MIND STORM 창의적 공학 설계 FORKLIFT All in One!! 윤 호, 전유기, 이헌중, 주준성.

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Presentation on theme: "MIND STORM 창의적 공학 설계 FORKLIFT All in One!! 윤 호, 전유기, 이헌중, 주준성."— Presentation transcript:

1 MIND STORM 창의적 공학 설계 FORKLIFT All in One!! 윤 호, 전유기, 이헌중, 주준성

2 01 Introduce 02 Purpose 03 Ability 04 NXT Program 05 Video 창의적 공학설계
CONTENTS 01 Introduce 02 Purpose 03 Ability 04 NXT Program 05 Video

3 Our group made simple forklift using the mindstorm
All in One STORY FIRST 01. Introduce FORKLIFT Our group made simple forklift using the mindstorm

4 We wish to create a currently using machine
All in One STORY SECOND 02. Purpose We wish to create a currently using machine for understanding a structure

5 All in One STORY THIRD 03. Ability “Put the load”

6 We use a rope instead of chain
All in One STORY THIRD 03. Ability “Lift” “ UP!!” We use a rope instead of chain

7 All in One 04. NXT Program “Light sensor” (Blue Ball) “Sound sensor”
STORY 4TH 04. NXT Program “Light sensor” (Blue Ball) “Sound sensor” (Stop!!) “Light sensor” (Red Ball) “Sound sensor” (Stop!!)

8 All in One STORY 5TH 05. Video Demo Video

9 NXT랑 싸우는 준성이 ;; 화장실에서 잠도 쫓아보고.. 멘붕상태 도달!! 두둥..새벽 3시

10 “AM 04:00 겨우 완성!!”

11 Thank you 감사합니다 Do you have any Questions?

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