Let’s Have a Break For a Time ~

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1 Let’s Have a Break For a Time ~
자, 여러분! 지루한 영어시간이죠? 5 I C~ Oh, I see. 제가 그럴 줄 알았지요. Nonsense Quiz로 잠시 피로를 풀면서 쉬어볼까요? 이번에도 선생님의 사랑이 듬뿍 담긴 사랑의 Chocolate~ Hot Break~ Ready, Set, Let’s go.

2 Funny Riddles 1. What clothing does a house wear? 집은 어떤 옷을 입고 있는가? Address(주소/ dress가 옷이므로) 2. Which room has no door, no windows, no floor and no roof? 문도 창문도 마루도 지붕도 없는 방은 무엇인가? a mush room (버섯) 3. What part of your body has the most rhythm? 여러분의 몸 중에서 가장 리듬이 있는 부분은 어디인가? Eardrums(고막)

3 4. What does the beach say when the tide comes in
4. What does the beach say when the tide comes in? 바닷물이 밀려들어 올 때 해변은 뭐라고 말하는가? Long time no see.(sea와 발음이 같으므로) 5. What kind of food does a race horse eat? 경주마는 어떤 종류의 음식을 먹는가? Fast food 6. Which is the shortest month? 일년 중 어느 달이 가장 짧은가? May 7. Which stars wear dark glasses? 어느 스타가 어두운 안경을 쓰고 있는가? Movie stars

4 8. What goes up but never comes down. 올라가기만 하고 내려오지 않는 것은. age 9
8. What goes up but never comes down? 올라가기만 하고 내려오지 않는 것은? age 9. What is the difference between here and there? here 와 there 사이의 차이는 무엇인가? T 10. What gets bigger when you turn it upside down? 거꾸로 돌려놓으면 더 커지는 것은? Hint) Arabian Number What nation has a lot of cars? 어느 나라가 차가 제일로 많을 까요? Carnation

5 What day is it today? That’s right. April 1 is April _____ Day. Many people like to play j____ or t______ on this day. The j______ are fun only. They are not harmful or mean.

6 What day is it today? That’s right. April 1 is April Fools’ Day. Many people like to play jokes or tricks on this day. The jokes are fun only. They are not harmful or mean. * harmful;해로운, mean; 비열한

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