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Unit. 15 unrelated Sentence.

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1 Unit. 15 unrelated Sentence

2 1. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? Both Plato and Aristotle were primarily interested in essences that went beyond the mere appearance of things, but their methods for discovering those essences were distinctly different. ① For Plato, essences corresponded to the forms that existed independently of nature and that could only be arrived at by ignoring sensory experience and turning one‘s thoughts inward. ② For Aristotle, essences existed but could become known only by studying nature.

3 ③ He believed that if enough individual manifestations of a principle or phenomenon were investigated, eventually one could infer the essence that they exemplified. ④ In the opening passage of his Metaphysics, Aristotle demonstrates that his attitude toward sensory information was much friendlier than was Plato’s. ⑤ When Plato died in 347 B.C., Aristotle moved to Asia Minor where he participated in the education of Alexander the Great.

4 The Structure of the Paragraph
※ 우리말로 읽어도 이해가 모자랄 판인 플라톤과 아리스토텔레스의 철학이라니! 생각만 해도 짜증나쥐? 그러나 주제문은 첫문장 이였으며, 의외로 구조 파악은 간단했다! [구조 분석] 주제문 언급 :본질의 발견에 대한 플라톤과 아리스토텔레스의 차이점 플라톤(For Plato, ~) : 자연과 별개 / 감각 무시 / 내적 사고 아리스토텔레스(For Aristotle, ~) : 자연을 통해서만 발견 / 징후들을 통해 추론 감각적 정보에 대한 태도는 Aristotle이 Plato보다 관대함(friendly)

5 [15-1] Grammar Points 관계대명사로 이어진 복합문이 복잡해서 이해가 안 가면 단문으로 만들어보자!
For Plato, essences corresponded to the forms that existed independently of nature and that could only be arrived at by ignoring sensory experience and turning one‘s thoughts inward. For Plato, essences corresponded to the forms. The forms existed independently of nature. The forms could only be arrived at by ignoring sensory experience and turning one‘s thoughts inward. 관계대명사로 이어진 복합문이 복잡해서 이해가 안 가면 단문으로 만들어보자!

6 [15-1] Vocabulary Don’t forget!!
metaphysics 형이상학 = metaphysical philosophy cf ) physical science = concrete science 형이하학 correspond 1. I correspond regularly with a friend in Seoul. = exchange letters, write to SB , keep in touch : 편지를 주고 받다 2. The news report doesn’t correspond to the facts. = agree, match : 일치하다, 부합하다 3. The British job of Senior Lecturer corresponds roughly to the US Associate Professor. = be similar to ~ : ~ 해당하다, 상응하다

7 2. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? A correlation has been made between exposure to wartime events and the risk of coronary heart disease for civilians. ① Patients with coronary heart disease in a hospital in Beirut were interviewed and filled out extensive questionnaires to establish exposure to wartime events and to known coronary risk factors. ② These patients were then compared to a similar group randomly selected from other patients in the hospital.

8 ③ After corrections for the known risk factors were made, it was determined that exposure to wartime events increased the chances of heart disease. ④ In addition, some scientists have noted a relationship between the risk of coronary heart disease and a person‘s stress, frequency of physical activity, and socioeconomic status. ⑤ The risk also rose as the frequency of exposure increased so that a person subjected to four wartime events or more was eleven times more likely to develop the disease [as / than] someone exposed to only one event.

9 ※ 수능이 좋아하는 글의 형태라구~!! The Structure of the Paragraph [구조 분석]
주제문 언급 : 전시사건에 대한 노출과 관상동맥 심장질환 사이에 상관관계가 있다. 연구 사례 제시 (실험, 연구가 인용된 글은 반드시 실험의 조건이 무엇인지 파악하고, 나아가서 조건에 따른 그 결과가 어떤지가 매우 중요하다!! )

10 [15-2] Grammar Points so that 용법 정리 1) so ~ that ... : 너무 ~해서 ...하다 ex1) He spoke so fast (that) I couldn’t follow him. *( )는 생략가능 ex2) It was so cold (that) we stopped playing. = such (a(n)) + 형 + 명 that … ex) Michael was such a good runner that I couldn't catch him. The risk also rose as the frequency of exposure increased so that a person subjected to four wartime events or more was eleven times more likely to develop the disease than someone exposed to only one event

11 [15-2] Grammar Points 2) so (that) + S + V ~ : 그리하여 ~하다 : so 앞에 ,를 찍어주는 것이 보통 ex1) There was snow everywhere, so (that) the shape of things was difficult to identify. ex2) It was quite windy, so (that) we had to button our coats. 3) so that ~ can(may)... : ~하기 위하여 (= in order that ... can) ex1) I have given him a key so that he can get into the house whenever he likes. ex2) They wrote the notices in several language so that foreign tourists could understand them. ※통상 목적을 나타내는 so that(in order that) 이하에는 should, can/could, may/might, will/would 가 수반되는데, 이는 so that 절이 사실을 기술한 사실절이 아니라, ‘~위해’의 의미를 담고 있는 말이기 때문이다. 수반되는 조동사 중에서 가장 사용빈도가 높은 것은 can/could이다.

