Take an Eco-tour of Socotra

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1 Take an Eco-tour of Socotra
Middle School ENGLISH 1 Lesson 06 [ Reading ] Take an Eco-tour of Socotra Movie Play

2 Take an Eco-tour of Socotra
Lesson 06 Come and see the mysterious nature of Socotra. Socotra is an island in the Indian Ocean. Socotra is far away from land. So people cannot come to the island easily. This keeps the island beautiful. On the island, you will enjoy pure nature. 신비한 ~의 인도양 ~에서 멀리 떨어진 곳에 ~할 수 없다 쉽게 keep+명사+형용사: 명사가 ~하게 유지하다 순수한, 깨끗한

3 Take an Eco-tour of Socotra
Lesson 06 The Dragon Blood Tree and the Desert Rose are very unique plants. The Dragon Blood Tree produces red juice. The juice looks like blood. The Desert Rose is different from an ordinary rose. It looks like an elephant's leg.   독특한 생산하다 ~처럼 보이다 혈액 ~와 다르다 보통의

4 Take an Eco-tour of Socotra
Lesson 06 During your tour, Socotra will give you a special experience. You will enjoy it, but you must not hurt the island. Join our tour now! Socotra will show you a different world. ~동안 경험 함께하다 ~해서는 안 된다

5 <Guides for the Eco-tour of Socotra>
Take an Eco-tour of Socotra Lesson 06 <Guides for the Eco-tour of Socotra> 1. Save water. There isn't much water on this island. 2. Travel light. Too many things will become trash. 3. Walk or ride a bicycle. You won't pollute the air. 4. Don't hurt plants. *They are your friends. 안내 아끼다 ~이 없다 많은 (+셀 수 없는 명사) 가볍게 많은 (+셀 수 있는 명사) 쓰레기 또는 오염시키다 다치게 하다 =Plants

6 Thank you.

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