Visual Studio 2008 (9.0) Intall and Release

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Presentation on theme: "Visual Studio 2008 (9.0) Intall and Release"— Presentation transcript:

1 Visual Studio 2008 (9.0) Intall and Release
presentation date 11/ 10/ 2008 Visual Studio 2008 (9.0) Intall and Release 신재혁 01

2 INDEX PART 1 PART 2 1. Visual Studio History 2. Visual Studio 2008
3. VS 2008 설치하기 4. 내가 만든 프로그램 배포하기 5. Q & A PART 1 PART 2 about Visual Studio 2008 신재혁 02

3 ShinJAE PART 1 신재혁 03

4 1. Visual Studio History Visual Studio 6.0 Visual Studio .NET (7.0)
(9.0) .NET framework와 C#의 등장 신재혁 05

5 2. Visual Studio 2008 신재혁 06

6 ShinJAE PART 2 Visual Studio 2008. 신재혁 07

7 3. Install URL :
신재혁 08

8 3. Install URL :
신재혁 09

9 4. Release 신재혁 10

10 4. Release 신재혁 11

11 4. Release 신재혁 12

12 4. Release 신재혁 13

13 ShinJAE Q&A 신재혁 17

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