1. According to the report, the ___________ cost of the railway strike was $2 million per day. (A)estimate (B) estimates (C) estimated (D) estimation 2.


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Presentation transcript:

1. According to the report, the ___________ cost of the railway strike was $2 million per day. (A)estimate (B) estimates (C) estimated (D) estimation 2. The Tristania Resort is one of the most __________ vacation spots on the island. (A)luxury (B) luxurious (C) luxuriously (D) luxuriance 3. Our usual translator was sick, so we had to hire someone ______________. (A)locality (B) locally (C) localize (D) location 4. The ferry trip from Suttler’s Point to Round Harbor is very _______ with tourists for its scenic beauty. (A)popular (B) popularly (C) populate (D) population

5. The harbor is closed to all ships, both __________ and commercial, from September to April. (A) privateness (B) privately (C) privacy (D) private 6. The Benson Hotel is __________ located near the convention center and international airport. (A) conveniently (B) convenient (C) convenience (D) more convenient

영어의 파생 접미사 1

영어의 파생 접미사 2

Unit 7. 관계사 (Relative Pronoun)

A. who, whose, whom, that (1) The woman is a teacher. she lives next door. → the woman - she lives next door - is a teacher. → The woman who(/that) __ lives next door is a teacher. ( 주격 관계 대명사 ) (2) We know a lot of people. They live in Beijing. → we know a lot of people - they live in Beijing. → We know a lot of people who(/that) __ live in Beijing. ( 주격 관계 대명사 ) (3) The woman was out of town. I wanted to see her. → the woman - I wanted to see her - was out of town. → The woman who(/whom/that) I wanted to see __ was out of town. ( 목적격 관계 대명사 )

(4) The woman dumped him after a few weeks. He fell in love with her. → the woman -he fell in love with her - dumped him after a few weeks. → The woman who (/that) he fell in love with ___ dumped him after a few weeks. → The woman with whom(/that(X)) he fell in love __ dumped him after a few weeks. ( 목적격 관계 대명사 ) (5) Do you know the woman? - Tom is talking to her → Do you know the woman who(that) Tom is talking to __? (cf.) Do you know that woman to whom(/that(X)) Tom is talking? (6) we saw some people. - Their car had broken down. → We saw some people whose car __ had broken down. ( 관계 형용사 )

B. which, of which, that, whose (1) I don't like stories - They have unhappy endings. → I don't like stories which (/that) __ have unhappy endings. ( 주격 관계 대명사 ) (2) The machine has now been repaired. It broke down. → The machine - it broke down - has now been repaired. → The machine which(/that) __ broke down has now been repaired. ( 주격 관계 대명사 ) (3) The bed wasn't very comfortable. I slept in it last night. → The bed - I slept in it last night - wasn't very comfortable. → The bed which(/that) I slept in --last night wasn't very comfortable. → The bed in which (/that(X)) I slept __ last night wasn't very comfortable. ( 목적격 관계 대명사 ) --‘ 전치사 +which’ 의 경우 ‘ 전치사 +which' 가 함께 앞으로 이동될 수 도 있고 which 만 따로 앞으로 이동 될 수 있다.

C. what (1) That which he said is quite true. → What he said is quite true. ( 주어 ) (2) I will do all that I can do for you. → I will do what I can do for you. ( 목적어 ) (3) This is just the thing which I have long wanted. → This is just what I have long wanted. ( 보어 ) (4) He will give me what I want. ( 관계대명사 ) He asked me what I wanted. ( 의문대명사 ) [ 요점 3] 1. what 은 선행사를 포함한 관계 대명사이다. 2. 다른 관계 대명사 절이 선행사를 수식하는 형용사절의 성격을 갖는 반면 what 절은 선행사를 포함하고 있어 주어나 목적어 역할을 하는 명사절의 성격을 갖는 다.

다음 괄호 안에 있는 것 중 적절한 것을 고르시오. 1.The company is producing a new tire (who, which) is extremely durable. 2.This organization is hiring a staff member (whom, whose) responsibilities will induce fundraising. 3.The second editor (who, which) will be available soon has an additional chapter. 4.Writers (whose, who) work is admired internationally usually write about universal subjects. 5.The secretary printed some invitations (which, who) he will send tomorrow.

