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Published byLaura Bognárné Modified 6년 전
“Grammar to Explain” 1) The old woman can dive into a river. [능력=is able to] 2) You can go. / Can I speak to you for a moment? [허가=may] 3) You can't run here. [가벼운 명령: 금지(must not보다는 가벼움)] 4) You can get a burn if you are not careful. [가능성=may] 5) Can the rumor be true? (과연 그 소문이 사실일까?) [강한 의심] 6) It can't be true. (사실일 리가 없다.) [현재 사실에 대한 강한 부정 추측] She cannot have done such a thing. [과거 사실에 대한 강한 부정 추측] (=It is impossible that she did such a thing.: 그런 짓을 했을 리가 없다.) 7) Could you lift this bag for me? [공손한 부탁] 8) You cannot be too careful in choosing your friends. (친구를 선택할 때는 아무리 주의해도 지나치지 않다.) ※무조건 be able to=can은 아닙니다. be able to는 인간의 감각을 나타내는 동사 (smell, see, hear, etc.)와 인간의 심리를 나타내는 동사들(remember, decide, understand, etc.)과는 잘 사용되지 않습니다. 물론, can의 미래형은 will be able to입니다. ☆I can smell something burning here. (○) ★I am able to smell something burning here. (×) ☆I can't understand what you are talking about. (○) ★I am not able to understand what you are talking about. (×)
Maxims Introduced by Teacher
The cloud of one single day cannot obscure five centuries of service Angle Sodano If a man doesn't know which harbor to go, no wind can be favorable. Seneca (로마의 스토아학파의 철학자, 정치가) You can't be brave if you've only had wonderful things happen to you Mary Tyler Moore I cannot tell a lie, Pa, you know I cannot tell a lie, I did cut it with my little hatchet. George Washington (미국 초대 대통령) as a boy
Maxims Translated by Student
When a man can observe himself suffering and is able, later to describe what he's gone through, it means he was born for literature. Edouard Bourdet ( ) French dramatist You certainly will not be able, in a single generation, to create an earthly paradise. Arnold Toynbee ( ) British historian A poet could not but be gay / In such a jocund company. 수선화(daffodil)들의 아름다움을 노래하는 시인 William Wordsworth If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? P. B. Shelley ( ) English poet
“My Maxim” Activity 다음의 maxim들과 유사한 maxim들을 만들어 보세요.
1. Money can't buy happiness. 2. Money can't buy everything. 3. <학생영작사례> Money can't buy complete love. Money can't buy peace.
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