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Talk with handsome Daniel!

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1 Talk with handsome Daniel!
따라서 과학자들은 곰의 겨울 상태를 동면이라기보다 “휴면”이라고 부르는 것을 선호한다. 하지만 그 연구에서 나온 결과는 티비 시청이 모두 나쁜 것은 아니라는 것을 보여준다.

2 3과 유형 Due to the achievements of biotechnology / over the past 30 years, / we have now identified / the entire human genomic sequence. 유전자 서열을 밝혀냄 So, it is believed that it is only a matter of time before this new knowledge leads to an epoch of treatments of such disease as cancer. 질병치료 신기원으로 이어짐 Many genome research companies / have been founded / and they have applied for patents / on genes / competitively. 유전자연구회사가 설립되어왔고 유전자 특허 신청 As a result, / in 2010, / there were, / in the U.S. alone, roughly 40,000 patents / held on genes. 미국에서만도 4만개

3 3과 유형 But is it right / that human genes are patented? 인간유전자가 특허 받는 것이 옳은가? If companies want to patent treatments / which target specific genes, / then that’s okay, / but not the genes themselves. 특정 유전자 치료 특허는 괜찮지만 유전자 특허는 아니다 I think / genes should be treated differently / from other products or inventions / because genes are the very basis for human life / and to claim /that anyone has the right / to be regarded as the “owner” of a particular gene / shows a disregard for humanity. 유전자는 다르게 취급- 유전자는 인간생명의 토대- 인간성에 대한 경시

4 3과 1번. In recent years, / there have been many overseas players / on our soccer teams. But, having too many foreigners harms(1) the chances of domestic players, / and weakens(2) the national team. So, I think / limiting the number of overseas players is a good idea. At present, / only a tiny handful of the best local players / have a chance / to play for the top clubs. This means / that talented young players see no reason to work(1) hard / and develop(2) their game, / because it is so unlikely / they will get a chance / to play at the highest levels.

5 3과 1번. And clubs don’t have a reason / to seek out(1) local youngsters / and invest(2) in them, / as it is easier / to import a fully trained player / from abroad. Limiting the number of foreign players / would create incentives / for both players and clubs.

6 3과 3번. A large percentage of patients / I see / at Boston Sports Medicine / are athletes. 대다수 환자는 운동선수 As a physical therapist, / a big part of my job involves problem-solving. 문제 해결 I always ask, / have you changed your footwear lately? Have you increased your miles? How old are your shoes? Has someone performed a proper bike fit? 질문- When I complete a bicycle fit for a client, / I always let them know this important fact: If you pedal at 90 revolutions per minute (per leg), and you ride for an hour: 90rpm×60min=5,400 pedal strokes per leg per hour. 60분당 90회 회전 = 시간당 다리가 5,400회 페달 밟음

7 3과 3번. The same can be applied / for running and foot strides per workout. 달리기와 보폭도 마찬가지 If your equipment isn’t set up properly, / you are going to be in trouble. 장비가 적절하게 맞추어져 있지 않으면 곤란 For athletes, / it is important / to always keep this in mind. Don’t let your running shoes get too old. Don’t buy running shoes simply / because they are on sale. Make sure / your bike is the correct size / and it is fitted properly. 자전거가 올바른 사이즈이고 적절하게 맞추어 지도록 명심 If you pay attention / to this part of the equation, / you may be able to avoid injury.

8 Guess What? So, I think limiting the number of overseas players (is / are) a good idea. Many genome research companies (have founded / have been founded) and they (have applied / have been applied) for patents on genes competitively. But, having too many foreigners (harm /harms) the chances of domestic players, and (weaken / weakens) the national team.

9 Talk with handsome Daniel!
1. 하지만 인간 유전자가 특허 받는 것은 옳은가? But is it right that human genes are patented? 2. 그래서 나는 해외 선수들의 수를 제한하는 것이 좋은 생각이라고 생각한다. So, I think limiting the number of overseas players is a good idea.

10 Talk with handsome Daniel!
하지만 인간 유전자가 특허 받는 것은 옳은가? 그래서 나는 해외 선수들의 수를 제한하는 것이 좋은 생각이라고 생각한다.

11 예습 3과: 5번, 4과: 유형, 1번

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