CKS 5TH GM 10/10/14 Dwinelle 160.


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Presentation transcript:

CKS 5TH GM 10/10/14 Dwinelle 160

MEETINGS General Meeting: Every Friday 7pm, Dwinelle 160 Staff Meeting: Every Sunday 7pm, Barrows 50 GM Meeting: Every Tuesday 9pm, Contact VP




Hong Kong Democracy Protests

What is happening in Hong Kong? Democratization protest ongoing since September 2014 Why are these people protesting?

What is a democracy? A form of government where the people participate in the decision-making process Historic examples: Athens, Rome U.S., France-spreads to the rest of the world 15th amendment 19th amendment US: 1765 France: 1789

Back to Hong Kong… Originally part of China, but colonized by China as result of the First Opium War (1842). Returned to China by Great Britain on July 1997 Current population of 7,234,800 Economic powerhouse, especially finance Popular vacation destination “Special Administrative Region”

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: Separate constitution, the “Basic Law”-One nation, two systems Allows its own legal and financial system, grants civil liberties such as rights to protest, freedom of press, etc. Constitution states that ultimate goal is “universal suffrage” but no details Source: Hunt, Katie. "Hong Kong Protests: What You Need to Know." CNN World. September 30, 2014. five-things/.

Hong Kong What sparked the protest What happened so far The new election reform will allow electoral college to elect candidates for the Chief Executive , but only ones chosen by Beijing What happened so far Protests starting September 2014, citizens have peacefully occupied the Central Government Bloc and city streets Tear gas has been used in the process Hong Kong government called off talks after citizen leaders encouraged supporters to keep their occupation Before: elected by 1200 selected electoral college, but candidates did not have to be chosen by Beijing

Hong Kong What do protesters want: Leung Chun-ying’s removal and the reversal of Beijing’s Aug. 31 decision to essentially pre-select two or three candidates for Hong Kong’s Chief Executive elections in 2017

Democracy in the U.S. Robert A. Dahl: Multilateral System-The people do not rule, but neither do the social and economic elite G. William Domhoff: The social and economic elite consciously control society through a well-established social network and economic power Fred L. Block: “Ruling Class” does not consciously rule, but state managers will act according to the way that will best expand their power, usually pro-capitalist ways Robert Dahl: Yale Domhoff: UC Santa Cruz Block: UC Davis, Marxist Common argument?

Democracy in the U.S Conclusion: No sociologist above believes that the people rule the U.S.

Democracy in South Korea Excessive Democracy? or Democracy Sunk? That is up to you to decide.

Thank You


1960s: Korea’s first APT


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APT in Contemporary Korea

“사람 보관용 콘크리트 캐비닛.”(이외수) “집 뒤 댓바람에 잠이 들었다가 대문으로 밀려오는 강바람에 눈을 떴던 선조들과달리 우리는 아파트라는 건조한 투기장에서 자고 일어난다.” (이문재) “공간의 양상은 인간의 행태를 그대로 규정한다.” (Henry Lefebre)

Advantages of apartment Solution to crowding Population 10,464,051 in 2013 도대체 왜 많은 사람들이 아파트를 선호하고 좋다고 얘기할까요? 첫째—많은 사람들이 너도나도 서울에 사려고 몰려들죠 2013년만 해도 서울 인구가 거의 천오십만명이었고 사람들이 점점 더 도시로 이사하는 상황에서 그 많은 사람들이 좁은 공간에서 같이 살아야 되는데 다들 개인주택에 살 수 없겠죠 그래서 높게 지을 수 있는 아파트가 생기면서 더 많은 사람들이 한 장소에 살 수 있게 된거죠

Advantages of apartment Community Closeness (distance and relations) 굉장히 많은 사람들이 같은 건물안에 살면서 이루어지는 아파트 공동체 또한 아파트의 장점이라고 할 수 있다 같은 공동체에 사는 이웃을 이웃사촌, 즉 가족이라고 생각한다. 이웃이 매우 가까운 거리에 살고 있기때문에 정말 convenient한 점들이 많다 또 아파트 단지에서 관심사가 비슷한 사람들끼리 모임을 만들 수 있다 예를 들어서 어린 아이를 키우는 주부들의 모임 아이들은 특히 친구들이 많은 곳에서 사는 것을 좋아함: 한 단지안에서 친구들과 놀고 생활할수 있습니다. 또한 한국 사람들은 다른 나라 사람들에 비해 고립불안을 많이 느낀다고 아주대학교 심리학과 교수가 말했는데요 아파트 생활을 하면 살아가는 방식이 비슷하기 때문에 동질감을 느끼면서 안심을 한다