12 [15-1~2] Vocabulary Check-up correspond manifestation phenomenon
exemplify distinctly sensory metaphysics be subjected to + N / -ing vi. 일치하다(to), 서신을 주고받다 n. 징후, 명시하는 것 = indication n. 현상 vt. 예증하다 vt. 명백히 = obviously, definitely a. 지각의, 감각의 n. 형이상학 ~을 겪다, ~에 시달리다

13 3. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? What you do in the 15 to 30 minutes after eating your evening meal [ send / sends ] powerful signals to your metabolism. You‘ll set the stage for more vigor throughout the evening hours along with a weight-loss benefit if you stay active after your meal. ① Among many possible activities, walking is one of the easiest ways to get some [ minute / minutes ] of exercise after a meal. ② In fact, research shows that if you walk after a meal, you may burn 15

14 percent more calories than if you walk the same time, distance, and intensity on an empty stomach. ③ A single 10-minute walk after eating supper may trigger a 2-hour boost in your well-being by raising your energy levels. ④ Numerous surveys report that physically fit people who exercise regularly are more likely to be self-confident, self-disciplined, and psychologically resilient. ⑤ In addition, a walk can make evening family time more enjoyable and invigorating and may also help prevent cravings for high-fat foods.

15 [15-3] 연계 대비 응용 문제! Q. 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? ① Go Out for a Walk! ② Be Active After Eating! ③ Why Do We Have To Exercise? ④ Stop Eating and Lose Weight ⑤ Eating : The Easiest Way to Get Weight

16 4. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? In the 1700s, barbers not only gave haircuts and shaves but also pulled teeth, and did bloodletting, which means the withdrawal of blood from a patient to cure disease. ①During the bloodletting, patients were instructed to hold on to a pole in such a way as to cause the veins in their arms to swell and the blood to flow freely. ② This pole was usually painted red to hide the blood spatters, and when it was not in use, it was left outside to air.

17 ③ Humans have been conditioned over millions of years to react strongly to the sight of blood as a sign that something is very wrong. ④ Around the pole were usually wrapped white bandages, which were also put out to air, and this red and white combination soon came to symbolize barbershops. ⑤ After barbers no longer did bloodletting, someone got the idea of using poles painted with red, white, and blue stripes as the barbershop symbol.

18 [15-4] Grammar Points Q. 어법상 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
such ~ that S+V [as to VR] 용법 정리 1) such (관) + (형) + 명 that … : 대단히[너무나]… 하여서 ...하다 ex1) John was such a good English teacher that every student liked him. (such가 a good English teacher를 강조) ex2) She was in such a hurry that she almost pushed me over on the stairs. (such가 hurry를 강조) Q. 어법상 알맞은 것을 고르시오. During the bloodletting, patients were instructed to hold on to a pole in such a way [ that / as ] to cause the veins in their arms to swell and the blood to flow freely.

19 [15-4] Grammar Points such (…) that / 문어체에서 such를 보어로 하여
: 굉장하여서, 대단히 … 하여서 ex1) His anger was such that he lost control of himself. = He got so angry that he lost control of himself. = 그의 노여움은 너무나 격렬해서 이성을 잃고 말았다. ex2) Such was his influence that everybody feared him. = 그의 세력은 강대해서 모두가 그를 두려워 했다. 3) such (…) as to do : ~할 정도의, ~할 만큼의, ~하기에 충분한 ex1) I am not such a fool as to do so. = I am not stupid enough to do so. cf) He spoke so loudly as to be heard by everyone. (= 모두에게 들릴 정도로 큰소리로 말했다.)

