5 강 해석의 원리 및 실전 적용 오르비 강사 신성균. 1. 해석의 원칙 제일 먼저 주절과 종속절을 나누는 연습 문장의 완전 구조를 볼 수 있는 연습 각 절에 동사와 주어 지문을 나누는 연습, 동사, 동원, to, ing 뒤에 명사 ( 구, 절 ) 목적어 해석연습 And.


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Presentation transcript:

5 강 해석의 원리 및 실전 적용 오르비 강사 신성균

1. 해석의 원칙 제일 먼저 주절과 종속절을 나누는 연습 문장의 완전 구조를 볼 수 있는 연습 각 절에 동사와 주어 지문을 나누는 연습, 동사, 동원, to, ing 뒤에 명사 ( 구, 절 ) 목적어 해석연습 And 지문 뒤에 동사를 찾아내는 연습, 관계사 지문을 해 석하는 연습 ( 끊을까 이을까 ?) 접속사 that 지문을 해석하는 연습 삽입절을 보는 연습 전치사를 해석하는 연습 자신의 해석 순서를 결정하는 연습, 를 보는 연습

실전 1 Throughout most of human history, proximity enabled the spr ead of infectious diseases that struck down those humans who had the boldness to risk living near one another. People who had been given a glowing report from a supervisor developed an increased interest in reading reports a bout how smart and wise that supervisor was.

실전 2 The negative consequences for the space programme as a whole, not to mention the families of those killed, were far more serious than a delayed launch would have been. There is a "language" of mathematics with its own symbols an d terminology, mysterious to nonspecialists, while most litera ry works are written in language which, if not always of the "eve ryday" kind, is at least familiar.

2. 답을 고르는 요령 작가의 이야기를 읽지 말고 들어라. ( 어조 ) 해석을 항상 정확하게 하라 주제, 요지, 제목 등은 소재가 명확하게 나 타나지만 빈칸의 문제는 소재가 아닌 원인, 결과, 특성, 해결책, 문제점 등이 정답이다. 글은 모두 흐름이 중요하다. 작가가 하고자 하는 이야기가 끝나면 반복이나 세부적 설 명이 시작된다. 항상 정답을 생각할 땐 “ 정, 반 ” 을 함께.

The great eighteenth century Scottish philosopher, Hume, set out one day to clear up the mistaken problem which has puzzled many people: why not all women, but only a small minority, are pretty. He had no difficulty in showing that the question means nothing at all. If all women were at least as pretty as the most beautiful woman of our acquaintance, we should think they were all ordinary and should reserve the adjective for the small minority who surpassed the average. Similarly, when we are interested in a certain type of progress, we restrict the term "progressive" to those cultures which are at the forefront in that type of development, and pay little attention to the others. Progress thus never represents anything more than the ______________ in a given direction, pre-determined by the interests of the observer. - 이비에스 6 강 1 번

We all know from experience that some of our dreams seem to be related to daily problems, some are vague and incoherent, and some are anxiety dreams that occur when we are worried or depressed. But whatever the source of the images in our sleeping brains may be, we need to be cautious about interpreting our own dreams or anyone else's. A recent study of people showed that individuals are biased and self-serving in their dream interpretations, accepting those that fit in with their preexisting beliefs or needs and rejecting those that do not. For example, they will give more weight to a dream in which God commands them to take a year off to travel the world than one in which God commands them to take a year off to work in a relief camp. Our biased interpretations may ____________________ than do our actual dreams 이비에스 6 강 2 번

Business, as well as government when it is in line with business interests, uses a classic uncertainty campaign to delay taking action on a problem that would cost business money. According to David Michaels, a famous professor of public health, "Industry and its consultants are well aware that their use of uncertainty to challenge science exploits the very nature of science, in which knowledge is accumulated over a long period of time and the understanding of that knowledge also evolves." Michaels sees a growing trend that demands proof of a scientific finding over precaution in the area of public health. Business always disputes scientific conclusions that might support regulation of a particular substance or activity. There are many ways to ______________ when it comes to scientific findings. 이비에스 6 강 5 번

One reason many people keep delaying things they should do is that they fear they will do them wrong or poorly, so they just don't do them at all. For example, one of the best ways to write a book is to write it as _____(A)_____ as you can, getting onto paper the thoughts that come to you without regard to style and edition. Then you can go back to revise and polish your writing. If I only wrote when I knew it would be perfect, I'd still be working on my first book! Do you have a hard time relaxing if your house is a mess or if things are out of order? Do you beat yourself up for making mistakes? I've got a simple message for you today: It's time to let go of your _____(B)_____. It becomes a stumbling block that keeps you stuck. 이비에스 6 강 13 번