The Korean Grammar –lecture draft 1 st /2 nd Section 2 nd term 2015 Year the department of Korean language and literature of Kyunghee Univ. Instructor:


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Presentation transcript:

The Korean Grammar –lecture draft 1 st /2 nd Section 2 nd term 2015 Year the department of Korean language and literature of Kyunghee Univ. Instructor: RyangJin Kim

1. What is grammar? Concept of Grammar  Grammar as a knowledge of language  what we know about a certain language, i.e., the knowledge on that language, or linguistic competence  (1) ㄱ. Cheolsu-ga Younghee-leul mannatta(manna-ss-da).  Cheolsu-sub Younghee-obj meet-past-endding  ㄴ.*Cheolsu-ga Younghee-ga mannatta(manna-ss-da).  Cheolsu-sub Younghee-sub meet-past-endding  ㄷ.*Cheolsu-ga eoje Younghee-leul mannanda(manna-n-da).  Cheolsu-sub yesterday Younghee-sub meet-present-endding  ㄹ.*Chaek-i Younghee-leul mannatta(manna-ss-da).  The book-sub Younghee-obj meet-past-endding   (2) Nugunga-ga Mueosinga-leul eojjihada.  How-sub What-eul How to do-past-endding

 (3) Cheolsu-ga eoje sagwa-leul meogetta(meog-ess-ta)  Cheolsu-sub yesterday mueos-sub meog-past-endding  ㄱ. Nu-ga sagwa-leul meogeotcci(meog-eoss-ci)?  How-sub apple-leul eat-past-endding  ㄴ. Cheolsu-ga mueos-eul meogetcci(meog-ess-ci)?  Cheolsu-sub what-sub eat-past-Q_endding  ㄷ. Cheolsu-ga sagwa-leul eotteoke haetcci(meog-ess-ci)?  Cheolsu-sub apple-sub how to do-past-Q_endding  ㄹ. Cheolsu-malgo tareun saram-do sagwa-leul meogenni(meog-ess-ni)?  Cheolsu-exept any person-also apple-eul meog-past-Q_endding  ㅁ. Cheolsu-ga sagwa-leul eonje meogenni(meog-ess-ni)?  Cheolsu-sub apple-eul when meog-past-Q_endding

 Grammar as a description of language  Grammar for the purpose of the explanation on how we know a language as it is, as well as on what we know about the language  (4) ㄱ. Cheolsu-man sagwa-leul meogeosseo(meog-eoss-e)  [NP Cheolsu]-det [NP sagwa]-obj [VP meog-]-past-endding  ㄴ. Cheolsu-man sagwa-leul meogeosseo(meog-eoss-e)  subjet object predicate(transitive verb)  (5) ㄱ. Cheolsuneun Haksangida. (Cheolsu is student)  ㄴ. Cheolsuneun Eoreunseureoptta.(Cheolsu is likely a grown-up).  (6) ㄱ. Cheolsuneun Hullyunghan Haksangida. (Cheolsu is excellent student)  ㄴ.*Cheolsuneun Hullyunghan Eoreunseureoptta.(Cheolsu is likely an excellent grown-up).  (7) ㄱ. gud-i [guji] / gud-eun [gudeun]  ㄴ. gug-mul [gungmul] / gug-ig [gugig]

 The descriptive grammar ultimately aims to shed light on the essence of linguistic phenomena by regularizing generality innate in the phenomena  (8) ㄱ. S(Sentence) → NP(Noun Phrase) + VP(Verb Phrase)  ㄴ. VP(Verb Phrase) → NP(Noun Phrase) + V(Verb)  ㄷ. NP(Noun Phrase)→ D(Determiner or Adnominal) + N(Noun)  A language is a system of rules, and the (descriptive) grammar of that language is the sum of the rules governing the language. In this spirit, the study of language is to systemize seemingly random linguistic phenomena into orderly rules.

A kinds of grammar  According to research purposes  theoretical grammar : Grammar for the essence of linguistic phenomena  according to the methodology  historical grammar : describing linguistic change  comparative grammar : setting up linguistic genealogy among related languages by comparison  descriptive grammar : Describing linguistic phenomena themselves.  Generative grammar : Finding out innate linguistic competence, and so the essence of linguistic phenomena

 practical grammar : Grammars to describe linguistic phenomena with special emphasis on language use  according to the purpose  prescriptive grammar: for presenting a standard language life on a criteria of language usage.  school grammar: for teaching students.  computational grammar: for computational treatment of language.  Etcetera, all grammar trying to descript language phenomena with viewpoint of language application.

