbing 2. Removal of existing structures 3. Excavation and fill 4. Sheet steel piling 5. Stone protection 6. Concrete 7. Miscellaneous items of work 8. Metal work fabrication 9. Water supply facilities 10. Painting 11. Seeding 토목공사표준일반시방서 총칙 토공사 구조물 기초공사 콘크리트공사 일반 강구조물공사 방수 및 지수공사 부지시설공사

22 2.10 Technical Specifications
FIGURE 2.10 Typical references to structural inspection and testing standards

23 참고. 국내 건설공사기준 표준시방서 전문시방서 설계기준 국토교통부 건설기술정보시스템
가설공사 표준시방서 강구조공사 표준시방서 건설공사 비탈면 표준시방서 건설환경관리 표준시방서 건축공사 표준시방서 건축기계설비공사 표준시방서 건축전기설비공사 표준시방서 공동구 표준시방서 농업토목공사 표준시방서 도로공사 표준시방서 도로교 표준시방서 도시철도공사(지하철) 표준시방서 산업·환경설비공사 표준시방서 상수도공사 표준시방서 조경공사 표준시방서 콘크리트 표준시방서 터널 표준시방서 토목공사 표준일반시방서 하천공사 표준시방서 항만 및 어항공사 표준시방서 하수관거공사 표준시방서 LH 전문시방서 고속도로공사 전문시방서 농어촌정비공사 전문시방서 댐 및 상수도공사 전문시방서 서울특별시 전문시방서 철도공사 전문시방서 항만 및 어항공사 전문시방서 행복도시건설공사 전문시방서 일반국도 전문시방서 강구조 설계기준 건설공사 비탈면 설계기준 건축 구조기준 건축기계설비 설계기준 건축전기설비 설계기준 공동구 설계기준 구조물기초 설계기준 농업생산기반정비사업계획 설계기준 댐 설계기준 도로 설계기준 도로교 설계기준 상수도 시설기준 조경 설계기준 철도 설계기준 콘크리트 구조기준 터널 설계기준 하수도 시설기준 하천 설계기준·해설 항만 및 어항 설계기준 국토교통부 건설기술정보시스템 한국건설기술연구원 국가건설기준센터

24 2.11 Addenda 변경사항 공지 The bid package documents represent a description of the project to be constructed. They also spell out the responsibilities of the various parties to the contract and the manner in which the contract will be administered. Any changes in detail, additions, corrections, and contract conditions that arise before bids are opened that are intended to become part of the bid package and the basis for bidding are incorporated into the bid package through addenda.

25 2.12 Decision to Bid Estimating is the process of looking into the future and trying to predict project costs and various resource requirements. Studies reveal the fact that the most frequent causes of contractor failure are incorrect and unrealistic estimating and bidding practices. Quantities of Materials  Direct Cost  Indirect Cost  Management and Overhead Cost  Total Cost A common rule of thumb states that the contractor’s estimating cost will be approximately 0.25% of the total bid price. 만약 평균적으로 4번 중 1번 낙찰이 된다면, 낙찰되는 계약 건에 응찰 시 3번의 비낙찰 시 소요된 비용을 포함하여 견적 제출  총 입찰 비용의 1% 만큼을 추가

26 2.13 Prequalification 발주자는 프로젝트를 수행할 능력이 없을 것 같은데 최저가를 제출한 계약자에 대해 고민! Each contractor interested in preparing and submitting a bid is asked to submit documents that establish his firm’s expertise and capability in accomplishing similar types of construction.

27 2.14 Subcontractor and Vendor Quotations/Contracts
Prime Contractor Subcontractor(특수 공사: 터널, 교량, 전기, 기계, 통신 등) + Vendor(자재 공급) The contractor integrates these quotations from subcontractor and vendors into the total bid price.

28 2.15 Bid Bond 입찰보증금 : 낙찰자 계약 체결 거부 대비
A construction bond, therefore, involves a relationship between three parties: the principal or party who might default, the obligee or party who may be damaged or lose some advantage, and the surety who will offset the damage or loss of advantage. 만약 어떤 Contractor가 $3,000,000에 낙찰 받은 후 이행을 포기하여, 차 순위자인 $3,080,000에 응찰한 Contractor에게 낙찰되었다면, 발주자의 손해액 $80,000을 입찰보증금에서 충당. 입찰보증금은 통상 공사금액의 5% 수준. 보증금 FIGURE 2.11 Bonding relationship (three-party)

29 2.16 Performance and Payments Bonds
If the contractor is awarded the contract, performance and payment bonds are issued. A performance bond (이행보증금: 낙찰자 공사 수행 거부 대비: Owner & Contractor) is issued to a contractor to guarantee the owner that the contract work will be completed and that it will comply with project specifications. Contractor  이행보증금  Owner In other words, a performance bond protects the owner against default on the part of the contractor in performing the project as required. A payment bond (지불보증금: 주계약자 공사대금 지불 불능 상황 대비: Prime Contractor & Subcontractor, Vendor) is issued to guarantee the owner protection against any liens or charges against the project that are unpaid as a result of the contractor’s default. Prime Contractor  지불보증금  Subcontractor, Vendor Contractor 파산 시 Subcontractor와 Vendor에게 대금 지급용으로 사용, Contractor 유동성 위기 시 자금 지원 보증사는 해결사(Troubleshooters) DB를 보유  문제 발생 시 해결사를 즉시 투입하여 공사가 계속될 수 있도록 조치를 취해 Owner를 보호

30 2.17 Cost and Requirements for Bonds
Performance and payment bonds are issued for a service charge. The common rate is 1% or $10 per $1,000 on the first $200,000 of contract cost. At higher contract costs, the rate is reduced incrementally. 보증보험 회사는 이행보증금 집행 시 보험 가입자 및 관계자에게 구상권을 청구한다. The Miller Act (enacted in 1935) establishes the level of bonding required for federally funded projects. Performance bonds must cover 100% of the contractor amount while payment bonds are required based on a sliding scale as follows: 1. 50% if the contract is $1 million or less 전체 공사 금액의 50%를 커버할 수 있는 보증보험 요구 2. 40% if the contract is between $1 and $5 million 3. Fixed amount of $2.5 million if the contract is greater than $5 million


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