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기본 형용사 반대말 강하다 strong – 약하다 weak (키가)크다 tall – 키가 작다 short

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1 기본 형용사 반대말 강하다 strong – 약하다 weak (키가)크다 tall – 키가 작다 short
나이가 많다 old – 어리다 young (크기가) 크다 big – 작다 small 빠르다 fast – 느리다 slow (길이가) 길다 long – 짧다 short

2 Comparatives 비교급 예) 강하다 strong – 더 강한 stronger
1. 키가 큰 tall – 더 큰 taller 2. 나이많은 old – 더 나이든 older 3. 커다란 big – 더 큰 bigger 4. 빠른 fast – 더 빠른 faster 5. 긴 long – 더 긴 longer

3 Superlatives 최상급 strong – stronger – the strongest
강한 – 더 강한 – 가장 강한 strong – stronger – the strongest 키큰 – 더 키가 큰 – 가장 키가 큰 tall – taller – the tallest 나이많은 – 더 나이많은- 가장나이많은 old – older – the oldest

4 Superlatives 최상급 2 빠른 – 더 빠른 – 가장 빠른 fast – faster – the fastest
긴 – 더 긴 – 가장 긴 long – longer – the longest 참고 : 좋은 – 더 좋은 – 가장 좋은 good – better – best (불규칙)

5 Superlatives 최상급 3 모음이 3개 이상 포함된 긴 단어는 앞에 more을 붙여 비교급을, 앞에 most를 붙여 최상급을 만든다. 예) 아름다운 – 더 아름다운 – 가장아름다운 beautiful – more beautiful – (the) most beautiful

6 Exercise 연습문제 나는 너보다 키가 크다 – 영어로 I am(=I’m) taller than you.
너는 그여자보다 나이가 많다 – 영어로 You are older than her.(she가 아님에 주의) 너의 연필이 그의 것보다 더 길다 Your pencil is longer than his.

7 1. What did they play? They ______ badminton.
Exercise 2 1. What did they play? They ______ badminton. played 2. Who is taller? 효정 is ______ than 용대. taller

8 Exercise 3 장미란 won a gold medal in weight lifting with 5 new world records. 3. Is she stronger than you? Yes, she is ________ than ___. stronger me

9 Exercise 4 Usain Bolt won 3 gold medals in Track running.
4. He is _______ than me. 5. He is the _______ man in the world. faster fastest

10 Exercise 5 박태환 won a gold medal in swimming 400m freestyle men.
6. He is the __________ swimmer in the world. fastest

11 Exercise 6 용대 was born in 1988. 효정 was born in 1981.
효정 is _____ than 용대. 용대 is _______ than 효정. older younger

12 America is bigger than Korea.
January first 99,538㎢ 9,518,323㎢ Mother's day

13 America is smaller than Russia.
17,075,400㎢ January first America is smaller than Russia. 9,518,323㎢ Mother's day

14 Now answer following questions
Ex. Who is the oldest here? Your English teacher^^ Q: Who is the tallest in this class? A: _____ is the tallest student. Q: Which one is better, 떡볶이 or 라면? A: ______ is better than _______.

15 Now answer following questions 2
Q: Which river is longer, 압록강 or 한강? A: 압록강 is longer than 한강. Q: Which one is bigger, Seoul or Tokyo? A: Tokyo is bigger than Seoul.

16 Now answer following questions 3
Q: What is the highest mountain in South Korea? A: Mt. Halla is the highest. Q: What is the second highest mountain in South Korea? A: Mt. Jiri is the second highest.

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