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English Communication R/W 김영아

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1 English Communication R/W 김영아
Unit 2-1 English Communication R/W 김영아



4 Comprehension Check-up
Para 1. His job: a shopping behavior researcher How did he turn his weakness into his strength? He grew up with a stutter and he learned to observe as a way of understanding others. He’s turned this survival mechanism into his profession.

5 Para 2. According to Bill Bryson, what was an important feature of retail stores in the 20th century? Most of them had big store windows. Para 3. What is the difference between pedestrian behavior now and last century?  Last century, pedestrians strolled and took time to look in store windows. Now most people walk fast and look straight ahead.

6 Para 4. One factor that made the difference is traffic lights. What happens on sidewalks when people have to stop and wait for traffic lights to change?  A “pile” of people forms and stays crowded together after they cross. Behind them is a gap of fewer people.

7 Para 5. How does the change in pedestrian behavior affect the window display?  Pedestrians can’t stop to look in windows even if they want to. So, window displays need to grab attention instantly. What is the problem with the drugstore windows in the author’s neighborhood?  They are crowded with many products, so it’s difficult to focus on any product clearly.

8 Para 6. What are examples the author uses to show how ‘our ability to process images is faster?  People read in groups of words, not letter by letter. Movies show the story of a lifetime in just a few hours. A commercial can tell a full story.

9 Para 7. What does the author mean when he says that store windows must be ‘quick reads’?  Store windows must be simple so that shoppers can easily identify the product, and they must be creative to catch someone’s eye.

10 Complete the paragraph with the definite article the or the indefinite article a(n).
An American bride often looks in __ magazine for advice about planning her wedding. Every bride has her own idea of ____ most perfect wedding. For most brides, this includes flowers, music, and ___ delicious wedding cake. According to tradition, if a woman places __ piece of cake in __ bag underneath her pillow, she will dream of her future husband. ___ woman will see his face in her dreams.

11 Articles a and the 1. The indefinite article a or an is used with singular, countable nouns. We have a cat and a dog. 2. The definite article the is used with singular and plural, countable and uncountable nouns when both the speaker and the listener know the thing. We have a cat and a dog. The cat is old, but the dog is just a puppy.

12 Definite article 1. Before oceans, rivers, hotels, theaters, museums, and newspapers. the Pacific The Times the Ritz 2. If there is only one of something the sun the president the government 3. With superlative adjectives the richest man the oldest sister

13 No article 1. Before plural and uncountable nouns when talking about things in general. I like apples. Milk is good for you. 2. Before countries, town, streets, languages, magazines, meals, airports, stations, and mountains. I had lunch with Tom. I was born in Seoul.

14 3. Before some places and with some forms of transportation
3. Before some places and with some forms of transportation. at home in bed/to bed at /to work by bus by train on foot ** Hee-jin goes to school. Her boyfriend goes to the school to have lunch with her. Ken’s brother is in prison. Ken went to the prison to visit his brother.


16 English to Korean to English
그런 법과 관습을 이해하지 못한 세계적 광고회사 는 성공할 수 없을 것이다. 주어는? Global advertiser 동사는? Will not succeed. The global advertiser who does not understand such laws and customs will not be able to succeed.

17 English to Korean to English
With the window so crowded, it is impossible to focus on any single product. The way our eyes and brain handle information has become more sophisticated.

18 다양한 단문 활용법을 익히자! He visited me. I was surprised. (단문)
He visited me, so I was surprised. (중문) When he visited me, I was surprised. (복문) 단문 만을 사용할 경우 - 어린아이 같은 단순함 중문과 복문에 지나치게 의존할 경우 – 장황해질 우 려 ‘He visited me, so I was surprised. I couldn’t say anything, but it seemed he didn’t care. When he began to talk, I had no choice but to listen.’

19 His visit surprised me. 단순하지 않은, 멋진 단문을 활용할 필요!! 한가지 방법 – 물주주어: 사람이 아니어도 주어 시켜 주세요!!

20 With robots’ remarkable abilities, we will increase total social wealth.
영어는 우리말에 비해 사람이 아닌 요소를 주어로 쓰는 빈도가 높다. 특히 어떤 결과를 낳는 조건이 나 요인을 주어로 써주면 영어다운 표현이 된다. Robots’ remarkable abilities will increase total social wealth.

21 As I sincerely apologized, I became her best friend.
주어는? 나의 진지한 사과 동사는? 단짝 친구로 만들었다. 우정을 회복시켰다. My sincere apology made me her best friend again. My sincere apology restored our friendship.

22 물주 주어 구문 연습문제 1. My aunt became rich owing to her wise inves tments.
 My aunt’s wise investments made her rich. 2. If you read the book more closely, you will understand more.(give better understanding)  A closer reading of the book will give you a better understanding. 3. After we walked for thirty minutes, we arrive d at the exotic cafe. A thirty-minute walk took us to the exotic café.

23 4. Because of the heavy rain, we couldn't go to sch ool yesterday
4. Because of the heavy rain, we couldn't go to sch ool yesterday. (prevent) The heavy rain prevented us from going to schoo l yesterday. 5. With open-minded dialogue, they will be able to find a solution.  Open-minded dialogue will lead them to a soluti on. (~enable them to find a solution) 6. He had had hard training for five years and beca me the best player. The hard training of five years made him the best player.

24 Translation Practice 1. Because I grew up with a terrible stutter and was not comfortable talking, I learned to observe as a way of understanding social rules.  자랄 때 말을 심하게 더듬었고 말을 하는 것을 불편해했기 때문 에 사회적 규칙을 배우는 한 방편으로 관찰하는 법을 배웠다. 2. They remain the same story as they were some 120 years ago.  그들(큰 창문들)은 약 200년 전과 동일한 모습을 하고 있다. 3. Throughout modern times, different factors have changed the way pedestrians walk in busy urban areas. 현대를 통틀어 상이한 요소들이 보행자들이 붐비는 도시 지역에 서 걷는 방식을 바꿔왔다. (붐비는 도시지역에서 보행자들의 보행 법을)

25 4. He observed that because traffic lights are timed for the speed of cars, people pile up on street corners as they wait for the light to change.  그는 신호등이 차의 속도에 맞추어져 있기 때문에, 사람들이 도로의 모 퉁이에서 신호등이 바뀌길 기다리면서 무리를 이루는 것을 보았다. 5. They must be simple enough so that the products can be clearly identified, and they must be creative enough to catch the busy pedestrian’s eye. 그들(창문들)은 상품들을 분명하게 알아볼 수 있도록 충분히 단순해야 하고, 바쁜 보행자들의 눈을 끌만큼 창의적이어야 한다. ~~ so that ~~(in order that) ~ so ~~~ that ~ <-> enough to Nathan is so young that he cannot start preschool.  Nathan is not old enough to start preschool.

26 6. As busy as I might be as I walk down the street, his windows make me stop.
 도로를 걸어 내려가며 아무리 바쁘더라도 그의 창문들은 나를 멈추게 한다. (그의 창문들 때문에 나는 멈추게 된다.) As 의 양보도치  Though you may be smart, you just can’t predict the future. Smart as you may be, you just can’t predict the future. As smart as you may be, you just can’t predict the future. 그는 비록 가난하지만, 이웃의 존경을 받았다. As poor as he was, he was respected by his neighbors.

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