Computer Graphics 한신대학교 컴퓨터공학부 류승택 2015년 2학기
강의 소개 담당교수: 류승택 (60주년 기념관 18407호) 대상: 한신대학교 컴퓨터공학부 3학년 대상: 한신대학교 컴퓨터공학부 3학년 기간: 2015. 9. ~ 2015. 12. 시간 및 강의실 ( 60주년기념관 18422호) A반 매주 월 1-2교시(9:30~10:45), 수 3-4교시(11:00~12:15) B반 매주 월 3-4교시(11:00~12:15), 수 1-2교시(9:30~10:45) 교재 온라인 강의 노트 활용 강의 교재 Hearn & Baker, Computer Graphics with OpenGL, Prentice Hall OpenGL Architecture Review Board, Dave Shreiner, Mason Woo, Jackie Neider, Tom Davis, OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, 5th Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2005
강의 평가 (CourseWork) 시험(Exam) : 50% 과제(Programming Assignment) : 40% 중간(25%), 기말 (25%) 과제(Programming Assignment) : 40% 예시) 강의내용에 따라 변경 가능 과제(Assignment) 1: 영상처리 (10%) 과제 2: 모델링 및 렌더링 (10%) 과제 3: 가상환경 구축 및 탐색 (20%) 출석(Class Participation) : 10%
Graphics Programming Graphics Programming C, C++ Programming language Hardware Independent Graphics Library (OpenGL) Graphics primitives, attributes, geometric transformations viewing transformations, and many other operations OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) Handle the window-managing operations OpenGL User Interface Library(GLUI) a GLUT-based C++ user interface library which provides controls such as buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, and spinners to OpenGL applications.
What is Computer Graphics ? Humans Communicate well with images 1/3 of our brain is devoted to visual processing A picture is worth a thousand words WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) paradigm Definition : Picture style I/O technology involving the creation manipulation storing and display of pictures with the aid of computer Numerical data Picture (Image) data input output
What is Computer Graphics ? What is CG? Imaging : Representing 2D images Modeling : Representing 3D objects Rendering : Constructing 2D images from 3D objects Animation : Simulating changes over time
Images What is an image? Compositing Resampling the greenscreen photography What is an image? Compositing Resampling the CG Titanic the 'miniature' water and foam
Modeling Triangle meshes Surfaces Solids Procedural modeling
Rendering 3D Rendering Pipeline Shading & Shadows Illumination Texture mapping Ray tracing
Animation Keyframing Motion Capture Kinematics Dynamics