What is statistics?.


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Presentation transcript:

What is statistics?

Statistics ? 2

Statistics is something complicated math; related to probability; related to numbers, tables & charts; applied to elections & polls.

Why do we need to learn? ?

Study statistics to get a good score ? to get a degree ? to get a good job ?

The answer might be "statistics is useful in our everyday life." How & Why ?

What is "statistics" ? Is that something related to probability?


"삼신할머니 랜덤 덕에 부모 잘 만나 세상 편하게 사는 남자, 저랑 놀 주제 못 됩니다” Boy, who enjoy the easy life owing to the random trial of Grandmother triads, is not match with me. "삼신할머니 랜덤 덕에 부모 잘 만나 세상 편하게 사는 남자, 저랑 놀 주제 못 됩니다”

“Solar eclipse and lunar eclipse are the matter of computation "월식이나 일식이나 어디까지 확률에 근거한 계산법이라 오차가 있을 수 있다" Monk Wol-chon: “Solar eclipse and lunar eclipse are the matter of computation methods based on probability. So there must be errors.” (Dialogue in Korean drama “Qeen Sonduck” depicting 6C history)

History of probability & statistics …… Europeans considered the idea of probability and errors only in 16th century, but we Korean knew the concept of PROBABILITY even in 6th century. How really wonderful, Korean is, or Korean drama is !

Potatoes in "주몽 (Jumong)" In Korean drama, we Korean had eaten potatoes before Columbus discovered the new world, and even earlier than the era of Jesus.

Then, what is "probability" ?

Forrest Gump: My momma always said, "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."

"Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." "Life is probabilistic (random)" Selection & Unknown outcome

Selection & Unknown outcome = Probabilistic (random)

"Random" means phenomena or being related to the phnomena in which outcome of a selection cannot be determined by the intention of the selector or people who have interest. "Probability" is the quantitative concept that explains the random phenomena.

종로 영동 청량리 을지로 He is considered to know the ends of the destinations that he will select. Not random (for him)!

How many times will they clap the scissors ? Is the number random ?

No, it's not random (for sellers) ! Because the number is determined by the intention of themselves. Yes, it's random to onlookers. Because onlookers do not determine the number of clapping.


Urn Transparent or Opaque ? The device that prevent the selectors from selecting by their intention.

In probabilistic thought, we assume two worlds. The one is the world we observed and the other is the world we wanted to observe.

two worlds

sample population

Sample : The set of elements that are observed. Population : The total set. The set we want to know. Only a part of population is observed.

observation sample

Statistics ?


Statistics : The way to see the characteristics of population based on the information obtained from sample.

probability sampling inference statistics probability vs. statistics

Why do we need statistics (inference) ? Just with partial observations, to draw general conclusion for all of population.

? All of the observed are black. All balls are black. observed unobserved ? All of the observed are black. All balls are black. statistics

The blind, they didn't know statistics, and they couldn't combine their partial information well. If they had known statistics, ….


實事求是 ? 實事求是 = scientific methodology 사실에 입각하여 진리를 탐구하려는 태도와 방법 The attitude and methodology that study the truth based on the reality, by doing experiments or by observing things, to get the correct answers and the right decisions. 實事求是 사실에 입각하여 진리를 탐구하려는 태도와 방법 즉 눈으로 보고 귀로 듣고 손으로 만져 보는 것과 같은 실험과 연구를 거쳐 아무도 부정할 수 없는 객관적 사실을 통하여 정확한 판단과 해답을 얻고자 하는 것이 실사구시이다. ? 實事求是 = scientific methodology

Statistics implements 實事求是.

STATISTICS is the main body of scientific methodology.

Thank you !!