Understanding and Using

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1 Understanding and Using
English Grammar Ch 17. Adverb Clauses 2: Reduction of Adverb Clauses to Adverbial Phrases 정샘 영어 Academy

2 Context Changing “Time” clauses to phrases
Changing “Cause and effect” clauses to phrases Changing “Condition” clauses to phrases Using upon + ing in modifying adverbial phrases -ing 분사구의 시제 More on Adverbial Phrases

3 1. Changing “Time Clauses” to Phrases
부사절: While I was walking to class, I ran into an old friend. 분사구: While Ø Ø walking to class, I ran into an old friend. //주어, be동사생략 분사구: Ø Ø Ø walking to class, I ran into an old friend //접속사생략 부사절을 구로 - 부사절과 주절의 주어가 같아야 함 부사절을 분사구로: - 접속사와주어생략 - 동사가 . be동사이면 생략 . 일반동사이면 –ing 변경 - After절은 주절보다 의미상 대과거 이기때문에 having + PP도 가능 부사절: After he (had) finished his homework, Jim went to bed. 분사구: After Ø finishing his homework, he went to bed. 분사구: After having finished his homework, he went to bed. 분사구: Having finished his homework, he went to bed. 분사구: He went to bed after finishing his homework. 분사구: He went to bed after having finished his homework 부사절: Before I left for work, I ate breakfast. 분사구: Before Ø leaving for work, I ate breakfast. 분사구: Ø Ø Leaving for work, I ate breakfast. be동사가 없으면 주어생략 후 동사 를 -ing 형식으로 변경 부사절: Since Anna came to this country, she has made many friends. 분사구: Since Ø coming to this country, she has made many friends. 의미를 확실하게 하기위해 접속사 를 남겨두기도 한다 부사절: While I was walking down the street, I ran into an old friend. 분사구: while Ø Ø walking down the street, I ran into an old friend. 분사구: Ø Ø Ø Walking down the street, I ran into an old friend. 부사절: While the teacher was lecturing to the class, I fell asleep. 분사구: None While watching TV last night, the phone rang. (X) 주절의 주어와 부사절의 주어가 다 르기 때문에 축약불가 또는 별도의 주 어 사용

4 1. Changing “Time Clauses” to Phrases (cont.)
부사절: Since Anna came to this country, she has made many friends. 분사구: Since Ø coming to this country, she has made many friends. 시간의 부사절을 구로 - since, after, before, while, when 이 이끄는 시간의 부 사절은 구로 변경 가능 After절은 주절보다 의미 상 대과거이기때문에 having + PP도 가능 부사절: After he (had) finished his homework, Jim went to bed. 분사구: After Ø finishing his homework, he went to bed. 분사구: After having finished his homework, he went to bed. 분사구: Having finished his homework, he went to bed. 분사구: He went to bed after finishing his homework. 분사구: He went to bed after having finished his homework. 부사절: When I arrived at the airport, I called him. 분사구: When arriving at the airport, I called him. 분사구: Arriving at the airport, I called him. 부사절: While I was walking down the street, I ran into an old friend. 분사구: while Ø Ø walking down the street, I ran into an old friend. 분사구: Ø Ø Ø Walking down the street, I ran into an old friend. - while은 생략가능 Hiking through the woods yesterday, we saw a bear. Pointing to the sentence on the board, the teacher explained adverb clauses.

5 1. Changing “Time Clauses” to Phrases (cont..): Using upon + -ing form
부사절: When I reach the age of 20, I can vote. 분사구: Upon reaching the age of 20, I can vote. 분사구: On reaching the age of 20, I can vote. 부사절: When I reached the age of 20, I received my inheritance. 분사구: Upon reaching the age of 20, I received my inheritance. 분사구: On reaching the age of 20, I received my inheritance. When 이 이끄는 시간의 부사절은 구로 변경시 - upon + ing - on + ing 부사절: When my mom reached the age of 70, my daughter received her inheritance. 분사구: Upon my mom’s reaching the age of 70, my daughter received her inheritance. 분사구: On my mom’s reaching the age of 70, my daughter received her inheritance. 주의: 동명사의 의미상의 주어는 소유격 부사절: You may enter the theater when you are accompanied by an adult. 분사구: You may enter the theater when accompanied by an adult. 분사구: You may enter the theater Ø accompanied by an adult. 주의: 분사구문은 부사절 이 문뒤에 오더라도 가능 5

