Unit 24. Sports, leisure, Travel, Hobby.

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1 Unit 24. Sports, leisure, Travel, Hobby

2 Today’s old saying Love begets love.

3 Zoom In 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Unlike deviance in other settings, deviance in sports often involves norms and expectations. For example, most North Americans see playing football as a positive activity. Young men are encouraged to ‘be all they can be’ as football players and to live by slogans such as “There is no ‘I’ in t-e-a-m.” They are encouraged to increase their weight and strength, so that they can play more effectively and contribute to the success of their teams.

4 When young men go too far in their acceptance of expectations to become bigger and stronger, when they are so committed to playing football and improving their skills on the field that they use muscle-building drugs, they become deviant. This type of ‘overdoing-it-deviance’ is dangerous, but it is grounded in completely different social dynamics from the dynamics that occur in the ‘antisocial deviance’ enacted by alienated young people who reject commonly accepted rules and expectations.

5 The Structure of the Paragraph
전개방식 : 예시 주제(일반) : 스포츠에서의 일탈행동은 규범과 기대를 무조건적으로 수용하거나 지나치게 부응하고자 해서 발생한다. 근거 (예시 ) (For example ~) : 미식축구에서 약물복용 등의 일탈행동은 팀의 슬로건과 기대에 부응하기 위해 경기 능력을 키우고자 하는 지나친 욕심으로 발생한다. 주제 재진술 : (This type of ‘overdoing –it-deviance~) 따라서 스포츠에서의 일탈행동은 규범과 기대를 거부하고자 하는 의도에서 발생하는 사회적 일탈행동과는 성격이 다르다.

6 [24-Zoom In] Grammar points / vocabulary
Don’t forget!! deviant / deviance : 일탈적인 / 일탈, 이상행동 be committed to ~ : ~에 전념하다, ~에 헌신하다 see A as B = take A as B = A를 B로 간주하다, 생각하다.

7 1. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Participating in sports is quite different from watching sports. Yet in sport studies, these two activities are often lumped together statistically and anecdotally. Combining them only adds to the confusion of the value of each and interferes with the assessment of the overall influence of sports (A) , many people would rate tackle football as the most popular sport in the United States. Based on spectator interest, this is a

8 reasonable conclusion
reasonable conclusion. But if we look at participation, football is popular only through high school and only with boys. Beyond the age of 18, tackle football is not a reasonable option due to the number of players required, lack of equipment, and risk of injury. (B) , it is more accurate to say that football is the most popular spectator sport in the United States but rates far down the list in terms of participation.

9 (A) (B) ① For example However ② For example Therefore ③ Furthermore Similarly ④ Likewise Nonetheless ⑤ Likewise Moreover

10 The Structure of the Paragraph
전개방식 : 예시 주제 [일반] : 스포츠 관람과 참여는 다르다. 근거 [예시] (For example ~) : 축구는 고등학교 때까지는 인기 있는 참여 스포츠이지만, 그 이후 시기에는 인기 참여 스포츠보다는 인기 관람 스포츠이다.

11 [24-1] Grammar points / vocabulary
lump n. 덩어리 ex) a lump of coal a. 덩어리의 ex) lump sugar vt. 한 덩어리로 만들다, 일괄적으로 다루다 ex) They lumped the old things with the new. vi. 덩이지다. rate vt. (~을) 평가하다. ~라고 생각하다(rate A as B) vi. 평가되다

12 [24-1] Grammar points / vocabulary
# 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 어법성을 판단하시오. Combining them only adds to the confusion of the value of each and to interfere with the assessment of the overall influence of sports. interferes 밑줄 앞에 and, but, or, nor 등이 있는 경우 가장 먼저 병렬구조를 묻고 있는 것이 아닌지 확인하라! 그리고 해석상 병렬되는 부분 있는지 확인하라!

13 2. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? Periodically, one or another dance organization, to promote mutual understanding, will stage a choreographers-meet-the-critics symposium. At such gatherings someone always asks the critics whether, when they set out to review something, they bother to find out what the artist is trying to do, what his or her intention is. I take this to be a very naive question, and very demeaning to choreographers, as if their work were so obscure

14 and incomplete that it (= their work) needed to carry a statement of intent. Worse, it (= the question) implies that the truth of a dance lies somewhere other than in the dance, whereas the real event is the intellectual process that supposedly underlies it. But the truths of dance are not on the other side. They are in the very bones of the dance, which our bones know how to read (?) , if we let them.

15 ① 안무가와 비평가의 의사소통이 중요하다. ② 춤이 전달하는 의미는 춤 그 자체에 있다. ③ 무용 비평은 정확한 언어 사용이 필수이다. ④ 비평가의 해설은 무용 감상에 도움이 된다. ⑤ 지적 훈련을 거쳐야 춤을 이해할 수 있다.

