외국인과 대화를~~ 대학에서 교환학생을~~


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Presentation transcript:

외국인과 대화를~~ 대학에서 교환학생을~~ 창극합창단에 의해 공연되는 첫 번째 장면은 흥부를 그의 집 밖으로 놀부를 내쫓는 놀부를 보여줄 것입니다.

93쪽 2번 Words & Phrases state 2. semi-sleep 3. armchair 4. plate 5. fall asleep 6. awaken 7. immediately 7. dreamlike 9. illustrate 10. persistence 11. melt 12. represent 13. relativity 14. unusual 15. visual 16. moment 17. seize

93쪽 2번 Words & Phrases 1. 상태 2. 반수면 3. 안락의자 4. 접시 5. 잠들다 6. 깨우다 1. 상태 2. 반수면 3. 안락의자 4. 접시 5. 잠들다 6. 깨우다 7. 곧바로 8. 꿈 같은, 몽롱한 9. 분명히 보여 주다 10. 고집; 지속 11. 녹다 12. 나타내다 13. 상대성 14. 색다른, 특이한 15. 시각의, 시각에 의한 16. 잠깐; 순간 17. 붙잡다, 포착하다

살바도르 달리

기억의 고집

93쪽 2번 Salvador Dali, call a great surrealist, used to get ideas for paintings from a state of semi-sleep. He’d sit(1) in an armchair and hold(2) a key over a plate on the floor. When he fell asleep, the sound of the key hit the plate would awaken him. Immediately, he’d sketch the strange images see in his dreamlike state. This type of strange image is well illustrated in The Persistence of Memory, one of his most famous works. In this painting, we can see the images of melt watches, which represent the relativity of space and time. Like Dali, we all have unusual visual experiences in the moments before we fall fully asleep. Dali simply developed a way to seize some of them.

94쪽 3번 Words & Phrases face 2. education/ educational 3. found 4. entrepreneur 5. address 6. enroll 7. currently 8. offer 9. certified 10. degree 11. admission 12. guideline potential 14. diploma equivalent 16. fluent 17. barrier

94쪽 3번 Words & Phrases 1. 직면하다 2. 교육/교육의 1. 직면하다 2. 교육/교육의 3. 설립하다; (...에) 근거를 두다 4. 사업가[기업가] 5. 연설하다; 처리하다, 다루다 6. 등록하다 7. 지금(은), 현재(는) 8. 제공하다 9. 보증된; 공인된 10. 정도; 학위 11. 입학 12. 지침 13. 가능성이 있는, 잠재적인 14. 졸업장, 증서 15. 동등물, (…에) 상당하는 것 16. 유창한 17. 장애물[장벽]

94쪽 3 People live in poor areas of the world often face difficulties when trying to gain a higher education. University of the People was founded by an Israeli educational entrepreneur name Shai Reshef to address this problem. It’s an online university available to people anywhere in the world. Hundreds of students from more than 50 different countries have already enrolled. Unfortunately, the university isn’t currently able to offer certified degrees, but it hopes to in the future. There is also the problem of its admission guidelines, which require potential students to have a high school diploma or the equivalent. They also must be fluent in English. This might be a barrier to many of the people want to improve their lives through University of the People.

Challenge Yourself! When he fell asleep, the sound of the key (hitting / hit) the plate would awaken him. Immediately, he’d sketch the strange images (seeing / seen) in his dreamlike state. This might be a barrier to many of the people (wanting / wanted) to improve their lives through University of the People.

1. 위대한 초현실주의자라고 불리는 살바도르 달리는 가수면 상태에서 그림에 대한 아이디어를 얻곤 했다. Salvador Dali, called a great surrealist, used to get ideas for paintings from a state of semi-sleep. 2. 이것이 University of the People를 통해 그들의 삶을 향상시키기를 원하는 사람들 중 많은 이들에게 장벽이 될지도 모른다. This might be a barrier to many of the people wanting to improve their lives through University of the People.

1. 위대한 초현실주의자라고 불리는 살바도르 달리는 가수면 상태에서 그림에 대한 아이디어를 얻곤 했다. 2. 이것이 University of the People를 통해 그들의 삶을 향상시키기를 원하는 사람들 중 많은 이들에게 장벽이 될지도 모른다.

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