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Unit 23. Anthropology, Culture History, Geography.

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1 Unit 23. Anthropology, Culture History, Geography

2 Today’s old saying Whoever is faithful in small matters will be also faithful in large ones. - Jesus -

3 Zoom In 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
Hopi religion features a ritual calendar that includes a large number of annually required ceremonies. In most cases, each ceremony is ‘owned’ by the members of a certain clan. (①) Every clan represented in a village has a clanhouse in which the masks and other sacred The clanhouse usually consists of a room adjoining the dwelling of the senior female member of the clan.

4 items used in the ceremonies are kept when not in use
items used in the ceremonies are kept when not in use. (②) This woman is in charge of storing ritual equipment and of seeing to it that they are treated with the proper respect. (③) There is also a male head of each clan whose duties likewise are partly religious because he is in charge of the performance of ceremonies owned by his clan. (④) A male clan head passes his position down to either his younger brother or his sister’s son. (⑤) In this way, culturally important ritual knowledge is kept within the clan.

5 [23-Zoom In] Grammar points
* 어법에 맞는 표현을 고르시오. 1. There is also a male head of each clan [ which / whose ] duties likewise are partly religious because he is in charge of the performance of ceremonies owned by his clan. 2. Every clan represented in a village has a clanhouse [ where / which ] the masks and other sacred items used in the ceremonies are kept when not in use. * Don’t forget!! see to it that S+V~ : ~ 하도록 돌보다, 조처하다. be in charge of ~ : ~ 을 맡고 있다. ~을 책임지다.

6 1. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? Despite the fact [ which / that ] ancient civilizations relied upon the apparent motion of heavenly bodies through the sky to determine seasons, months, and years, we know little about the details of timekeeping in prehistoric eras. ① But wherever we turn up records, we discover that in every culture, people were preoccupied with measuring the passage of time. ② Ice-age hunters in Europe over 20,000 years ago scratched lines and gouged holes

7 in sticks and bones, possibly counting the days between phases of the moon. ③ Sumerians in the Tigris-Euphrates valley had a calendar that divided the year into 30 day months, and the day into 12 periods. ④ The earliest encounters between ancient Africans and outsiders took place before history and will never be known to us. ⑤ We have no written records of Stonehenge, built over 4,000 years ago in England, but its alignments show (that) its purposes included the determination of seasonal or celestial events.

8 Structure of the passage 고대 모든 문화에서 사람들은 시간의 경과를 측정하는 일에
전개방식 : 일반 – 구체 (예시-열거) (일반) 주제문 (주장) 고대 모든 문화에서 사람들은 시간의 경과를 측정하는 일에 몰두했음을 기록물을 통해 알 수 있다. 구체적 진술 (예시 열거) Ice-age hunters in Europe : counting the days between phases of the moon Sumerians in the Tigris-Euphrates : a calendar Stonehenge’s purposes : the determination of seasonal or celestial events

9 [23-1] Grammar Points Q. 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은? ①Despite the fact ②that ancient civilizations relied upon the apparent motion of heavenly bodies through the sky ③determined seasons, months, and years, we know little about the details of timekeeping in prehistoric eras.

10 2. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? Whereas general anthropology combines both nature and culture in its conceptual framework, social and cultural anthropologists are concerned with human beliefs and behavior that are not explicable in terms of biology. The basic assumption in sociocultural anthropology is that the range of variation in human belief and behavior cannot be explained by or reduced to biology. This does not mean that social and cultural

11 anthropologists deny that biology has any influence on social life; to do so would be ridiculous. What it does mean is that they treat human biological make-up as a constant, and attempt to explain the range of social and cultural variation that is not reducible to biology. Actually, this merely confirms the importance of a fundamental principle of logic: _____________, the constant in this case being biology.

12 ① a constant cannot explain variation
② variation is converted into a constant ③ sociocultural variation is nearly a contant ④ variation is necessary to maintain a constant ⑤ a constant exhibits a great deal of variation

13 Structure of the passage
주제 : 사회문화 인류학의 기본 가정 일반 인류학과 사회문화 인류학의 접근방식 차이 존재 대조 주제문 사회문화 인류학의 기본 가정은 인간의 신앙이나 행동에 있어서 변수의 범위는 생물학으로 설명하거나 환원될 수 없다. 주제의 구체적 재진술 빈칸 : 재진술 문장들 중 하나 에 있음을 인지!  정답은 또다른 재진술 문장 또는 주제문에서 찾는다.

14 [ 지문 상세 분석 ] Whereas general anthropology combines both nature and culture in its conceptual framework, social and cultural anthropologists are concerned with human beliefs and behavior that are not explicable in terms of biology. (일반인류학과 사회문화 인류학의 차이점 대조 설명) The basic assumption in sociocultural anthropology is that the range of variation in human belief and behavior cannot be explained by or reduced to biology. (주제문) This does not mean that social and cultural anthropologists deny that biology has any influence on social life; to do so would be ridiculous.

