(Molecular Diagnostics and Mitochondrial Research Laboratory)


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Presentation transcript:

(Molecular Diagnostics and Mitochondrial Research Laboratory) 2011년 1분기 정리 화순전남대학교병원 미토콘드리아 연구실 (Molecular Diagnostics and       Mitochondrial Research Laboratory) http://www.mtdna.or.kr 2011. 04. 11 (월)

Potential new therapeutics Hematopoietic Stem cells Molecular Diagnostics and Mitochondrial research laboratory New molecular Pathophysiology Biomarkers Treatment Outcome MRD determination Potential new therapeutics Diagnosis Hematopoietic Stem cells Hematopoietic Ds Chronic Degenerative Diseases Cancer/Aging www.mtDNA.or.kr

정리 내용 연구원 동정 학술대회 참가 및 초록발표 Accepted manuscript 준비중인 SCI논문 연구과제 수행

2011년 mtDNA연구팀 연구원 동정 현재 신명근 교수님, 김혜란, 김환영, 김민영연구원 2010. 08. 01 김민영 연구원 실험실 합류 2010. 11. 17 안애자, 엄하영 선생님 논문 심사: 우수한 논문내용으로 통과 2010. 12. 01 오지연 연구원 여수전남병원 입사 2010. 12. 02~09 신명근 교수님, 미국 혈액학회 (올랜도, 미국) 참석 및 연제발표( 혈액학회 지원) 2010. 12. 16~18 김혜란 박사, 아시아미토콘드리아 학회 (큐슈, 일본)참석 및 연제발표 (BK21 사업단 지원) 2011.01.19 미토콘드리아 실험실 홈페이지 구축 (www.mtdna.or.kr) 2011.02.05 김환영 연구원 광주보건대학 전공심화과정 졸업 2011. 02.25 안애자, 엄하영 선생님 석사 졸업 2011.03.01 김혜란 박사님 BK 의생명 인력사업단 Post-Doc 3년차 재계약 2011. 03. 05 김민영 연구원 광주보건대학 전공심화과정 입학

2011 학술대회 참가 및 초록제출 1) Korea-Germany International Joint Symposium- 2011.03.04 화순전남대학교 병원 대강당 ‘Molecular diagnostics and mitochondrial research in cancer and chronic inflammatory diseases’ 2) 미토콘드리아허브제어연구센터 초청강의 - 2011.03.24 부산 동아의대 ‘Translational Mitochondrial Research in Hematopoietic and Chronic Inflammatory Diseases’ 3) 2011 ISLH, New Orleans, Louisiana (2011.5.6-8) - Mitochondrial DNA copy number and hnRNP A2/B1 protein are biomarkers for benzene itself-related toxicity and hematotoxicity - Metformin selectively kills the AML stem cells through increased phosphorylation of AMP-activated protein kinase - The spectrum of mitochondrial genome instability in acute myeloid leukemia and leukemia stem cells 4) 2011 IGCC, 서울 코엑스 (2011. 4.20-23) - Mitochondrial genome instability in barrett's esophagus associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species  

2011 Accepted manuscript 1) Multilocus Sequence Typing for Candida albicans Isolates from Candidemic Patients: Comparison with Southern Blot Hybridization and Pulsed-field Gel Electrophoresis Analysis. Korean J Lab Med. 2011 Apr;31(2):107-14 2) Donor cell origin of multiple myeloma occurring after allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in a patient with refractory anaemia with ring sideroblast. J Clin Pathol. 2011 Mar;64(3):265-8 3) 8p11 myeloproliferative syndrome with BCR-FGFR1 rearrangement presenting with T-lymphoblastic lymphoma and bone marrow stromal cell proliferation: A case report and review of the literature. Leuk Res. 2011 Jan 14. [Epub ahead of print] 4) Engineering and Visualization of Bacteria for Targeting Infarcted Myocardium. Mol Ther. 2011 Mar 1. [Epub ahead of print]

5) Genome-wide high density single-nucleotide polymorphism array-based karyotyping improves detection of clonal aberrations including der(9) deletion, but does not predict treatment outcomes after imatinib therapy in chronic myeloid leukemia. Ann Hematol. 2011 Mar 8. [Epub ahead of print] 6) Treatment outcome of all-trans retinoic acid/anthracycline combination chemotherapy and the prognostic impact of FLT3/ITD mutation in acute promyelocytic leukemia patients. Korean J Hematol. 2011 Mar;46(1):24-30 7) Biofilm formation and genotyping of Candida haemulonii, Candida pseudohaemulonii, and a proposed new species (Candida auris) isolates from Korea Med Mycol. 2011 Jan;49(1):98-102

2011 Submitted manuscript, under review Mitochondrial DNA copy number and hnRNP A2/B1 protein are biomarkers for direct exposure of benzene itself Environmental toxicology and chemistry(under review) Distinctive Hematological Abnormalities in East Asian Neonates and Children with Down Syndrome. Int J Lab Hematol. Nov 30, 2010 accepted (under publication) Spectra of Chromosomal Aberrations in 325 Leukemia Patients and Implications for the Development of New Molecular Detection Systems. Journal of Korea Medical Science. (under review) Plasma proGRP concentration is sensitive and specific for discriminating small cell lung cancer from nonmalignant conditions or non-small cell lung cancer . Journal of Korea Medical Science. Accepted (2011.05.Publication)

2011 Manuscript preparation Association of allelic expression imbalance of JAK2 V617F mutation and phenotypic diversity in MPN: 김혜란/신명근 2) Prohibitin as a new biomarkers of leukemia for diagnosis, predicting prognosis, MRD monitoring and molecular therapeutics: 김혜란/신명근 Alteration of Mitochondrial Genome and its Pathophysiologial Role in Barrett’s Esophagus : 김혜란/ 김환영/신명근 4) The spectrum of mitochondrial genome instability in acute myeloid leukemia and leukemia stem cells: 김혜란/ 김환영/안애자/신명근 5) mtDNA instability in colon cancer: 김혜란/임상우/김환영/신명근 Metformin selectively suppressed the proliferation of AML stem cells through increased phosphorylation of AMP-activated protein kinase : 김혜란/ 엄하영/신명근 7) Serum fibrin degradation product is a valuable tumor marker for multiple myeloma: 김혜란/ 최현정/신명근  9) Mitochondrial minisatellite alterations in single AML stem cells associated with vicious cycle hypothesis : 김혜란/ 김민영/김환영/신명근 8) Accuracy improvement for glucometer by reducing the hematocrit dependency using informatics technology  

2011 연구과제 수행 2011 연구과제 프로포셜 환경성 질환연구센터 3세부과제 한국연구재단(2월) 중견연구자사업 한국연구재단 중견연구자사업 한국연구재단 해외우수연구소유치사업 보건산업진흥원 차세대유전체사업(센터사업)

독일 프라운호퍼연구소 Dr. Stolzing과 함께~ Matching partner discussion 잘했어요, 고맙습니다, 아름다워요, 사랑하고 존경하면 세상은 더 아름다워집니다. 감사합니다~