English Conversation STEP 6-2

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Presentation on theme: "English Conversation STEP 6-2"— Presentation transcript:

1 English Conversation STEP 6-2

2 현재형 Try not to 동사원형 : … 하지 않을려고 노력하다 I try not to jump to the floor.
You try not to jump to the floor. He tries not to jump to the floor. She tries not to jump to the floor. We try not to jump to the floor. They try not to jump to the floor.

3 목차 오늘의 표현 Hit John on the head Grab Jim by the arm Jump to the floor
Get down from the ladder. Go up the stairs fast

4 Step -6 - hit John on the head - I try not to hit John on the head.
아래 상황을 표현해 보세요. - hit John on the head - I try not to hit John on the head.

5 Additional pictures 아래 상황을 표현해 보세요.

6 Step -7 - grab Jim by the arm - I try not to grab Jim by the arm.
아래 상황을 표현해 보세요. - grab Jim by the arm - I try not to grab Jim by the arm.

7 Additional pictures 아래 상황을 표현해 보세요.

8 Step -8 - jump to the floor - A man jumps to the floor.
아래 상황을 표현해 보세요. - jump to the floor - A man jumps to the floor.

9 Additional pictures 아래 상황을 표현해 보세요.

10 Additional pictures 아래 상황을 표현해 보세요.

11 6-8까지 다시 복습해 봅시다.

12 Step -9 - get down from the ladder
아래 상황을 표현해 보세요. - get down from the ladder - She tries not to get down from the …

13 Additional pictures 아래 상황을 표현해 보세요.

14 Additional pictures 아래 상황을 표현해 보세요.

15 Step -10 - go up the stairs fast - A man tries not to go up the stair.
아래 상황을 표현해 보세요. - go up the stairs fast - A man tries not to go up the stair.

16 Additional pictures 아래 상황을 표현해 보세요.

17 Additional pictures 아래 상황을 표현해 보세요.

18 9-10까지 다시 복습해 봅시다.

19 1-10까지 다시 복습해 봅시다.

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