문경대학문경시 간호학과 解 剖 學 (Anatomy) Ch 10 Reproductive system.


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Presentation transcript:

문경대학문경시 간호학과 解 剖 學 (Anatomy) Ch 10 Reproductive system

Female reproductive system Ovary Genital organ Accessory sex gland External genital organ

OvaryLigaments Suspensory ligament Proper ovarian ligament Broad ligament Blood supply of ovary Abdominal aorta->ovarian a.

Structure of ovary 표면 Germinal epithelium Tunica albuginea( 백색막 white covering) 실질CortexMedulla

Ovarian follicles Primordial follicle 발생 3 개월 ~ 사춘기 이전까지 Growing follicle FSH(follicular stimulating hormone) Primordial follicle->Primary follicle Zonal pellucida Granulosa cell Secondary follicle->antrum 형성 Mature/Graafian follicle

Ovarian follicles Primordial follicle Growing follicle Mature/Graafian follicle 최대한 성숙한 난포 ->LH surge-> 배란 (ovulation) ->corpus luteum;estrogen/progesterone 생성 ->corpus albicans

Oogenesis Primordial germ cell Oogonium Primary oocyte Secondary oocyte First/secondary polar body

Fertilization & implantation

Female genital organ Fallopian(uterine) tube; 난자를 잡아 채고, 수정 장소, 연동운동 Infundibulun-fimbriaeAmpullaIsthmusUterusVagina

Female genital organ Fallopian(uterine) tube Uterus Part of uterus Fundus,Body,cervix Uterine ligament Broad lig. Cardinal(transverse cervical) lig. Uterosacral lig. Vagina

Female genital organ Fallopian(uterine) tube Uterus position of uterus AntevestionAnteflexionRetroversionRetroflexionVagina

Female genital organ Fallopian(uterine) tube Uterus wall of uterus EndometriumMyometriumPerimetriumVagina

Endometrial menstrual cycle 28 일 주기 Menstrual phase Proliferative phase ↕ LH surge,Ovulation ↕ Secretory phase

Female genital organ Fallopian(uterine) tube UterusVagina7~9cm Nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithlium

Female accessory sex organ Vestibular gland = Bartholin's gland 남성의 Cowper's gland 와 상동기관 Paraurethral gland = Skene's gland 남성의 Prostate 와 상동기관

Female accessory sex organ Vestibular gland = Bartholin's gland 남성의 Cowper's gland 와 상동기관 Paraurethral gland = Skene's gland 남성의 Prostate 와 상동기관

Female genital organ Mons pubis Clitoris=glans Labium major=scrotum Labium minor=median raphe Hymen

Mammary gland NippleAreola Gland lobules Lactiferous duct/sinus Suspensory ligament(Cooper's ligament)

Male genital organ Testis Genital duct Accessory sex gland Mela external genital organ

Male genital organ -Testis -Testis Scrotum 내에 위치 androgen 생성 4 겹의 막 External spermatic fascia ↔ external oblique m. ↔ external oblique m. Cremasteric m. &fascia ↔ internal oblique m. ↔ internal oblique m. Internal spermatic fascia ↔ transverse m. ↔ transverse m. Tunica vaginalis ↔ peritoneum ↔ peritoneum

Male genital organ -Testis -Testis Scrotum 내에 위치 androgen 생성 4 겹의 막 External spermatic fascia ↔ external oblique m. ↔ external oblique m. Cremasteric m. &fascia ↔ internal oblique m. ↔ internal oblique m. Internal spermatic fascia ↔ transverse m. ↔ transverse m. Tunica vaginalis ↔ peritoneum ↔ peritoneum

Male genital organ-Testis Cryptorchidism 잠복고환 -> 악성 종양, 사춘기이전 제거

Male genital organ-Testis Tunica albuginea SeptumLobule Seminiferous tubule Sertoli's cell- 정자 활성화 Leydig's cell-testosterone

Male genital organ-Testis Sertoli's cell- 정자 활성화 Leydig's cell-testosterone

Male genital organ-Testis Testicular artery<-abdominal aorta Venous drainge Pampiniform plexus -> Right testicular v.->inferior vena cava -> left testicular v.->left renal v.

Spermatogenesis 3 단계 Spermatocytogenesis; 정모세포 발생 Spermatidogenesis; 정자세포 형성 Spermiogenesis; 정자 형성

Male genital duct & accessory sex gland Seminiferous tubule Rete testis Epididymis 정자 성숙, 운동능력 획득 Vas deferens & spermatic cord Seminal vesicle Prostate gland Bulbourethral gland

Male genital duct & accessory sex gland Seminiferous tubule Epididymis Vas deferens & spermatic cord 정자 이동 통로 Seminal vesicle 알카리성 액체 -> 정자 이동 매체 / 영양공급 Prostate gland Bulbourethral gland

Male genital duct & accessory sex gland Seminiferous tubule Epididymis Vas deferens & spermatic cord Seminal vesicle Prostate gland 약염기성 액체 Bulbourethral gland

Male genital duct & accessory sex gland Seminiferous tubule Epididymis Vas deferens & spermatic cord Seminal vesicle Prostate gland Bulbourethral gland Cowper's gland 윤활유 역할

Male external genital organ PenisGlans Corpus spingiosum Corpus cavernosum Buck's fascia Scrotum 고환 온도 ↓-> 정자생산 원활