6 3. Changing “Cause and Effect” Clauses to Phrases
부사절: Because she needed some money, Anna cashed a check. 분사구: Ø Ø Needing some money, Anna cased a check. 원인과 결과의 부사절을 구로 - because 와 주어 생략 - be동사는 being으로 또는 생략 - 일반동사는 –ing형으로 - 부정형일경우 조동사 do/did 생 략후 Not 이 문두 부사절: Because he lacked the necessary qualification, he was not considered for the job. 분사구: Ø Ø lacking the necessary qualification, he was not ~. 부사절: Because she was unable to afford a car, she bought a bicycle. 분사구: Ø Ø Being unable to afford a car, she bought a bicycle. 분사구: Ø Ø Ø Unable to afford a car, she bought a bicycle. 부사절: Because Sam didn’t want to hurt her feelings, he didn’t tell her the bad news. 분사구: Ø Ø Not wanting to hurt her feelings, he didn’t tell her the bad news. 분사구에서의 부정형: not + -ing 부사절: Because I had forgotten to bring a pencil, I had to borrow one. 분사구: Ø Ø Having forgotten to bring a pencil, I had to borrow one. 부사절의 시제가 대과거이면, having + PP형으로 부사절: Because it was a holiday, the bank was closed. 분사구: It being a holiday, the bank was closed. 부사절: Since he had an appointment with Dr. Lee, his boss didn't meet him. 분사구: He having an appointment with Dr. Lee, his boss didn’t meet him. 독립분사구문: 주절의 주어와 부 사절의 주어가 다르기 때문에 별 도의 주어 사용. 이를 독립분사구 문이라고 함.

7 4. Changing “Condition” & “Contradiction” Clauses to Phrases
부사절: If you leave home early, you can catch the early train. 분사구: Ø Ø Leaving home early, you can catch the early train. 조건의 분사구문 주절과 종속절의 주어가 다 르면 if절의 주어는 생략 불가 부사절: If you turn to the left, you can find the post office. 분사구: Ø Ø Turning to the left, you can find the post office. 부사절: If the whether is good, we will go picnic today. 분사구: The weather being good, we will go picnic today. //독립분사구문 부사절: Even if I admit my mistake, I cannot forgive him. 분사구: Ø Ø Admitting my mistake, I cannot forgive him. 양보의 분사구문 부사절: Although she was invited to the party, she didn’t show up. 분사구: Ø Ø Being invited to the party, she didn’t show up. 대등절: The supermarket added a foreign food section, and it included items from Viet Nam. 분사구: The supermarket added a foreign food section, including items from Viet Nam.//연속상황 부대상황(동시상황 또는 연 속상황)을 나타내는 분사구 (분사구문): 부사절이 아닌 대 등절이 and로 연결된 구조이 며, 주어의 동시동작(상태)을 의미 부대상황을 나타내는 With 분사구: - With+ 목 + 분사 - With+ 목 + 형용사 - With+ 목 + 전치사구 - With+ 목 + 부사(구) The boy stood under a tree, waving his arm. // 동시상황 They are walking down the street, singing together. Staring at her eyes, he softly touched her hand. The animal run away with its leg broken.  // 분사 Jim sleeps with his eyes open // 형용사 Don’t speak with your mouth full. // 형용사 She complained to the manager with her baby in her arms. // 분사구 He stood there with his back against the wall. // 분사구 She is working with her new cloths on. // 전치사

8 6. -ing 분사구의 시제 현재: Practicing her swing every day, Anna hopes to get a job as a golf instructor.  Because she practices her swing everyday, Anna hopes to ~ -ing형태의 분사구 의 시제는 주절이 결 정. 과거: Having a terrible toothache, Jim called the dentist for an appointment.  Because he had a terrible toothache, Jim called ~. 미래: Finishing the letter tonight, Anna will mail it tomorrow.  After she finishes the letter tonight, Anna will mail ~. //시간과 조건의의 부사 절에서는 현재형이 미래를 표현 Having seen the movie before, I don’t want to see at again. = Because I saw the movie before, now I don’t want to see it again. Having seen the movie before, I didn’t want to go again. = Because I had seen the movie before, I didn’t want to see it again. having + PP 형은 부사절의 행위가 주 절보다 과거임을 의 미 주의: 분사구가 Having + PP일때, 주 절의 시제는 현재, 과거 모두 가능 After they had finished their assignment, the boys went out to play. = Having finished their assignment, the boys went out to play. Because she had not read the book, she could not answer the question = Not having read the book, she could not answer the question. Because she had been shocked by the news, she couldn’t speak. = Having been shocked by the news, she couldn’t speak. = Ø Shocked by the news, she couldn’t speak. // 주의: 수동시 having been 은 생략가능 주의 : 수동태일경우, being, having been 은 생략가능

9 7. More on Adverbial Phrases
// 주어가 일반인인 경우 Since people are generally speaking, (it is true that) we don’t trust our government.  People generally speaking, we don’t trust our government.  Ø Generally speaking, we don’t trust our government. // People 생략가 능 Frankly speaking (솔직히 말해서) Generally speaking  (일반적으로 말해서) Judging from      ( ~ 로 판단하면 ) Strictly speaking      (엄밀하게 말해서 ) Considering (that) (~을 고려하면 ) Roughly speaking     (대강 말하자면 ) 분사구문의 주어가 We , They , People , You 등 일 반인의 경우 , 주절의 주어 와 일치하지 않더라도 분사 구문의 주어를 생략 가능(= 무인칭 분사구문)

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