Learning Points (8과 Read-2) Learning Points.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Points (8과 Read-2) Learning Points."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Points (8과 Read-2) Learning Points

2 Useful Expressions 명령문, and ~: and ~ 해라, 그러면 =If ~ , ~ .
(서둘러라, 그러면 너는 그 버스를 잡을 것이다.) and Make haste, you will catch the bus. If you = make haste, you will catch the bus.

3 Useful Expressions 명령문, or ~: or ~ 해라, 그렇지 않으면 =If ~ not , ~ .
(서둘러라, 그렇지 않으면 너는 그 버스를 놓칠 것이다.) or Make haste, you will miss the bus. If don`t = you make haste, you will miss the bus.

4 Let's Practice! 명령문,and~

5 Study hard, and you will succeed.
=If you study hard, you will succeed.

6 Work hard, and you will succeed. =If you work hard, you will succeed.

7 Hurry up, and you will arrive on time.
=If you hurry up, you will arrive on time

8 Get up early, or you will miss the bus.
=If you don`t get up early, you will miss the bus.

9 Hurry up, or you will miss the train.
=If you don`t hurry up, you will miss the train

10 Be quiet, or you will be punished.
=If you are not quiet, you will be punished

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