“Grammar to Explain” 1. 접속사 and로 나열되는 항목들은 서로 같은 형태인 것이 원칙이다.

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Presentation on theme: "“Grammar to Explain” 1. 접속사 and로 나열되는 항목들은 서로 같은 형태인 것이 원칙이다."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Grammar to Explain” 1. 접속사 and로 나열되는 항목들은 서로 같은 형태인 것이 원칙이다.
* Ladies and gentleman! (신사 숙녀 여러분!) 단어 and 단어 * Students must always study in war and in peace. 구 and 구 * Will you come there and (will you) play tennis with them? 문(文) and 문(=절) 2. 접속사 and로 나열된 주어는 복수로 보는 것이 보통이나 경우에 따라 단수 취급 * To teach and to learn are two different things. =To teach is one thing; to learn (is) another. * Bread and butter is good for most sick people. 버터 바른 빵 : 전체 개념으로 단수 취급 * Slow and steadily wins the race. (느릿느릿 걸어도 쉼 없이 걸으면 경주를 이긴다) * Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. * Each man and woman has a car. (사람들은 각자 자동차를 가지고 있다.) 3. every, each, no 등으로 수식될 때는 단수로 취급한다. * Every boy and girl in this class is good at math. (이 학급의 모든 소년 소녀는 수학을 잘한다.) * The poet and novelist is dead. (시인이자 소설가 ; 동일인) * The poet and the novelist are dead. (시인과 소설가 ; 두 사람) * Two and two make(s) four. (2+2=4) 4. 명령문 다음의 and : 그러면 * Work hard, and you will pass the exam. (열심히 노력하라. 그러면 시험에 합격할 것이다.) = If you work hard, you will pass th exam. 5. go, come, try, send 등의 다음에 오는 and는 부정사 to 대용 * Come and see me next week. = Come to see me next week. 6. 그러나(=but), 그런데도로 쓰인 and * He is rich, and he lives frugally. (그는 부자인데도 검소하게 산다.)

2 Maxims Introduced by Teacher
Work banishes those three great evils : boredom, vice and poverty F. M. A. de Voltaire For the godless, one and all, are barren, and their homes, enriched by bribery, are destroyed by fire. from Job (욥기) 15 : 34 Scratch my back and I will scratch yours. Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and it will come naturally.Robert Frost, USA poet Good words are worth much, and cost little. [=but] George Herbert, British poet

3 Maxims Translated by Student
Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Deed follows word and word follows thought. M. Gandhi, the leader of Indian liberation movement Love each other and you will all live. / Fight each other and you will all die Ahn, Chang-ho Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Matthew (마태복음) 7 : 7 A thousand years will pass and the guilt of Germany will not be erased Hans Frank, German politician and lawyer

4 “My Maxim” Activity 웃음의 효과(Laughter is the best medicine등)
를 여러분도 영어로 표현해보세요. Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and they give you the laugh. Laugh and grow fat. <학생영작사례> Laugh, and your sadness will run away.

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