Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA session 5 The Design Knowledge_Beta.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA session 5 The Design Knowledge_Beta

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA 일반 언어에 모음, 자음, 음소, 음절이 있듯이 시각 언어에는 선, 색, 형, 형태가 있다 _ 시각언어의 요소 These messages are conveyed through the use of visual elements such as line, color, shape and form… 일반 언어에 숙어, 산문, 운문, 복문, 단문의 문법이 있듯이 시각언어에도 리듬, 균형, 무게 등이 있다 _ 시각언어의 원리 …and by the appropriate application of visual principles such as rhythm, balance and value. 디자인의 인문학적 지식 _ 시각 언어 Alpha Knowledge of Design_The Visual Languages

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA 6 개의 시각언어 요소 가 있으며 There are normally six visual elements of design. 이들은 디자인의 언어 를 이룬다. They serve as the visual vocabulary of design. The six visual elements are: 선 Line 형 Shape 형태 Form 공간 Space 재질 Texture 색 Color 시각 언어 _The Visual Languages and Visual Elements of Design

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA 시각언어에는 6 개의 시각원리가 있다. There are normally six visual principles of design. 이것은 또한 시각언어의 문법이라고도 할 수 있다. They serve as the visual grammar of design. 통일 Unity 변화 Variety 균형 Balance 강조 Emphasis 율동 Rhythm 규모 / 크기 Scale 시각 언어 _The Visual Languages and The Visual Principles of Design

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA 시각언어에는 다양한 시각원리가 있고 이를 자유롭게 구사하여 다양한 시각문법을 창조할 수 있다. 정교한 시각문법은 아름다운 디자인을 낳는다. 통일 Unity 변화 Variety 균형 Balance 강조 Emphasis 율동 Rhythm 규모 / 크기 Scale 조화 Harmony 형태와 배경 Figure and Ground 거리감과 깊이 Distance and Depth 연속성과 방향성 Continuity and Directionality 시각 언어 _The Visual Languages and The Visual Principles of Design

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA 사유적 지식 Humanities as human science: Alpha Knowledge_ 인문과학적 지식 Science as natural science: Beta Knowledge _ 자연과학적 지식 Sociology as social science: Gamma Knowledge_ 사회과학적 지식 실천적 지식 Engineering as practicing science and Design as design science: Delta Knowledge_ 실천적 지식 지식 분류 How will we classify knowledge? VS

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA 지식 분류 _ 인문학 - 자연과학 - 사회학 - 디자인 / 공학 지식 Alpha Knowledge, or knowledge that uses words as a mode of description. This includes philosophy, history and literature. Beta Knowledge, or knowledge that uses numbers as a mode of description. This includes mathematics, physics and chemistry. Gamma Knowledge, or knowledge that uses both words and numbers as a mode of description. This includes psychology, sociology and anthropology. Delta Knowledge, the knowledge of doing is called, and uses models or modeling as a mode of description. This includes engineering, architecture and design.

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA 수학, 물리학 그리고 화학 등 자연과학에 관계된 지식을 베타 지식이라 부른다. 베타지식은 수를 통하여 기술되며, 구조, 역학, 재료와 물성이 가장 중요한 지식의 원천이 된다. Beta Knowledge is that body of knowledge associated with what is called the Sciences, e.g., mathematics, physics, chemistry. Beta Knowledge uses numbers as its principal mode of description. Structures, dynamics and materials are very important components in the Beta Knowledge of design. 디자인의 자연과학적 지식 Beta Knowledge of Design

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA 디자인에 자연과학을 적용하는 대표적 방법 중에 하나가 자연모사로 Biodesign 혹은 Biomimicry 라고한다. 생물학과 공학분야에도 비슷한 용어로 생체역학 biomechanics 과 생체전자기학 bionics 가 있다. Biomimicry is the design process that uses models found in nature as a means of resolving human problems. 디자인의 자연과학적 지식 Beta Knowledge of Design_biomimicry Vickers Type 888 Red Dean

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA 자연모사는 Biomimicry 인류문명 초기부터 사용되었다. 오늘날에는 환경보호적 측면에서 더욱 강조되고 있다. Examples of biomimicry can be found in all areas of human creation; they go back to early history of humanity. In today’s world biomimicry may be even more relevant because of its potential for addressing environmental questions. 디자인의 자연과학적 지식 Beta Knowledge of Design_biomimicry Expo '67 American Pavilion (now the Biosphère), by R. Buckminster Fuller

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA 디자인의 자연과학적 지식 Design and biomimicry: da Vinci

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA Structures Dynamics Materials 디자인의 자연과학적 지식 Design and biomimicry: da Vinci

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA 디자인의 자연과학적 지식 Design and biomimicry: da Vinci human measurement kinematics biomechanics aerodynamics

