Prayer Attendance Homework.


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Presentation transcript:

Prayer Attendance Homework

Nervous System Ms. Doshi

Organization of the Vertebrae Nervous System There are 3 types of neurons: Sensory neurons (감각 신경) Sensory neurons (afferent neurons) transmit (전송) impulses from sensory organs (ex: the eye and the ear) to the brain and spinal cord. Motor neurons (운동 뉴런) Motor neuron (efferent or effector neurons) transmit impulses from the brain and spinal cord to muscles or glands. Interneurons (의 interneurons) Interneurons (association neurons) join together sensory and motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord, and process neural output (공정 신경 출력).

3 Types of Neurons 3 types of neurons: Sensory neurons (감각 신경) Motor neurons (운동 뉴런) Interneurons (의 interneurons)

Nerves Nerves Organized bundles (조직 번들) of axons covered (적용) by connective tissue (결합 조직). Transmit (전송) impulses (전기 자극) over long distances. Named according to (에 따라) type of neuron. Examples: sensory nerves and motor nerves.

Mixed Nerves Have both sensory and motor neurons. Conduct impulses in either direction (어느 방향). Cell bodies of mixed nerves join together to form ganglia. Ganglia coordinate (좌표 Verb: 대등하게 하다) activities in the nervous system. Ganglia in the brain or spinal cord are called nuclei.

Questions 6

Organisation of the Nervous System Memorize

Organisation of the Nervous System B C D F E H G

CNS: Brain Brain Outer part has nerve cell bodies (gray matter) Inner part has axons (white matter) Has 3 parts: forebrain midbrain hindbrain

Forebrain: Structure Telencephalon Cerebrum (center part) Right and left hemispheres joined by the corpus callosum Each hemisphere has 4 lobes: parietal, temporal, occipital, and frontal. Cerebral cortex (largest part of the human brain) Contains olfactory lobe Diencephalon Contains thalamus and hypothalamus

4 Lobes of Each Hemisphere

Forebrain: Structure a b c g d f e

Forebrain Telencephalon Cerebral cortex Processes and integrates sensory input and motor response. 프로세스 및 감각 입력 및 모터 응답을 통합 Controls memory and creative thought. 제어 메모리와 창조적 인 생각 . Olfactory lobe Centre for reception and integration of olfactory input. 리셉션과 후각 입력 의 통합을위한 센터 . Diencephalon Thalamus Relay and integration center (릴레이 및 통합 센터) for the spinal cord and cerebral cortex. Hypothalamus Controls visceral functions (내장 기능을 제어) such as hunger, thirst, sex drive, water balance, pain, blood pressure, and temperature regulation. Links the nervous and endocrine systems.

Questions 7

Midbrain Relay center for visual and auditory impulses. 시각 및 청각 자극 에 대한 릴레이 센터 . Sends sensory information to the forebrain. 전뇌 에 감각 정보 를 전송합니다.

Hindbrain Posterior part of the brain. All higher sensory neurons and motor neurons pass through the hindbrain. Consists of the cerebellum, the pons, and the medulla oblongata.

Hindbrain: Cerebellum Functions: Coordinates and modulates motor impulses into unconscious coordination of movement. 좌표 와 운동의 의식이 조정 에 모터 충동을 변조한다. Hand-eye coordination. Maintain posture and balance. 자세와 균형을 유지.

Hindbrain: Pons Functions: Relay center(중계 센터) for cortical fibers to the cerebellum. Has nuclei (ganglia) that regulate (규제 Verb: 규정하다) the respiratory centers in the medulla oblongata.

Hindbrain: Medulla Oblongata Function: Controls autonomic, homeostatic activities such as breathing, heart rate, and gastrointestinal activity.

CNS: Spinal Cord Continues with the brain stem. Nearly all nervous tissue innervating viscera (에 분포하는 의 내장을) and muscle, below the head, pass through the spinal cord. The spinal cord integrates simple motor responses (reflexes) and relays information to and from the brain. 척수 는 간단한 모터 응답 ( 반사 )를 통합하고 및 뇌 에서 정보를 릴레이합니다.

Spinal Cord White matter Gray matter Contains motor and sensory axons. Contains interneurons and cell bodies of motor neurons.

Sensory Root Nerve Fibers vs. Motor Root Nerve Fibers Relay information to the spinal cord Enter the spinal cord dorsally. Their cell bodies are outside the spinal cord in the dorsal root ganglia. Motor root nerve fibers: Connect with the spinal cord ventrally. Their cell bodies are inside the spinal cord

Questions 8