Korea University of Technology and Education Building Applications with arduino and nodejs Korea University of Technology and Education Jung-ki Kim (Email : kiki08kr@koreatech.ac.kr) November 12 , 2014
nodejs => arduino => nodejs Indeed we’ll connect 2 technologies to each other creating a kind of “loop of awesomeness”: nodejs => arduino => nodejs Board : arduino MEGA2560 OS : Windows 8 참조 : http://www.gianlucaguarini.com/blog/building-applications-with-arduino-and-nodejs/
Arduino board setup
Arduino board Programming buttonPin = 50; ledPin = 22;
Arduino board Programming
예제 설치방법 1. http://www.gianlucaguarini.com/blog/building-applications-with-arduino-and-nodejs/ 링크된 사이트에 들어가 그림에 표시된 곳에서 다운로드 후 압축을 푼다.
예제 설치방법 1.
예제 설치방법 2. npm install socket.io
npm install serialport 예제 설치방법 3. npm install serialport
예제 설치방법 4.
Node.js server (server.js) ‘Com4’ -> 현재 윈도우에 연결된 포트No.
Node.js server (server.js)
Frontend code (app.js)