Applied Laboratory for Mechanical Engineering 1


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Presentation transcript:

Applied Laboratory for Mechanical Engineering 1 MA0013 Fall 2019 Applied Laboratory for Mechanical Engineering 1 Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines Prof. Gil-Yong Lee Department of Mechanical Engineering Kumoh National Institute of Technology Office: T445 Tel: 054-478-7293 Email:

1. 실험 진행 조 편성(3개 조) 및 이론 강의 (T435) 실습실(T264)로 이동 실습 엔진 및 공구 확인 엔진 분해 - 분해 후 조교에게 확인 - 각자 분해 실습 사진을 촬영하여 보고서에 활용 피스톤 지름 / 실린더 직경 / 행정길이 측정 엔진 조립 - 조립 후 조교에게 확인 - 각자 조립 실습 사진을 촬영하여 보고서에 활용 정리

2. 주의사항 분해/조립 실습 중 장갑 착용 날카로운 부분 주의 볼트와 너트 등 작은 부품 잃어버리지 않게 주의 분리된 부품을 순서대로 정리하며 진행 실습 후 반드시 정리정돈 공구, 부품 등 분실시 감점

3. 보고서 작성 방법 4행정 기관에 대한 개략적 설명 엔진 분해 및 조립 방법에 대한 개략적 설명 (직접 찍은 사진 반드시 포함) 각부 명칭과 역할 간략히 (직접 찍은 사진 반드시 포함) ( 피스톤 / 실린더 블록 / 크랭크 축 / 플라이 휠 등 ) 측정 및 계산 ( 실린더 지름 / 행정길이 / 피스톤 지름 / 배기량 ) 토의 및 고찰 엔진 분해/조립 과정을 바탕으로 접한 기계요소/장치의 설계시 설계자가 중요하게 고려해야할 사항은 무엇인지 구체적 예를 2가지 이상 들어 자유롭게 설명 실험에 대한 건의사항 및 느낀 점(간단히) 설명은 간단하게 사진, 그림, 표 등을 위주로 작성

4. 보고서 작성 및 제출 유의사항 반드시 수기작성 ( 그림 및 그래프 제외 ) 다음 실험 조교님에게 제출 다음 실험 수업시간 시작 전에 제출 실습시 촬영한 사진 등을 적극 활용

Introduction External combustion engines Internal combustion engines Steam engines Some gas turbine engines Internal combustion engines Reciprocating engines Rotary engines Rocket engines Jet engines Firearms Fuel cells Hybrid vehicles A V6 internal combustion engine from a Mercedes-Benz

Internal Combustion Engines A heat engine that converts chemical energy in a fuel into mechanical energy Chemical energy -> Thermal energy (Combustion) Thermal energy -> Mechanical energy through temperature and pressure rise Thermal expansion -> Rotating crankshaft by mechanical linkages Crankshaft -> Transmission or power train (Mechanical energy -> final use) Final use Cf) Heat engine: A device that operates in a thermodynamic cycle and does a net positive work through heat transfer from a high-temperature body to a low-temperature body

Steam Engines Steam powered agricultural ploughing device

Source: portlandfiremuseum Steam Engines Engine 5 in use from 1903 to 1924 Source: portlandfiremuseum

Megola motorcycle with rotary engine mounted in the front wheel Rotary Engines Megola motorcycle with rotary engine mounted in the front wheel

Reciprocating Engines

Reciprocating Engines

Reciprocating Engines Harold Schock, Michigan State University

Engine Classifications Type of ignition Spark ignition (SI) Compression ignition (CI) Engine cycle Four-stroke cycle Two-stroke cycle Cf) Three- or six-stroke cycles were attempted in the past Valve location I head: Valve in head or overhead valve L, T heads: Valve in block or flat head F head

Engine Classifications Basic design Reciprocating Rotary Position, number of cylinders (See figure)

Terminology and abbreviation 상사점 (Top-dead-center (TDC), a.k.a. Top-center (TC), Head-end-dead-center (HEDC)) 하사점 (Bottom-dead-center (BDC), a.k.a. Bottom-center (BC), Crank-end-dead-center (CEDC)) 행정 (Stroke): l 보어 (Bore): d 연소실체적 (Clearance Volume) : Vc 행정체적 (Stroke or Displaced Volume): Vd

Engine Components An engine at least needs to include the following systems to be operated: Air supply and exhaust system Fuel supply system Combustion system Ignition system (for SI engines) Cooling system Lubrication system Starting system Electrical power supply system (battery and generator)

Engine Components

Engine Components Crankshaft Camshaft Piston assembly

Engine Cutaway 4 Cylinder Engine Block Cutaway

Poppet valves in action at the top of the cylinder Valve Components Poppet valves in action at the top of the cylinder Poppet valve

Engine Cooling System Cooling fins, radiator, fan, water pump

Lubrication System Oil pump, oil sump

Engine Starting and Charging System

Engine Management System

Four-Stroke SI Engine Cycle

Four-Stroke SI Engine Cycle

Four-Stroke CI Engine Cycle SI CI

Two-Stroke CI Engine Cycle CI: No fuel mixture and fuel injector in place of spark plug

Thank you