20 [15-3~4] Vocabulary Check-up metabolism resilient invigorate craving
bloodletting withdrawal vein spatter air n. 신진대사 a. 유쾌한, 원기를 회복하는 vt. 활기를 돋구다 n. 갈망, 열망 = strong desire n. 사혈 n. 인출, 회수 n. 정맥 n. 튄 것, vt. (흙, 물) 튀기다, vi. 튀다 vt. ~을 바람에 쐬다

21 5. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? Disposable cups, plates, hats, napkins, and party decorations are essentials of your child‘s birthday party. ① But [ unless / if ] you make greener choices, many of these items will still be in landfills when your child celebrates his or her 90th birthday. ② Avoid disposable plastic, polystyrene, and non-recycled paper products altogether; they’re not biodegradable.

22 ③ For party basics, look for bio-plastics and natural fiber ware made from corn, sugar cane, and bamboo, or 100 percent recycled paper products that are tree-friendly, biodegradable, or recyclable. ④ More than 15 trees are cut down to make every ton of the coated, high-end paper used for magazines, catalogs, and greeting cards. ⑤ Buy birthday candles made from soy or beeswax, because traditional candles are often made from paraffin, which is derived from petroleum.

23 [15-5] Grammar Points Q. 어법상 틀린 것은?
For party basics, look for bio-plastics and natural fiber ware ①made from corn, sugar cane, and bamboo, or 100 percent ②recycled paper products that ③is tree-friendly, biodegradable, or recyclable. 정답 : ③

24 6. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? As you advance in your education, you‘ll find that the kind of reading you are required to do is much more complex than you’ve encountered before. It‘s partly because you’ll be coming up against more sophisticated vocabulary and terms, but it will also be due to the style in which academic materials are written. ① Academic sources are written in a way that is distinct from writing in a magazine or best-selling novel.

25 ② Like learning a new language, it will take time to pick up “academese” and feel comfortable reading it. ③ If you are having difficulty with a text, try to find a book that covers the exact same material but is written in much simpler language. ④ You will have to struggle with some of the difficult texts you encounter, working very hard just to make sense of them. ⑤ It’s not necessarily a bad thing; struggling with a difficult text can be exciting and helps make the reading process more interesting.

26 [15-6] Grammar Points : Q. 어법상 틀린 것은?
As you advance in your education, you‘ll find that the kind of reading you are required to do ① is much more complex than you’ve encountered before. It‘s ② partly because you’ll be coming up against more sophisticated vocabulary and terms, but it will also be due to the style ③ which academic materials are written. Academic sources are written in a way that is distinct from writing in a magazine or best-selling novel. ④ Like learning a new language, it will take time to pick up “academese” and feel comfortable ⑤ reading it.

27 [15-6~7] Vocabulary Check-up come up against It’s partly because~
biodegradable ware greeting card disposable 직면하다 (=face) 부분적으로 ~때문이다 a. 자연 분해되는 n. 제품 축하카드 a. 사용 후 버릴 수 있는

28 7. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? You probably already know that eating less meat is better for your health, but did you know that it‘s better for the environment, too? There are huge environmental costs involved in producing meat. ① The vast tracts of Amazon rain forest that have been cleared in recent decades are used mainly for beef production, either for grazing cattle or for growing soy to feed them.

29 ② Plus, producing a pound of beef requires 30 times more water than producing a pound of wheat, and 200 times more than a pound of potatoes. ③ Producing one calorie of animal protein uses 10 times as much fossil fuel as producing a calorie of vegetable protein. ④ A pound of ground beef costs about $3.50, whereas a pound of organic lentils costs about $2. ⑤ And the Environmental Protection Agency reports that animal waste from U.S. factory farms pollutes American waterways more than all other industrial sources combined.

30 8. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? It doesn‘t take much for intolerance to escalate into greater conflict. Take a look at some of these seemingly petty disagreements that grew into a full-blown war. ① A dispute between the cities of Modena and Bologna over a well bucket about nine hundred years ago began a war that devastated Europe. ② Sweden and Poland fought in 1654 because the king of Sweden discovered that his name in an official dispatch was followed

31 only by two honorary titles, while the king of Poland had three
only by two honorary titles, while the king of Poland had three. ③ The spilling of a glass of water over the Marquis de Torcy led to a war between France and England. ④ By throwing a pebble at the Duc de Guise, a small boy caused the massacre of Vassy and the Thirty Years’ War. ⑤ “One vote doesn’t make a difference,” you may say, but it was one vote that gave Adolf Hitler the leadership of the Nazi Party in Germany in 1923.

32 Earl 백작 a military leader Viscount 자작 vice-count Baron 남작 freeman
the peerage (영국 귀족의 작위) Peers are of five ranks, in descending order of hierarchy: Duke 공작 leader Marquis 후작 Earl 백작 a military leader Viscount 자작 vice-count Baron 남작 freeman

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