 according to the fact which aspects the grammar focuses on  universal grammar or general grammar: On the generalities of Language  particular grammar or individual grammar : On the specificities of Language.  by the viewpoint for language  Latinate grammar: a tool of thoughts  scholarly grammar: a tool of interaction and coordination.  structural grammar: a system of signs for delivery of thoughts  transformational grammar: a set of sentences which consist of finite factors, and are finite in length  Latinate grammar and scholarly grammar is said traditional grammar about structural grammar.

grammatical units and grammar  Concept of grammatical units  linguistic unit  (9) ㄱ. 묵밭은 묵은밭이다. -sentence  ㄴ. 묵밭은 | 묵은밭이다. –phrase(subject:predicate)  ㄷ. 묵밭 | 은 | 묵은밭 | 이 | 다. - word  ㄹ. 묵 | 밭 | 은 || 묵 | 은 | 밭 | 이 | 다. - morpheme  ㅁ. ㅁㅜㄱㅂㅏㅌㅡㄴㅁㅜㄱㅡㄴㅂㅏㅌㅣㄷㅏ -phoneme  grammatical unit  (9) ㄱ ~ ㄹ

 putting grammatical units together and the meaning  constituents : 둘 이상의 보다 작은 문법 단위가 결합하여 보다 큰 새로 운 문법 단위를 형성할 때, 새로운 문법 단위의 구성 (construction) 에 참여하는 각 문법 단위.  Meaning changes according to which constituents there exists.  (10) ㄱ. 섬사람 / 뭍사람 / 산사람, 산개구리 / 산나물 / 산그늘, ···  ㄴ. 철수의 책 / 영희의 책, ···  ㄷ. 나는 철수를 만났다 / 나는 영희를 만났다, ···  Meaning may differ when the orders of the constituents of a expression change  (11) ㄱ. 똥개 / 개똥, 통구이 / 구이통, ··· 구름조각 / 조각구름, 새끼개 / 개새끼  ㄴ. 아들의 딸 / 딸의 아들, ··· 사람의 팔 /* 팔의 사람  ㄷ. 개가 사람을 물었다 / 사람이 개를 물었다, ··· 사람을 개가 물었다

 Even in the case where the constituents and the orders of the constituents are identical, the meanings may differ each other.  (12) ‘ 예쁜 영희의 손 ’  ㄱ. 예쁜 영희, 그 영희의 손 ㄴ. 영희, 그 영희의 예쁜 손  예쁜 영희의 손 예쁜 영희의 손  예쁜 영희 영희의 손  immediate constituent(IC) : When 3 or more constituents consist of an expression, there exists hierarchies of combining of 2 constituents; a constituent can consists of 2 other constituents. Here each of the two constituents on top of which comes the governing constituent is a IC of that governing constituent; it’s called IC analysis that you divide a constituent into the two constituents.

Coverage of grammar  Wide range definition : to include all Linguistics component, that is phonetics and phonology and Morphology, Syntax, Semantics etc.. Linguistics itself  Narrow range definition : from Morpheme to Sentence, that is Morphology and Syntax only.  Morphology: to study words and grammatical units of the word below. The main research target is a wordformation.  Syntax : to study the phrase and the sentence.

【연습 문제】  1. What do you know on the two sentences below? Are they different from your friends? Then why?  1) 영희는 철수도 만났다. 2) 철수는 사과도 먹었다.  2. Why sometime is it the case that learning the grammar of a language doesn’t help you picking it up?  3. Studying grammar is hard. Do you have any idea why? Why do you think we should study it despite of the hardship?  4. A linguistic unit is meaningful in terms of linguistics. Please try to divide the expression below into smaller units, from sentences down to phonemes.  풀은 눕는다  비를 몰아오는 동풍에 나부껴  풀은 눕고  드디어 울었다.

2. Grammatical properties of Korean Morphological properties  Agglutination : One or more affixes(grammatical morphemes) add to a stem to form a word.  (1) ㄱ. 연날리기, 어른스럽다, 가위질, 헛걸음, ···  ㄴ. 먹는다, 먹었다, 먹으셨다, 먹으셨겠다, ···  ㄷ. 학생이, 학생에게, 학생을, 학생으로서, ···  Orderliness : each affix has its own order when there exist 2 or more affixes  (2) ㄱ. 먹었겠다, * 먹겠었다, ···  ㄴ. 학교에서만, * 학교만에서, ···  ㄷ. 바늘만으로, 바늘로만, ···

 Postpositions : derivational affix and inflectional affix mainly combine behind the stem.  especially for inflectional affixes  (3) * 기 - 연날리, * 다 - 는 - 먹, * 이 - 학생, ···  Cohesion : cohesion of adjacent morphemes more than one element.  (4) ㄱ. 밥을 먹은 줄 알았다. 학교에 간 줄 알았다.  ㄴ. 밥을 먹었다. 학교에 갔다.

