Seoul Jar Project SMVD | 양소은 | 정은지 Design P&R Assignment Concept Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Seoul Jar Project SMVD | 양소은 | 정은지 Design P&R Assignment Concept Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seoul Jar Project SMVD 1012890 | 1215451 양소은 | 정은지 Design P&R Assignment Concept Research

2 Motif from Images Design P&R Assignment Concept Research

3 Design P&R Assignment Concept Research Similar Projects Moleskine My Detour

4 Similar Projects Design P&R Assignment Concept Research Moleskine My Detour

5 Similar Projects Design P&R Assignment Concept Research S&C NEW YORK 뉴욕서 한글전시회 리셉션..20 대 문화전문가들 S&C NY [2013-12-11 08:28:30] 【뉴욕 = 뉴시스】노창현 특파원 = 뉴욕 맨해튼에서 한글의 아름다움과 우수성을 알리는 전시회가 열렸다, ‘ 스티그마 카그니션 뉴욕 (S&C NY)’ 가 아트 디렉터스 클럽에서 3 일부터 6 일까지 열린 한글 타이포그래피 전시회는 한글 타이포 작가 안삼열, 이용제, 김태헌, 김기조, 안병국, 유진웅, 이상현, 정재완, 정진열 작가 등 9 명의 작품 60 여점이 전시됐다. 3 일 리셉션엔 제이 크루와 마크 제이콥스 등 유명 의류업체 디자이너들과 파슨스와 SVA 등 미술대학 교수와 학생들이 대거 참석했다. 한경민 씨와 김휘용 씨가 지난해 공동창립한 S&C NY 는 강동균 씨를 비롯한 경영전문가와 디자이너, 광고기획자 등 20 대 한인전문가 10 명이 힘을 합쳤다. 2013.12.06.

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7 Similar Projects Design P&R Assignment Concept Research S&C NEW YORK

8 Effects which expected 1.Customized Jar can Introduce Seoul to who don’t live and never been Seoul. 2.Customized Jar will be exhibited with real jar. Also It can makes people feel their proud of Introducing Seoul. 3.The Budget of Project will be uploaded Crowd Funding Online. It also will be effected people can know about Seoul Jar Project. Design P&R Assignment Concept Research Ver.140326

9 This is How it works 1. Buy jar from Group(Not Named yet). 2. Jar will deliver to someone who buy the jar. 3. If received the jar, Fill the all element from seoul(Dirt, leaves, dry bunches from tree, Water from river... etc). Describe and Decorate by yourself. There is no limit what, how or who. 4. Label on the jar, Where did you get that material, Who are you, And which part of Seoul you live. But, Please not to write down on the label what did you intended. 5. Send the jar to Group. 6. Group will exhibit them offline with YOUR NAME. Design P&R Assignment Concept Research Ver.140326

10 This is How it works(Changes) Design P&R Assignment Concept Research Project Group will sell the jar, but If Creators submit which they filled up we will pay back Some of Price.(This idea from How can makes people must give them back to us.) Ver.140402

11 Essential Policy of Project 1.Any material can fill the Jar, But It just only from Seoul. 2.We use Plastic Jar. It’s not too fragile. So Group will exhibit real jar by Receiving Jar which is decorated. 3.People who participated the project just leave their name, not What they wanted to describe or What they intended. Project respect to any other imagination. Design P&R Assignment Concept Research Ver.140326

12 Weekly Schedule 0326Draft idea development with discussion 0402Idea fix1(Fix the How to) 0409Idea fix2(Final) 0416Web Promotion(Order Jar) 0423Web+Offline Promotion 0430Suggest How to Fill the Jar 0507Project(Jar) Shipping Start 0514 0521Jar Deliver Dead-Line 0528Exhibit Jar(SMWU) 0604Exhibit Jar(Seoul Somewhere outside) 0611Exhibit Jar(Seoul Somewhere outside) Design P&R Assignment Concept Research

13 Design P&R Assignment Concept Research WhyPeople could be a creator for introducing Seoul. They can get Honor from becoming creator and exhibiting their Jar with Their NAME! hoW By interaction within Providing Group(Who runs this project) and Various creators. Interaction will through the WEB, Blog, and any formats can approach easily. WhereAt online.(And some Off-line promotions) WhatCreators can feel proud by Create Something for Introduce their City(country). About Projects

14 Funding Methods Analysis Design P&R Assignment Concept Research 공적 ( 국가차원 ) 후원금 사적 ( 개인적 ) 후원금 프로젝트 내용 수정 불필요 ( 적합 ) 프로젝트 내용 수정 필요 ( 부적합 )

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16 Design P&R Assignment Concept Research 그러나 아직 구체적 서식, 모집 공고가 게시되지 않았음.

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