예제 1) __________ is done cannot be undone. (A) That (B) What (C) Which (D) Who 예제 2) This is the house in _________ he grew up. (A) who (B) which (C) where (D) that

point 3. 제한적 vs. 계속적 용법 (1) 선행사를 수식하여 형용사절을 만드는 것이 제한적 용법이 다. (2) 선행사에 설명을 부가하여 의미상으로 독립된 절을 만드는 것을 계속적 용법이다. ( 주의 ) 관계대명사 that 는 계속적용법에는 사용할 수 없다. He has two sons who work in this factory. ( 제한적용법 ) He has two sons, who work in this factory.( 계속적용법 ) =He has two sons, and they work in this factory. He has two sons that work in this factory. (O) He has two sons, that work in this factory. (X)

예제 3) The farmer, ________ poor, is honest. (A) is (B) very (C) who (D) who is

* 알맞은 관계 대명사를 적어 넣으시오. 1. Barbara works for a company ( ) makes washing machines. 2. Alexander Graham Bell was the man ( ) invented the telephone. 3. This is the girl ( ) parasol is missing. 4. ( ) you need is more knowledge. 5. I recently went back to the town ( ) I was born in.

point 4. 복합 관계 대명사 (1) who, which, what 에 -ever 가 붙은 것을 복합관계대명사 라고 한다. (2) whoever 는 anyone who, whichever 는 anything that 의 의미를 지니는 명사절을 이끈다. (3) 복합 관계 대명사가 ‘no matter+ 관계대명사 ’ 의 의미를 나타내는 양보의 부사절을 만드는 경우가 있다. 예 ) Whoever says that is a liar. Buy whichever you like. Do whatever you like. Whoever may come, please do not let him in. Whomever you may see on the way, do not speak to him. Whichever you may choose, you will be interested in it.

예제 4) Give the money to ________ you like. (A) Who (B) Whom (C) Whoever (D) Whomever

D. when, where, why, how (1) 1950 is the year-the Korean War happened then. → 1950 is the year when(/that) the Korean War happened __. (2) A ship was seen on the line -there the sky seemed to meet the sea → A ship was seen on the line where(/that) __ the sky seemed to meet the sea. (3) My illness is the reason- I was absent from school yesterday because of it. → My illness is the reason why(/that) I was absent from school yesterday __. (4) This is the way -I made money under such a circumstance in that way. → This is how(/that) I made money under such a circumstance __.

point 5. 관계부사 1. when, where, why, how 는 관계 부사라고 하며 that 로 대 신 쓸 수 있다. 2. 선행사를 수식하는 형용사절을 이끈다. 3. the way how 에서 선행사 the way 나 관계부사 how 중 어느 하나는 반드시 생략 되어야 한다. 예 ) Now is the time when(/that) we have to go home. Home is a place where(/that) they feel safe and secure We didn't know the reason why(/that) he came to the earth. That was how(/that) we met each other.

예제 5) It's a place _________ many occurrences take place. (A) where (B) when (C) why (D) how

point 6. 복합 관계 부사 (1) 관계부사 +ever 즉 whenever, wherever, however 를 복 합관계부사라고 한다. (2) whenever 는 any time when, wherever 는 any place where 의 의미를 지닌다. (3) whenever, wherever, however 가 ‘no matter when/where/how’ 의 의미를 나타내는 양보의 부사절을 만 드는 경우가 있다. 예 ) Whenever he goes out, he takes his dog with him. I will follow you wherever you go. Whenever you may come, you can get it. Wherever you may go, I will follow you. However hard he may work, he will never succeed.

예제 6) ___________ you may call on him, you'll find him reading something. (A) However (B) Though (C) But (D) Whenever 예제 7) _________ team wins tonight will go to the finals. (A)Whichever (B) Which (C) Whose (D) Whatever

point 7. 유사 관계 대명사 (1) 접속사인 as, but than 이 관계대명사의 역할을 하는 경우 가 있다. (2) as 와 than 은 [...as... as...], [..such...as...], [..the same...as...], [... 비교급...than...] 과 같이 상관구문으로 쓰인다. (3) but 은 that..not.. 의 의미로 쓰인다. 예 ) As many children as came here were given presents. Try to read such books as will benefit you. This is the same story as I heard long ago. He was late for school, as is often the case with him. He has more dictionaries than are needed.( 주어 ) There is no rule but has exceptions.( 주어 ) =There is no rule that does not have exceptions.

* 괄호 안에 들어갈 적합한 관계부사나 관계대명사를 적어 넣으시오. 6. I recently went back to the town ( ) I was born. 7. I haven't seen them since the year ( ) they got married. 8. There is no one in the world ( ) sometimes makes errors. 9. Jane works for a company, ( ) makes shoes. 10. My brother Jim, ( ) lives in New York, is a teacher.

예제 7) My wife spends more money ______ I earn. (A) than (B) as (C) but (D) which