 Allomorph alternation : Alternation of allo-morphs according to the phonological or morphological environment  (5) ㄱ. 닭이 / 소가, 닭을 / 소를, 닭과 / 소와, ···  ㄴ. 가니 / 먹으니, 가면서 / 먹으면서, ···  ㄷ. 가거라 / 오너라  Deletion of morphemes: some affixes are deleted when certain phonological conditions are satisfied.  (6) ㄱ. 그것은 책상이다. 그것은 의자다.  ㄴ. 이 사과를 한 번 먹어 봐라. 저 강을 헤엄쳐서 건너가 봐라.  ㄷ. 노래를 부를 줄 안다. 놀 줄만 알지 공부할 줄은 모른다.

 Irregular conjugation : 용언 가운데에는 특정 굴절 접사 와 결합할 때 불규칙 활용을 하는 것들이 있다.  (7) ㄱ. 그 까닭을 묻고 나서야 고개를 끄덕였다. 모르는 게 있으 면 선생님께 물어 보아라.  ㄴ. 영희는 정말 아름답다. 영희는 정말 아름다웠다.  Changing the morph of stem: ‘ ㄷ ’-irregular V, ‘ ㅂ ’-irregular V/A, ‘ ㅅ ’-irregular V(‘ 짓다 ’ 등 ), ‘ ㅎ ’-irregular A(‘ 하얗다 ’ 등 ), ‘ ㅜ ’- irregula V(‘ 푸다 ’) 등  Changing the morph of affix(ending): ‘ 러 ’-irregular V/A(‘ 푸르다 ’ 등 ), ‘ 여 ’-irregular V/A(‘ 하다 ’ 등 )  Changing the morph of stem and affix(ending): ‘ 르 ’-irregular V/A(‘ 모르다, 빠르다 ’ 등 ).

Syntactical properties  Word order : The basic word order is SOV(subject+object+verb)’  (1) 나는 너를 좋아한다. 너는 나를 좋아한다.  Free word order : But the order is not rigid, if the grammatical connection is decided.  (2) ㄱ. 은은한 달빛이 온 천지를 뒤덮었다.  ㄴ. 온 천지를 은은한 달빛이 뒤덮었다.  Modifiers precede the modified always.  (3) ㄱ. 그 치마 ㄴ. 영희의 그 치마  ㄷ. 짧은, 영희의 그 치마 ㄹ. 어제 산, 짧은, 영희의 그 치마

 Deletion of an argument or more in a sentence; Subjects and objects are not easily deleted; they are very essential to form a sentence.  (4) ㄱ. 누가 내 사과 먹었니 ? 철수가 먹었어.  ㄴ. 너 사과를 먹었니 ? 아니, 밥을 먹었어.  However, they can be deleted when the context is so rich that the addressee can revive the deleted ones.  (5) ㄱ. ? 영희가 만났어. ㄴ. ? 철수와 싸웠어.

 Honorific expressions: according to the relation between: the addressor and the addressee(politeness for the addressee); the subject and the listener(respect for the subject) etc.  (6) ㄱ. 할아버지께서 진지를 드십니다.  ㄴ. 선생님께서 철수를 찾으신다.  (7) ㄱ. 아버지, 할아버지께서 오라셔요.  ㄴ. 할아버지, 아버지가 오시래요.

【연습 문제】  1. The word order of Korean is relatively less rigid. Compare it with rigid word order languages like Chinese or English, then try to infer why such difference comes to exist.  2. In spite of the relatively free word order, it happens to be ungrammatical or awkward when you scramble some constituents in a sentence. Consider the examples below and discuss about the restriction on scrambling the constituents.  1) ㄱ. 우리는 포도주를 포도로 만들었다. ㄴ. 우리는 포도로 포도주를 만들었다.  ㄷ. 포도주를 우리는 포도로 만들었다. ㄹ. 포도로 우리는 포도주를 만들었다.  2) ㄱ. 그들은 나를 바보로 여겼다. ㄴ.?* 그들은 바보로 나를 여겼다.  ㄷ. 나를 그들은 바보로 여겼다. ㄹ.?* 바보로 그들은 나를 여겼다.  3. Are there any differences among the 4 sentences in 2-1 above? If so what are they?