PONIT 1 PONIT 2 관계대명사절은 순서대로 읽어라 관계대명사 who와 whom 1-1. 그 사람이 누구(who)냐고?


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Presentation transcript:

PONIT 1 PONIT 2 관계대명사절은 순서대로 읽어라 관계대명사 who와 whom 1-1. 그 사람이 누구(who)냐고? I have a friend who is tall and handsome. 「난 친구가 있는데, (그 친구가 뭐?) 키가 크고 잘 생겼어.」 1-2. 그 물건이 어떤(which) 것이냐고? You shouldn't mark up a book which isn't yours. 「표시를 하면 안 돼, 책에, (어떤 책에?) 자기 것이 아닌.」 PONIT 2 관계대명사 who와 whom 2-1. 사람 주격 관계대명사 : who A person who is in charge of a group is a head. (O) A person whom is in charge of a group is a head. (X) A person which is in charge of a group is a head. (X) 2-2. 사람목적격 관계대명사 : who(m) This is the woman whom I spoke of yesterday. (O) This is the woman who I spoke of yesterday. (O) This is the woman which I spoke of yesterday. (X)

PONIT 3 PONIT 4 관계대명사 which와 that 관계 대명사 whose 3-1. 사물 주격 관계대명사 The chair which[that] stands in the corner is mine. I went to a play which[that] is well-known on Broadway. 3-2. 사물 목적격 관계대명사 I went to the play which[that] Jade had praised. Have you ever read the book which[that] I wrote? PONIT 4 관계 대명사 whose 4-1. 그 여자의 남편 A widow is a woman whose husband is dead. 「과부가 어떤 여자냐면 자신의 남편이 죽은 사람이지.」 4-2. 친구의 아버지 I have a friend whose father is a senator. 「친구가 하나 있는데 그 친구의 아버지는 상원의원이야.」 4-3. 아들의 이름 Jay has a son whose name is Min-seun. 「제이는 아들이 하나 있지, 그의 이름은 민선!」 4-4. whose와 who's의 구별

PONIT 5 PONIT 6 PONIT 7 전치사 + 관계대명사 관계대명사절 ≒ 긴 분사 관계부사 The chair on which you are sitting is not safe. (O) The chair which you are sitting is not safe. (X) This is the house in which I live. (O) PONIT 6 관계대명사절 ≒ 긴 분사 6-1. 긴 현재분사와 유사한 경우 Don’t disturb the girl who remains calm. (관계대명사를 거친 긴 설명) ≒ Don’t disturb the girl remaining calm. (현재분사를 이용 한 긴 설명) 위의 ‘who remains calm’과 ‘remaining calm’은 모두 형용사 정보다. 6-2. 긴 과거분사와 유사한 경우 I will introduce a girl who is called Jade. (관계대명사를 거친 긴 설명) ≒ I will introduce a girl called Jade. (과거분사를 이용한 긴 설명) 위의 ‘who is called Jade’와 ‘called Jade’는 모두 형용사 정보다. PONIT 7 관계부사 7-1. 관계부사 when Wait till Sunday, when I will let you know everything. 「기다려, 일요일까지, 그 때는 내가 다 말해줄게.」

정답 정답 Review Review A. 괄호 안에서 둘 중 올바른 표현을 고르시오. 7-2. 관계부사where This is the town where I was born. 「이게 바로 그 도시야, (어떤 도시냐고?) 이 곳에서 내가 태어났지.」 Review A. 괄호 안에서 둘 중 올바른 표현을 고르시오. 1. I don’t like a woman (who, whom) talks so loud. 2. The girl (whom, whose) I met is a Korean-Japanese. 3. A person (who, when) looks sharp is very well dressed. 4. If we spent money on research now, we could develop plants (which, where) create their own fuel and burn their own waste. 정답 1. who, 2. whom, 3. who, 4. which Review B. 다음 문장의 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 관계대명사를 찾으시오. 1. I have a friend lives in New York. 2. I have a friend nobody like. 3. I have a friend mother is an actress. 정답 1. who, 2. who(m), 3. whose

정답 Review C. 다음 빈 칸에 알맞은 표현을 보기에서 고르시오. 1. I feel confident in recommending him for any position an employee with a very positive attitude. (a) that requires (b) which require (c) requires (d) requirement 2. One field of human activity photography is widely used is medicine. (a) when (b) which (c) where (d) who 3. You may have had frustrating times you planned your day and you tried to follow your schedule-only to have unexpected things such as a telephone call or a sudden visit. 4. Horace Pippin, wrist and arm were hurt badly in the First World War, nevertheless became an outstanding artist. (a) that (b) whose (c) for whom (d) of which 5. Croquet is a popular lawn game players hit wooden balls through wire arches called wickets. (a) when (b) which (c) is when (d) in which 정답 1. (a), 2. (c), 3. (a), 4. (b), 5. (d)