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조동사 can 달리다 run 달릴 수 있다 can run (능력) 먹다 eat 먹어도 좋다 may eat (허가)

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Presentation on theme: "조동사 can 달리다 run 달릴 수 있다 can run (능력) 먹다 eat 먹어도 좋다 may eat (허가)"— Presentation transcript:

1 조동사 can 달리다 run 달릴 수 있다 can run (능력) 먹다 eat 먹어도 좋다 may eat (허가)
KEY POINT 1∥조동사는 동사를 보조하는 역할을 한다. 달리다 run 달릴 수 있다 can run (능력) R3-4-22 먹다 eat 먹어도 좋다 may eat (허가)

2 조동사 can 능력 I can solve the problem. 가능성 She can be your mother.
KEY POINT 2∥조동사 can은 능력과 가능성을 나타낸다. 1. 능력: '~할 수 있다' 2. 가능성: '~일지도 모른다' 능력 I can solve the problem. R3-4-22 가능성 She can be your mother.

3 WARNING He can rides a bike. (X) He can to ride a bike. (X)
He can riding a bike. (X) R3-4-22

4 1. His son can (ride, rides) a bike.
※ 다음 중 문법적으로 올바른 것을 고르시오. 1. His son can (ride, rides) a bike. 정답: ride 2. The boy can (play, to play) the flute. 정답: play 3. We can (do, to do) the game together tomorrow. 정답: do

5 4. My mother (can, cans) drive a car.
※ 다음 중 문법적으로 올바른 것을 고르시오. 4. My mother (can, cans) drive a car. 정답: can 5. The plane (can, to can) hold 300 passengers. 정답: can

6 6. We can to enjoy the fresh air in the forest.
※ 다음 문장에서 잘못된 부분을 찾아 고치시오 6. We can to enjoy the fresh air in the forest. 정답: to enjoy → enjoy 7. The boy cans repair his broken bike. 정답: cans → can R3-5-3 8. He can holds his breath for 2 minutes under the water. 정답: holds → hold

7 9. I can going to your house by 4 p.m.
※ 다음 문장에서 잘못된 부분을 찾아 고치시오 9. I can going to your house by 4 p.m. 정답: going → go 10. The children can swims in the river. 정답: swims → swim R3-5-3

8 ② They can cross the river. ③ She can plays the piano.
11. 다음 중 문법적으로 어색한 것은? ① I can make model cars. ② They can cross the river. ③ She can plays the piano. ④ You can have my seat. ⑤ My friend and I can fly kites. R3-5-3 정답 ③ (plays → play)

9 ① The little boy can read books. ② John can drive a car.
③ My father can cook French food. ④ It can rain later at night. ⑤ The old man can move the table to the room. R3-5-3 정답 ④ (가능성; 나머지는 능력을 나타낸다.)

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