How do you like~? How did you like~?.

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Presentation on theme: "How do you like~? How did you like~?."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do you like~? How did you like~?

2 좋다고 한 적 없는데… 어떤 것 같아? How did you like the movie?
How do you like your new partner? How did you like the soccer game yesterday? 어땠어? 어때?

3 Can you tell me~?

4 넌 말 할 수 있잖아, 얘기해봐 해줄 수 있니? = 해줄래?
Can you tell me why you don’t like gimchi? Can you tell me why you like your science teacher? Can you tell me why you don’t like science? Can you tell me why you want to go to Italy?

5 What’s your name? What your name is.

6 물음표가 없는 의문문 직접의문문 (~?) 간접의문문 (~인지.) 변환 예시 주어 앞으로 튀어나가는 것이 있다.
(질문 대상이 주어인 경우 제외) 간접의문문 (~인지.) 주어+동사 위치를 잘 지킬 것. 변환 예시 What is your name? What your name is. Why didn’t you go to school today? Why you didn’t go to school today. Who did it? Who did it.

7 <Script>

8 Mina: How do you like the food, Alex? I hope you like it.
Alex: Oh, it’s all very tasty. I especially like bibimbap. Mina: Good. I’m glad to hear that. By the way, where did you learn to use chopsticks so well? Alex: Well, I lived in Japan for a while before I came to Korea. Mina: I see. No wonder you are so good with chopsticks. So did you like Japanese food? Alex: Well, yes and no. I liked some of the food, but I didn’t like everything. For example, I didn’t like sushi. Mina: You didn’t? I like sushi a lot. It’s delicious. Alex: Well, not to me. Mina: Can you tell me why you don’t like it? Alex: Well, we don’t eat raw fish in our country. I guess I’m just not used to eating raw fish.

9 He’s used to taking a taxi.

10 익숙해 be used to ~ing (used 익숙한, 버릇이 된) used to ~하곤 했었다
Koreans are used to eating spicy food. He’s not used to hearing “No.” I’m used to getting up early. I’m used to hot weather. (to 명사) used to ~하곤 했었다 I used to get up early. be used to V ~에 이용되다 A spoon is used to eat soup.

11 Are you bored? Are you boring?

12 형용사, ~ing, p.p 형용사로 쓰이는 ~ing(현재분사) 형용사로 쓰이는 p.p.(과거분사)
The result was interesting. The movie was boring. 형용사로 쓰이는 p.p.(과거분사) My computer was broken. He is excited. She seemed surprised. 수동, 능동의 의미를 주의하며 이용할 것~

13 provide ~ with ~

14 누구에게 무엇을? provide A with B : A에게 B를 제공하다
Food culture provides us with a windows to look into other cultures. We cannot provide you with everything you need. They provide children with a lot of food. = They give children a lot of food. = They provide a lot of food to children.

15 what the thing that

16 관계대명사 what what…. ~한 것 Contrary to what we think, insects are very nutritious, and they taste good, too. Did they like what I cooked? What he did to the children was really terrible. I couldn’t believe what I heard. = I couldn’t believe the thing that I heard.

17 taste look sound feel smell

18 5감이 어떻다고? 맛 형태 소리 느낌 냄새 It tasted good. She looks happy.
It sounds interesting. 느낌 It feels smooth. 냄새 It smells good.

19 both ~and ~

20 둘 다 Both A and B : A와 B 둘 다 B as well as A : (A뿐만 아니라) B 또한
Koreans use both spoons and chopsticks to eat rice. I’ll take both this shirt and that pants. B as well as A : (A뿐만 아니라) B 또한 I like that pants as well as this shirt.

21 make ~ V

22 뭐하라고? make + 목적어 + 원형부정사 : 시키다 have + ~ let + ~
According to a study, hot food makes people produce more saliva. The teacher makes me memorize these words. Mom made me clean my room. My boss had me draw this graph. Let me know the truth.

23 help ~ V help ~ to V

24 뭘 도와? help ~ : ~를 돕다 help ~ (to) V : ~가 ~하는 것을
More saliva, in turn, helps them to feel fuller. My sister helped me (to) do my homework. She did everything to help her son (to) succeed in life.

25 I saw her cross the street. I saw her crossing the street.

26 다 본거야, 일부만 본거야? see, watch, hear, listen 등 + 목적어 + V see, watch, hear, listen 등 + 목적어 + Ving I heard something crash against the wall. I watched they steal her purse. I saw some pandas eating bamboo leaves. I felt tears running down my cheeks.

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