상록수 Sangroksu (Evergreen) Words and Music by Kim MinKi
저 들에 푸르른 솔잎을 보라 돌보는 사람도 하나 없는데 Look out and see the lush pine tree in the field It stands lush and green Though no one cares for it
비바람 맞고 눈보라 쳐도 온 누리 끝까지 맘껏 푸르다 The rains and winds and blizzards may hit her but it stays blue on its own to the ends of the earth.
서럽고 쓰리던 지난날들도 다시는 다시는 오지 말라고 Wishing for the days of sorrow and pain to never come back ever again.
땀 흘리리라 깨우치리라 거칠은 들판에 솔잎 되리라 We will labor on We will enlighten ourselves We will become lush pine trees In a barren field
우리들 가진 것 비록 적어도 손에 손 맞잡고 눈물 흘리니 Though what we have may be small and little We will hold hand in hand and shed our tears together
우리 나갈 길 멀고 험해도 깨치고 나아가 끝내 이기리라 Our road ahead is long They are long and hard But we will be awake And we shall overcome
우리들 가진 것 비록 적어도 손에 손 맞잡고 눈물 흘리니 Though what we have may be small and little We will hold hand in hand and shed our tears together
우리 나갈 길 멀고 험해도 깨치고 나아가 끝내 이기리라 Our road ahead is long They are long and hard But we will be awake And we shall overcome