용서의 기술 Forgive to Live 창세기 Genesis 45:8. A man took a shower at his home. There was no soap and he complained to his wife. They fought and lived in separate.


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Presentation transcript:

용서의 기술 Forgive to Live 창세기 Genesis 45:8

A man took a shower at his home. There was no soap and he complained to his wife. They fought and lived in separate rooms for seven months and did not talk to each other while they ate. What did they need? They needed to forgive each other. Why should we forgive? We have to forgive others to live. I hope that you be like Joseph and learn to forgive.

1/3 용서를 준비하라. Be Prepared to Forgive.

Always be prepared to forgive. There was a famine in the world. Jacob told his sons to get food from Egypt. Joseph met his brothers that sold him to slavery there. However, his brothers didn’t recognize him. At first, Simeon was held hostage and was told to bring Benjamin to Egypt. Second, Benjamin was innocently caught stealing Joseph’s silver cup.

Why was Joseph giving his brothers a hard time? Was Joseph plotting revenge against his brothers? No, Joseph was not plotting revenge against his brothers who sold him into slavery. If he wanted that, he would have killed them all cruelly. But he didn’t. Joseph wanted to solve the problem between his brothers.

창세기 Genesis 44:1 요셉이 집 관리인에게 명령하였다. " 저 사람들이 가지고 갈 수 있을 만 큼 많이, 자루에 곡식을 담으시오. 그들이 가지고 온 돈도 각 사람의 자루 아귀에 넣으시오. 아멘. Now Joseph gave these instructions to the steward of his house : "Fill the men's sacks with as much food as they can carry, and put each man's silver in the mouth of his sack. Amen.

Joseph cared about his brothers. He wanted them to come again by returning all the money that the brothers paid for food. Would someone who is plotting revenge do this? If Joseph’s identity was blown, his brothers would have lied to their father and never go to Egypt again. Joseph was only trying to tell the truth to his father and Benjamin. That was why Joseph told his brothers to send Benjamin.

Joseph never dreamed of revenge. He dreamed of forgiveness. If you get revenge on another, it is not Christian-like. You should always be prepared to forgive like Joseph.

2/3 변해야 용서할 수 있다. Change Yourself to Forgive. Why did Joseph give away his identity if we were only going to tell the truth to his father and Benjamin?

창세기 Genesis 44:33 그러니, 저 아이 대신에 소인을 주인 어른의 종으로 삼아 여기에 머물러 있 게 해주시고, 저 아이는 그의 형들과 함께 돌려보내 주시기를 바랍니다. 아 멘. "Now then, please let your servant remain here as my lord's slave in place of the boy, and let the boy return with his brothers. Amen.

The reason Joseph wanted to keep Benjamin was because Joseph wanted to tell the truth only to Benjamin. Joseph wanted to tell Benjamin because they had the same mother, Rachel. Joseph thought that Benjamin would be harassed by his brothers after Joseph was sold to slavery. Judah sacrificed himself for Benjamin. He was willing to be a slave instead of Benjamin. Joseph then knew that his brothers changed after Joseph was sold. So, he identified himself to his brothers.

창세기 Genesis 42:21 그 들이 서로 말하였다. " 그렇다 ! 아우 의 일로 벌을 받는 것이 분명하다 ! 아 우가 우리에게 살려 달라고 애원할 때 에, 그가 그렇게 괴로워하는 것을 보면 서도, 우리가 아우의 애원을 들어 주지 않은 것 때문에, 우리가 이제 이런 괴 로움을 당하는구나." 아멘. They said to one another, "Surely we are being punished because of our brother. We saw how distressed he was when he pleaded with us for his life, but we would not listen; that's why this distress has come upon us. " Amen.

We have to forgive to live. Because of their sin, the brothers had a really hard time. For 22 years, the brothers thought whenever there was a disaster, it was because they sold Joseph. After Joseph saw his brothers’ changes, he cried.

창세기 Genesis 45:2 한참 동안 울었다. 그 울음 소리가 어찌나 크던지 밖으로 물러난 이집 트 사람들에게도 들리고, 바로의 궁에도 들렸다. 아멘. And he wept so loudly that the Egyptians heard him, and Pharaoh's household heard about it. Amen.

Joseph told his servants to leave. He wept loudly that many people heard. Joseph forgave his brothers because they changed. When others change, you should forgive them. If Joseph plotted revenge, he would have been a killer. Joseph thought that his brothers changed, but however, he was the one that changed the most. Joseph had become a man of forgiveness. I hope that you change like Joseph and learn to forgive.

3/3 하나님의 섭리를 믿으라. Believe in God’s Providence. God’s providence is God's intervention in the world. God manages the whole world. God also manages my life. There are hard times in life. The suffering is probably given to you because it is necessary.

If Joseph was not sold in slavery, his whole family would have starved to death. If Joseph did not go to jail, he would not have become the Prime Minister to save his family. All these things were all provided through God. Joseph lived in Egypt alone for 22 years, but amazingly, he did not forget his language and religion. Joseph worshipped God even though he and his wife believed in different things.

Joseph said that his brothers did not have to ask for forgiveness because it was all God’s Providence. Joseph told his brothers that it was not their fault. He had nothing to forgive.

창세기 Genesis 45:8 그러므로 실제로 나를 이리로 보낸 것 은 형님들이 아니라 하나님이십니다. 하나님이 나를 이리로 보내셔서, 바로 의 아버지가 되게 하시고, 바로의 온 집안의 최고의 어른이 되게 하시고, 이집트 온 땅의 통치자로 세우신 것입 니다. 아멘. "So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God. He made me father to Pharaoh, lord of his entire household and ruler of all Egypt. Amen.

Joseph says here to his brothers,” You sold me here, but you did not sell me here. It was God’s plan.” Through forgiveness, “because of you” becomes “because of God.” Complaints become thanks. Joseph changed “because of my brothers” into “because of God.”

Saint Patrick's Day Patrick was born in Roman Britain in the fourth century, into a wealthy Romano-British family. His father was a deacon and his grandfather was a priest in the Christian church. At the age of sixteen, he was kidnapped by Irish raiders and taken captive to Ireland as a slave. he was told by God in a dream to flee from captivity to the coast, where he would board a ship and return to Britain. Upon returning, he quickly joined the Church in Auxerre in Gaul and studied to be a priest. In 432, he again said that he was called back to Ireland, though as a bishop, to Christianize the Irish from their native polytheism. After nearly thirty years of evangelism, he died on 17 March 461.

If you believe in God, you can forgive others. Change your “because of you” into a “because of God’’. This is how you forgive. I hope you change yourself first, and forgive others. 너 때문에 → 하나님 때문에