Master of the Munich Golden Legend

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Presentation on theme: "Master of the Munich Golden Legend"— Presentation transcript:

1 Master of the Munich Golden Legend
The Tower of Babel (창11:1-9) . Master of the Munich Golden Legend ca – 1460 The Tower of Babel illumination (263 × 184 mm) — c British Library, London Master of the Munich Golden Legend

2 바벨탑이 세워졌다는 시날(Shinar) 땅은 남부 메소포타미아 지방으로서, 바빌론 제국의 발상지이기도 하다.
노아의 자손들은 탑 꼭대기가 하늘에 닿게 하여, 이름을 날리고, 온 땅 위에 흩어지지 않게 하려고 이 탑을 쌓았으나, 주님께서는 오히려 사람들이 하지 못 할 일이 없을 것을 염려해, 사람들이 하는 말을 뒤섞어서 서로 알아 듣지 못하게 하고, 그들을 온 땅으로 흩으셨다. 말을 뒤섞었다 하여 바벨이라 함은 히브리어 '발랄'(혼잡케하다)에서 유래되었다고도 하며, 또한 아카드어 '바빌리'(신들의 문)에서 유래되었다는 견해도 있다 German Late Medieval (c. 1370s) depiction of the construction of the tower 1370 German depiction

3 The Ziggurat at Babylon (재건축 6c) 91 metres (300 ft) in height
Sumer시대(BC )의 Marduk 신전을 의미하며, 최근 학자들은 바벨탑과 동일시하고 있다. 고대바벨론 사람들은 이 계단을 통하여 하늘의 신이 내려와 인간과 교제를 나눈다고 믿었었다. Reconstruction of the Etemenanki, the ziggurat at Babylon , which was 91 metres (300 ft) in height Marduk 신전(수메르 시대B.C )

4 Hanging Gardens of Babylon-16c
Martin Heemskerck Hanging Gardens of Babylon-16c Hanging Gardens of Babylon- (16th century), an engraving by Martin Heemskerck, depicts the Tower of Babel in the background. 16th century engraving by Dutch artist Martin Heemskerck Tower of Babel

5 Cornelis Anthonisz 1505-1553和 1547 Cornelis Anthonisz 1505 – 1553
Cornelis Anthonisz 1547 Cornelis Anthonisz 1505 – 1553 The Fall of the Tower of Babel etching (31 × 37 cm) — 1547

6 Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Pieter Bruegel the Elder 1563 Pieter Bruegel the Elder ca – 1569 The Tower of Babel (Vienna) oil on panel (114 × 155 cm) — 1563 Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

7 Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Pieter Bruegel the Elder 1563 Pieter Bruegel the Elder ca – 1569 The Tower of Babel (Rotterdam) oil on panel (60 × 75 cm) — 1563 Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam

8 Lucas van Valckenborch
Lucas van Valckenborch 1568 Lucas van Valckenborch 1535 – 1597 The tower of Babel (1568) oil on panel (71 × 90 cm) — private collection

9 Lucas van Valckenborch
Lucas van Valckenborch 1594 Lucas van Valckenborch 1535 – 1597 The tower of Babel (1594) oil on panel (41 × 56 cm) — 1594 Musée du Louvre, Paris

10 Lucas van Valckenborch
Lucas van Valckenborch 1595 Lucas van Valckenborch 1535 – 1597 The tower of Babel (1595) oil on panel (42 × 68 cm) — 1595 Mittelrhein-Museum, Koblenz

11 Gustave Doré 1832-1883佛 1865 Gustave Doré1832 – 1883
Gustave Doré Gustave Doré1832 – 1883 The Confusion of Tongues engraving — 1865 1865

12 The Flag of Language Creation Society represents the Tower of Babel 2007
Conlangflag It shows a ziggurat or terraced tower (represents the "Tower of Babel") in front

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