16 The Structure of the Paragraph
전개방식 : Myth-Truth Myth : 안무가의 제작 의도를 바탕으로 춤을 평가하고자 하는 것은 고지식하고, 안무가의 품위를 떨어뜨리는 일이다. But Truth : 춤의 진정한 의미(the truths of dance)는 춤의 중심(bones, 춤 그자체)에 있다.

17 [24-2] Grammar points / vocabulary
stage vt. 1. 공연하다, 연출하다. 2. (활동 등을) 기획하다, 조직하다 naive a. 고지식한, 세련되지 않은, 어설픈 demean vt. 품위를 떨어뜨리다, 처신하다(behave) demeaning a. 품위를 떨어뜨리는, 자존심 상하게 하는 I take this to be a very naive question, and very demeaning to choreographers, as if their work were so obscure and incomplete that it needed to carry a statement of intent.

18 [24-2] Grammar points / vocabulary # as if = as though
가정법 과거 : (현재이건 과거이건) 주절과 종속절이 나타내는 시간이 동일한 시간대에 속할 때 사용 가정법과거완료 : 주절이 나타내는 시간보다 종속절이 나타내는 시간이 앞선 경우에 사용 You talk as if you knew a great deal about this. She talked as if she were my mother. It looks as though it might rain. He turned pale as though she had seen a ghost. Everything looked strange to John as if he had not seen it before.

19 [24-2] Grammar points / vocabulary
* 다음 두 문장의 차이점을 생각해보자. Youngmi speaks English as if she were an American. Youngmi spoke English as if she were an American. Seongsil speaks English as if he had learned it from an American. Seongsil spoke English as if he had learned it form an American.

20 [24-2] Grammar points / vocabulary
as if (=as though) 다음에 가정법 뿐 아니라 직설법도 쓰인다. (a) He behaves as if he owned the house. – 가정법 (b) He behaves as if he owns the house. – 직설법 (a), (b) 모두 마치 그 곳 주인이라도 되는 것처럼 이라는 뜻 (a)는 ‘실제 주인도 아닌데’란 뜻을 내포하며 (b)는 ‘그가 실제 그곳 주인일 수 있는 가능성’을 배제하지 않는다.

21 3. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
[ Asked / Asking ] to explain why readers and moviegoers are so attracted to his tales of horror, a famous writer of horror fiction recently explained that most people’s lives“are full of fears―that their marriage isn't working, that they aren’t going to make it on the job, that society is crumbling all around them. (A) we’re really not supposed to talk about things like that, and so they don't have any outlets for all those scary feelings.

22 (A) the horror writer can give them a place to put their fears, and it’s OK to be afraid then, because nothing is real, and you can blow it all away when it‘s over.” 

23 (A) (B) ① So But ② So Thus Therefore Instead Instead Therefore ⑤ But But

24 [24-3] Grammar points / vocabulary
* 분사구문 (Being) Asked to explain why readers and moviegoers are so attracted to his tales of horror, a famous writer of horror fiction recently explained that most people’s lives“are full of fears. = When he was asked to explain why ~

25 4. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? Football, and undoubtedly other sports, contribute ① greatly to the construction of a sense of self for adolescents. Because football allows boys ② to compete with one another, free from parental supervision, it is a key experience for those who engage in it. Unlike the demands of teachers concerning scholastic efforts, football brings immediate rewards of recognition and status.

26 This, of course, is ③ of immense importance to college and high school students who are otherwise generally controlled by adults. Adults have power and are in control over all social institutions as well as the home and the school ④ which adolescents live. The sports field, however, is the territory of the adolescent himself. There he rules and parents, teachers, and others sit on the sidelines. It is on the football field ⑤ that boys can earn the praise of families and friends. in which

27 The Structure of the Paragraph 일반 : 축구는 청소년들의 자아 정체감 형성에 크게 기여한다.
전개방식 : 일반 (주제문) – 구체 (뒷받침문장) 일반 : 축구는 청소년들의 자아 정체감 형성에 크게 기여한다. 구체 : 뒷받침 문장 나열 축구는 남자 아이들이 서로 경쟁할 수 있는 기회를 제공한다. 축구는 인정과 지위와 같은 즉각적인 보상을 제공한다. 축구에선 청소년이 주도하고 부모와 교사들은 물러나 있는다.

28 [24-4] Grammar points / vocabulary ★ ★ 부사와 형용사의 기능 – 단골 출제 사항 ★★
# 부사는 동사, 형용사, 또 다른 부사, 문장전체를 수식 ex) She is a very pretty girl. (형용사 pretty 수식) ex) He ran fast. (동사 ran 수식) ex) I like singing very much. (부사 much 수식) ex) Frankly, he did not say anything. (문장 수식) # 형용사는 명사를 수식, 문장의 보어 역할 ex1) This is a way to create a good password and keep it [ safe / *safely ]. ex2) Your idea sounds [ brilliant / *brilliantly ].

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