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현재분사 a sleeping baby = a baby who is sleeping

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Presentation on theme: "현재분사 a sleeping baby = a baby who is sleeping"— Presentation transcript:

1 현재분사 a sleeping baby = a baby who is sleeping
개념∥분사는 동사원형에 -ing를 붙인 현재분사와 -ed를 붙인 과거분사 (불규칙변화는 예외)로 나누어진다. 분사는 동사의 성질과 형용사의 성질을 갖기 때문에 목적어, 보어 등을 취하면서 형용사처럼 명사를 수식하거나 보어로 쓰이기도 한다. KEY POINT∥현재분사는 [동사원형-ing]의 형태로 능동의 의미로서 명사를 수식하며, “~하고 있는, ~하는”의 뜻이다. R3-4-22 a sleeping baby = a baby who is sleeping a dancing girl = a girl who is dancing

2 현재분사 동명사 a sleeping car → a car for sleeping
KEY POINT‖ 동명사와 현재분사: 명사를 수식하는 동명사는 목적을 나타낸다. 즉, “~하기 위한”의 뜻이다. 현재분사는 명사의 상태를 나타내기 때문에 “~하고 있는”의 뜻이다. 동명사 a sleeping car → a car for sleeping a smoking room → a room for smoking R3-4-22 현재분사 a sleeping baby → a baby who is sleeping a smoking man → a man who is smoking

3 1. a swimming girl 2. a swimming suit 3. a knitting needle
※ 동명사와 현재분사를 구별하시오. 1. a swimming girl 현재분사 2. a swimming suit 동명사 3. a knitting needle 동명사 4. a knitting woman 현재분사 5. a dancing girl 현재분사

4 6. a dancing teacher 7. a running track 8. a running water
※ 동명사와 현재분사를 구별하시오. 6. a dancing teacher (무용교사) 동명사 7. a running track 동명사 8. a running water 현재분사 9. a sewing cotton 동명사 10. a sewing woman 현재분사

5 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ※ 다음 중 문법적으로 올바른 것을 고르시오.
11. A (singing, sung) bird made me happy. ___ 12. He is reading a very (interesting, interested) book. ___ 13. I saw the house (burning, burnt) brightly. ___ 14. I found the house (burning, burnt) down. ___ 15. There were a lot of (breaking, broken) bottles on the road. ___

6 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ※ 다음 중 문법적으로 올바른 것을 고르시오.
16. Don't leave the baby (crying, cried). ___ 17. The box (holding, held) my old clothes was broken. ___ 18. I heard her (playing, played) the 'Moonlight Sonata'. ___ 19. I heard the 'Moonlight Sonata' (playing, played) by her. ___ 20. He stood there (watching, watched) the girl. ___

7 21. I hope Henry will not keep you (waiting, waited). ___
※ 다음 중 문법적으로 올바른 것을 고르시오. 21. I hope Henry will not keep you (waiting, waited). ___ 22. I'd like to drive a (washing, washed) car. ___ 23. I saw him (studying, studied) with his friends. ___ 24. The language (speaking, spoken) in England is English. ___ 25. I saw a bird (singing, sung) in the tree. ___

8 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ※ 다음 중 문법적으로 올바른 것을 고르시오.
21. I hope Henry will not keep you (waiting, waited). ___ 22. I'd like to drive a (washing, washed) car. ___ 23. I saw him (studying, studied) with his friends. ___ 24. The language (speaking, spoken) in England is English. ___ 25. I saw a bird (singing, sung) in the tree. ___

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