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Confusing Words 혼동하기 쉬운 영단어.

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Presentation on theme: "Confusing Words 혼동하기 쉬운 영단어."— Presentation transcript:

1 Confusing Words 혼동하기 쉬운 영단어

2 1. Did you (fellow/follow) the instructions on the box?

3 Fellow 친구 Follow 따르다

4 2. By the time the firemen arrived, the house was in (flames/frames).

5 Flame 불꽃, 화염 Frame 구조, 틀

6 3. The president was forced to (flea/flee) the country after the revolution.

7 Flea 벼룩 Flee 도망치다, 떠나다

8 4. He's even more handsome in the (flesh/fresh) than on television.

9 Flesh 살, 육체 Fresh 신선한

10 5. My office is on the third (flour/floor).

11 Flour 밀가루 Floor

12 6. Can somebody take out the (garage/garbage)?

13 Garage 차고 Garbage 쓰레기

14 7. I have an allergy to (daily/diary/dairy) products such as milk, cheese and butter.

15 Daily 매일의 Diary 일기 Dairy 낙농업

16 8. I am interested in (geology/geometry/geography), the study of materials such as rocks, soil, and minerals.

17 Geology 지질학 Geometry 기하학 Geography 지리학

18 9. Our company has offices all over the (globe/glove).

19 Globe 지구 Glove 장갑

20 10. The children came rushing out to (greed/greet) me.

21 Greed 탐욕 Greet 인사하다

22 11. We've decided to (hire/heir/air) a baby-sitter for our baby.

23 Hire 고용하다 Heir 상속인 Air 공기

24 12. They have evidence to (approve/improve/prove) that she is guilty.

25 Approve 승인하다 Improve 개선하다 Prove 증명하다

26 13. We're repaying the (lawn/loan) over a 3-year period.

27 Lawn 잔디 Loan 대출

28 14. Look before you (leaf/leap).

29 Leaf Leap 도약

30 15. The (loyal/royal) family still exist in England.

31 Loyal 충성스러운 Royal 왕족의

32 16. "How did you do on the test?" "Oh, I really (massed/messed) up.

33 Mass 덩어리 Mess up 망치다

34 17. We use (mental/metal) cases for our computers.

35 Mental 정신의 Metal 금속의

36 18. He is from a (noble/novel) family.

37 Noble 귀족의 Novel 소설

38 19. Don't be such a (optimist/pessimist) - you're sure to pass.

39 Optimist 낙관론자 Pessimist 비관론자

40 20. All the old buildings had been very well (observed /reserved/preserved).

41 Observe 관찰하다 Reserve 예약하다 Preserve 보존하다

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