This is test-example powerpoint presentation 지원자 조현진 2015.03.09
전남 외국어 고등학교 Social Network Program Dormitory Study Movies 홍보영상 Jeonnam F.H. Social Network Program Dormitory Study Movies 유네스코 협동학교 영어(2)/독일어(1)/ 프랑스어(1)/중국어(1) 기숙사 보유 외국어 집중 육성 홍보영상 국내외적으로 유네스코학교 학교 및 교사, 학생들과 교류할 수 있고 국제이해교육과 지속가능발전교육 분야의 다양한 자료를 우선적으로 제공받을 수 있다.
UNESCO Associated School Project Network 유네스코 협동학교 총회 한국 총251개교 활동 중 전 세계 181개국 9천여 개교가 가입,양질의 교육을 위한 시범 및 실험적 교육 활동을 수행하고 있다.
Short Jeonnam F.H. History 약력 소개 송백관 준공 132명 입학 현임 교장 부임 124명 입학 GROWTH We Born 95’ 교사 증축 이전 94’ 95’ 99’ 09.14’ 15’ If a picture paints a thousand words, then why can`t I paint you The words will never show the you I`ve come to know if a face could launch a thousand ships, then where am I to go There`s no one home but you You`re all that`s left me too And when my love for life is running dry, you come and pour yourself on me If a man could be two places at one time I`d be with you Tomorrow and today, beside you all the way If the world should stop revolving spinning slowly down to die, I`d spend the end with you And when the world was through, Then one by one the stars would all go out and you and I would simply fly away
Requirements of entrance examination 전남 외국어 고등학교 입시요강 Requirements of entrance examination 01 원서 및 서류접수 (인터넷, 학교) 2014.10.27.(월)~10.31.(금) 17:00 02 2단계 서류접수 (인터넷, 학교) 2014.11.04.(화)~11.10.(월) 17:00 03 최종 합격자 발표 2014. 11. 24.(월) 14:00 04 합격자 신고 및 예비교육 2014. 12. 12.(금) 13:00
This sub-title is example slide Insert Sub-Title This sub-title is example slide If a picture paints a housand words, then why can`t I aint you The words will never how the you I`ve come to know if a face could launch If a picture paints a housand words, then why can`t I aint you The words will never how the you I`ve come to know if a face could launch 02 04 analysis & investigation Organize and Plan Related Documents Sales and Market 01 If a picture paints a housand words, then why can`t I aint you The words will never how the you I`ve come to know if a face could launch 03 If a picture paints a housand words, then why can`t I aint you The words will never how the you I`ve come to know if a face could launch
This sub-title is example slide Insert Sub-Title This sub-title is example slide
This sub-title is example slide Insert Sub-Title This sub-title is example slide Description If a picture paints a thousand words, then why can`t I paint you The words will never show the you I`ve come to know if a face could launch a thousand ships, then where am I to go There`s Description Description If a picture paints a thousand words, then why can`t I paint you The words will never show the you I`ve come to know if a face could launch a thousand ships, then where am I to go There`s Description Description If a picture paints a thousand words, then why can`t I paint you The words will never show the you I`ve come to know if a face could launch a thousand ships, then where am I to go There`s Description Description Description If a picture paints a thousand words, then why can`t I paint you The words will never show the you I`ve come to know if a face could launch a thousand ships, then where am I to go There`s
This sub-title is example slide Insert Sub-Title This sub-title is example slide $ 12,500 $ 20,000 $ 1,500 $ 51,900 $ 33,800 If a picture paints a thousand words, then why can`t I paint you The words will never show the you I`ve come to know if a face could launch a thousand ships, then where am I to go There`s no one home but you You`re all that`s left me too And when my love for life is running dry, you come and pour yourself on me If a man could be two places at one time I`d be with you Tomorrow and today, beside you all the way If the world should stop revolving spinning slowly down to die, I`d spend the end with you And when the world was through, Then one by one the stars would all go out and you and I would simply fly away