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA 자연모사에서 대표적 분야가 구조에 관한 연구다. 그 연구대상은 작은 곤충에서 커다란 나무까지 다양하다. Biomimicry can be used to study the principles of structures and how nature has addressed the issue. Examples of structures in nature are numerous. They exist in forms as tiny as insects and as large as trees. Flight is one of the best examples by which we can understand the role of biomimicry and the principles of structures. 디자인의 자연과학적 지식 Structures and biomimicry…

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA 디자인의 자연과학적 지식 Structures and biomimicry… Panton Chair Classic Verner Panton, 1967 Lampropeltis alterna Gray Banded Kingsnake 36 inches L

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA 자연모사에서 또 하나의 중요한 주제는 역학분야다. 물고기의 헤엄에서 동물의 보행 등등 다양하다. 특히 공역학 분야에서 다양한 예를 찾아볼 수 있다. Biomimicry is an excellent source for understanding the dynamic properties of design and design systems. Examples of dynamic principles in nature are numerous. They include how fish swim and how animals walk. Once again flight is one of the best examples by which we can understand the role of biomimicry and the principles of dynamics. 디자인의 자연과학적 지식 Structures, Dynamics and biomimicry…

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA 디자인의 자연과학적 지식 Structures, Dynamics and biomimicry…

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA 디자인의 자연과학적 지식 Structures, Dynamics and biomimicry… Otto Lilienthal, 1896

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA 디자인의 자연과학적 지식 Structures and biomimicry… Otto Lilienthal, 1896/ Flyer, December 17, 1903 da Vinici, 16 th C/ DC 3, 1935

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA 디자인의 자연과학적 지식 Structures and biomimicry…

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA 디자인의 자연과학적 지식 Structures and biomimicry…

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA LIFT THRUST 디자인의 자연과학적 지식 Structures and biomimicry…

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA 재료의 활용은 또 다른 자연모사의 좋은 예라고 할 수 있다. 재료는 무한한 정보를 제공하며 이들의 속성을 적절히 활용하는 수많은 방법이 있다. Biomimicry can also provide an infinite source of information for materials and the appropriateness of their properties. An excellent example of biomimicry in the area of natural materials is the kayak of the native people in North America. 디자인의 자연과학적 지식 Materials and biomimicry…

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA INUIT culture Climate Flora Fauna Topography 디자인의 자연과학적 지식 Materials and biomimicry…

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA the kayak 디자인의 자연과학적 지식 Materials and biomimicry…

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA 디자인의 자연과학적 지식 Materials and biomimicry…

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA 디자인의 자연과학적 지식 Materials and biomimicry…

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA Design Challenge: The design challenge facing you is one of measurable performance achieved with specific materials. Using pieces of balsa wood (3/32" x 3/32“x 10pcs), some tissue paper (with due consideration for color) and glue (white glue is a good one), design and fabricate a device that will allow one fresh egg to be dropped eight meters onto a concrete floor without breaking the egg. “ 달걀 낙하 Dropping Eggs” 디자인의 자연과학적 지식 실습 Structure, Dynamics, Materials and biomimicry…

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA Project Objectives: The project has important objectives falling into two distinct categories: abstract problem solving and design skills. Issues in abstract problem solving will be addressed and will include: Simple exercise in problem solving; and Theories and sources for further information on abstract problem solving. The design skills addressed will include: Sketching and ideation; and Desktop technology. 디자인의 자연과학적 지식 실습 Structure, Dynamics, Materials and biomimicry… “ 달걀 낙하 Dropping Eggs”

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA Project Deliverables: A completed project will consist of two submissions: Design sketches (assembled, collated and bound as one document) containing all of the ideas, sketches, notes and any other information pertinent to the project (format: minimally A4; no larger than A3); A working model of the final concept; and An articulation statement: approximately 200 words, typed, double-spaced; 디자인의 자연과학적 지식 실습 Structure, Dynamics, Materials and biomimicry… “ 달걀 낙하 Dropping Eggs”

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA Grading: First, the design solution must be functionally successful, i.e., it must achieve the stated goal. Furthermore, the solution must make efficient use of material. To evaluate this latter criterion, the devices will be weighed before the drop. The lighter ones will receive higher points whereas the heavier ones will get fewer points. Together, these two segments of the project are worth 50%. Second, the project will be evaluated for its craftsmanship (20%), the design quality of the design sketches (20%) and the articulation statement (10%). 디자인의 자연과학적 지식 실습 Structure, Dynamics, Materials and biomimicry… “ 달걀 낙하 Dropping Eggs”

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA 디자인의 자연과학적 지식 실습 Structure, Dynamics, Materials and biomimicry… “ 달걀 낙하 Dropping Eggs”

Introduction to Industrial Design Fall 2006 Sungzin CHAE Dept. of Industrial Design Yonsei University Jacques Giard, ASU, USA 디자인의 자연과학적 지식 실습 Structure, Dynamics, Materials and biomimicry… “ 달걀 낙하 Dropping Eggs”