㈜토쿠주코리아 서울특별시 구로구 구로중앙로 210( 구로동 ) 제일빌딩 2F PHONE : FAX : The equipments are offered under.


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Presentation transcript:

㈜토쿠주코리아 서울특별시 구로구 구로중앙로 210( 구로동 ) 제일빌딩 2F PHONE : FAX : The equipments are offered under the collaboration with Tokuju Corporation, Japan Powder Processing & Handling Equipment 1 Grinding Mill Series Super-Fine Grinding Mill Attritor

㈜토쿠주코리아 서울특별시 구로구 구로중앙로 210( 구로동 ) 제일빌딩 2F PHONE : FAX : The equipments are offered under the collaboration with Tokuju Corporation, Japan Powder Processing & Handling Equipment 2 Attritor 는 전통적인 분쇄기를 대체하는 고효율의 초미쇄 습식 분쇄기임. Batch type Attritor 는 10 배 이상의 원료 처리 능력이 있으며, 연속식 (Continuous type) Attritor 는 batch type 보다 몇배 더 향상된 처리 능력이 있슴. Attritor 는 ball mill 보다 휠씬 많은 수량의 소형 ball 을 사용할 수 있음.

㈜토쿠주코리아 서울특별시 구로구 구로중앙로 210( 구로동 ) 제일빌딩 2F PHONE : FAX : The equipments are offered under the collaboration with Tokuju Corporation, Japan Powder Processing & Handling Equipment 3 Attritor 는 ball 운동에 이상적인 조건을 제공하며, 고효율 분쇄 운전에도 불구하고 각 부품의 마모는 현저히 줄어 들었음. Attritor 는 미립자 크기로 분쇄함에도 불구하고 분쇄 속도가 매우 빠름. Attritor 는 급격한 입자 크기 분산 곡선을 제공함. Media Movement Media Direction Of Rotation Arm Media (Ceramic) X 5 1mm 0.2mm

㈜토쿠주코리아 서울특별시 구로구 구로중앙로 210( 구로동 ) 제일빌딩 2F PHONE : FAX : The equipments are offered under the collaboration with Tokuju Corporation, Japan Powder Processing & Handling Equipment 4 Attritor : Ball 운동에 이상적인 조건을 제공함. 각 부품의 마모가 훨씬 적음. 고효율의 분쇄 운전을 제공함. 분쇄 속도가 훨씬 빠름. 급격한 입자크기분산곡선을 제공함. 동일한 분산. 점성이 높은 원료도 분쇄가 가능 온도조절과 입자크기 분류가 용이함. 원료분쇄중의 오염을 최소화 함. 밀폐된 상태에서 tank 로 운전이 가능함.

㈜토쿠주코리아 서울특별시 구로구 구로중앙로 210( 구로동 ) 제일빌딩 2F PHONE : FAX : The equipments are offered under the collaboration with Tokuju Corporation, Japan Powder Processing & Handling Equipment 5 Attritor : 특별한 기술이 필요치 않으며 조작이 매우 안전함 소음이 없어 매우 조용함. 전력소비가 적음. 좁은 공간에도 설치가 가능함. 유지비가 적음. 다양한 종류의 원료를 분쇄할 수 있음. 세척이 용이함. Holding Tank Attritor Circulation Pump Circulation System

㈜토쿠주코리아 서울특별시 구로구 구로중앙로 210( 구로동 ) 제일빌딩 2F PHONE : FAX : The equipments are offered under the collaboration with Tokuju Corporation, Japan Powder Processing & Handling Equipment 6 Agitator Grinding Principle of Batch Type (Batch Type 분쇄 원리 ) Bottom Discharging Valve Circulation Pump Surface of moving ball Surface of Slurry Grinding Tank Cooling Water Outlet Cooling Water Inlet Agitator Arms Liquid Outlet Circulation Pipe

㈜토쿠주코리아 서울특별시 구로구 구로중앙로 210( 구로동 ) 제일빌딩 2F PHONE : FAX : The equipments are offered under the collaboration with Tokuju Corporation, Japan Powder Processing & Handling Equipment 7 Attritor 는 다양한 모델이 있음. models : Batch type (S type) : 고속 연속형 (NS type) : 점성이 높은 원료용 연속형 (C type) : 건조작업형 (D type) : 소형 media 를 위한 소형 순환형 (SC type) : 대형 순환형 (MQ type) S type MQ type C type D type NS type SC type

㈜토쿠주코리아 서울특별시 구로구 구로중앙로 210( 구로동 ) 제일빌딩 2F PHONE : FAX : The equipments are offered under the collaboration with Tokuju Corporation, Japan Powder Processing & Handling Equipment 8 Industry( 산업 ) Food Industry : Cosmetic & Medicines : Agriculture : Rubber Industry : Metal & Super-hard alloy : Ferrite industry : Powder Metallurgy : Ceramics industry : Dyestuffs and Pigments : Paper industry and related Ink industry : Paint industry : Others : Product( 제품 ) Chocolate, Syrup, Dry powder food, Sugar Cosmetic & Medicines : Various cosmetic & Medicines Insecticide, herbicide (weed killer) Rubber filler, Sulphur Calcium carbonate of tangsten and cobalt mixture, superhard alloy, Metallic catalyst, Oxide of metals. Aluminum film and powder Hard ferrite, Soft ferrite, Ferrite for audio tape, Ferrite for video tape Dispersion reinforced alloy Material of condenser, thermister, piezoelectric element. Dyestuffs and pigments, Carbon, Fluorescent pigments, Coating material to carbon paper, Coatings for lustrous paper, Coating for no-carbon paper, Coating for adhesive paper, Clay refining, Oxide of calcium. Newspaper ink, Gravure ink, Other variety of ink. Swelling coal paints, electrodepositing paint, paint for metals, water proof paint, ship-bottom paint, paint for building material, other paints. Crayon, Coal, Resins, Caustic Soda, Carborundum. Applications ( 적용 )

㈜토쿠주코리아 서울특별시 구로구 구로중앙로 210( 구로동 ) 제일빌딩 2F PHONE : FAX : The equipments are offered under the collaboration with Tokuju Corporation, Japan Powder Processing & Handling Equipment 9 TYPE AND MODEL Type S (for batch process) 210S100S60S30S15S10SIS0 1 Tank capacity (L) Max. Processingcapacity (L) for Steel ball for flint stone and cermic Ball charge (L) steel ball Flint stone & ceramic Agitator speed (r.p.m.)56 / 1468 / 1780 / / / / (93 ~ 315 / 112 ~ 450) (same as left) Main motor Output (KW)37 / 1111 / 37.5 / / Number of pole (P)2/844 Reduction gear Worm gear Ringcone 1 / 201 / 151 / 10 Specification : Type S 1 / 2

㈜토쿠주코리아 서울특별시 구로구 구로중앙로 210( 구로동 ) 제일빌딩 2F PHONE : FAX : The equipments are offered under the collaboration with Tokuju Corporation, Japan Powder Processing & Handling Equipment 10 TYPE AND MODEL Type S (for batch process) 210S100S60S30S15S10SIS0 1 Type of standard pump1Q6VP1Q4VP1Q3VP Viking ・ FV Electric motor for standard pump (KW) Floor area for installation (separately located parts excluded)XXXXXXXX (mm x mm) Height of installed machine (mm) ( 2400) 1800 (1040 ) Weight ( excepting separately located parts) (kg) Weight of control panel (kg) Classification by production scaleLarge production machine Medium production machine Test machine Lab. Machine Specification : Type S 2 / 2