15 What it does mean is that they treat human biological make-up as a constant, and attempt to explain the range of social and cultural variation that is not reducible to biology. (주제문에 대한 구체적 재진술 문장) Actually, this merely confirms the importance of a fundamental principle of logic: __________________________, the constant in this case being biology. (앞 문장에 대한 재진술 문장 – 논리학 원리를 적용하여 설명)

16 3. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은? As a wealthy land, Ancient Egypt needed few imports. But there were some items Egyptians ① did need to import, and trade provided rare items whose monopoly was an important pillar of the monarchy. Wood was hard to find in a land where every acre of arable land was needed for agriculture, so large-scale projects like palaces, pyramids, and temples ② were required the importation of timber. As early as the Old

17 Kingdom, the pharaohs spent a great deal of time ③ building trade, especially with timber-rich Byblos in Phoenicia, which provided valuable cedar. To the south, successive pharaohs sent expeditions into Nubia ④ to obtain ivory and gold. Known to the Egyptians as the “Land of the Bowmen,” Nubia also provided slaves ⑤ whom Egypt’s generals employed in special units of archers in the pharaohs’ powerful armies.

18 Structure of the passage 이집트는 풍족한 나라지만, 희귀한 물품은 수입했다.
주제문 (일반적 진술) 이집트는 풍족한 나라지만, 희귀한 물품은 수입했다. 뒷받침 문장들 나열 : 구체적 진술(근거 ) woods – timber , cedar Ivory and gold slaves

19 [23-3] Grammar points * 관계대명사 / 관계부사 정리 용법 제한적 비제한적 선행사 사람 사물, 동물 주격
who which that 목적격 whom Ø(생략) 소유격 whose of which

20 [23-3] Grammar points 관계대명사 마지막 정리~~!!
The boy who / that is playing the piano is my brother. Put the dish on the table which / that stands in the corner. I met a girl whose hair came down to her waist. He lives in the house whose roof is red. of which the roof is red. the roof of which is red. Do you know the boy whom / who / that / 생략 we met ? He want the table which / that / 생략 we bought.

21 [23-3] Grammar points 관계대명사 마지막 정리~~!!
I know the boys with whom he grew up. whom he grew up with. who he grew up with. 생략 he grew up with. The table under which the baby crawled is about to broke. which the baby crawled under that the baby crawled under 생략 the baby crawled under * 관계대명사의 목적격은 전치사가 앞에 위치하는 경우를 제외하고는 생략할 수 있다.

22 4. 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
4. 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? Definitions of culture typically espouse either a materialistic or an ideological perspective. (①) The classic materialistic interpretation of culture focuses on behavior. (②) On the other hand, the ideological definition of culture excludes behavior and comprises the ideas, beliefs, and In this view, culture is the sum of a social group’s observable patterns of behavior, customs, and ways of life.

23 knowledge that characterize a particular group of people
knowledge that characterize a particular group of people. (③) This second ─ and currently popular ─ definition emphasizes that culture shapes a group’s basic systems for seeing and interpreting the world around them. (④) Obviously, ethnographers need to know about both cultural behavior and cultural knowledge to describe a culture or subculture adequately. (⑤) Although neither definition is sufficient, each offers them a starting point and a perspective from which to approach the group under study.

24 Structure of the passage
전개방식 : 대조 / 비교 주제문 문화를 정의할 때 유물론적 관점과 관념론적 관점이 있다. 대조에 의한 글의 전개 유물론 적 관점 ( a materialistic perspective) - 행동에 초점 - 문화는 한 사회적 집단의 관찰 가능한 행동, 관습, 삶의 방식들의 총합이다. 2. 관념론적 관점 (a ideological perspective) - 사상, 신앙, 지식에 초점, - 문화는 집단의 세상을 살아가는 기본 체제라는 점을 강조 비교에 의한 글의 전개 (공통점) 둘다 연구대상 집단에 접근할 수 있는 시작점과 관점을 제공해 줌.

25 = a perspective from which they can approach the group under study
[23-4] Grammar points ♨ 관계대명사는 절 대신 부정사구를 수반할 수 있다. a perspective from which to approach the group under study = a perspective from which they can approach the group under study ex) We moved to the country so that children would have a garden in which to play. ex) He was miserable unless he had neighbors with whom to quarrel.

26 It’s ungrammatical. 비문법적이다.
[23-Zoom In] Grammar points 그럼 다음 문장은 문법적인가? I cannot think of anybody whom to invite. It’s ungrammatical. 비문법적이다. why? 부정사를 수반하는 관계대명사는 전치사와 함께 쓰여야 하기 때문이다.

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