논문리뷰 & 로드맵 정하기 DCULab 이웅원
1. Real-Time Motion Planning for Agile ~
1. Real-Time Motion Planning for Agile ~ 2002 developing an algorithm that enables the robot to move from its original location to a new location Cell decomposition methods roadmap methods artificial potential field methods
1. Real-Time Motion Planning for Agile ~ Cell decomposition methods
1. Real-Time Motion Planning for Agile ~ roadmap methods
1. Real-Time Motion Planning for Agile ~ artificial potential field methods
1. Real-Time Motion Planning for Agile ~ Example of tree expansion procedure
2. Autonomous Exploration in Unknown Urban Environments for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles autonomous exploration method for unmanned aerial vehicles in unknown urban environment. combining model predictive control (MPC) with a local obstacle map builder. An onboard laser scanner is used to build the online map
2. Autonomous Exploration in Unknown Urban Environments for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Dynamic programming cost function “distance from obstacle”
2. Autonomous Exploration in Unknown Urban Environments for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
3. 3D Obstacle Avoidance in Adversarial Environments for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles pan/tilt mounted laser rangefinder is explored as a means of identifying and characterizing potential obstacles in three dimensions (3D)
3. 3D Obstacle Avoidance in Adversarial Environments for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles pan/tilt mounted laser rangefinder is explored as a means of identifying and characterizing potential obstacles in three dimensions (3D)
4. First Results in Detecting and Avoiding Frontal Obstacles from a Monocular Camera for Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Camera-based methods Various Cues from image (1) monocular (2) disparity (3) optical flow 카메라 하나로 depth 정보추출 정확히는 depth 가 아닌 충돌까지의 시간
4. First Results in Detecting and Avoiding Frontal Obstacles from a Monocular Camera for Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
1. 실내호버링 PX4Flow 250mm Frame 에 pixhawk 를 장착하고 PX4Flow 센서를 달고 실내에서 호버링 해볼 것 * Simulation 은 따로 필요없음
2. 장애물 감지 IR sensor otorhttps://github.com/Cyrilanthony777/Obstacle_Avoidance_Multir otor system-using-arduinohttp:// system-using-arduino IR sensor + Ultrasonic sensor detect obstacle and back off Gazebo Simulation 으로 먼저 장애물 감지
3. 장애물 피하기 path planning 싱가폴 대학의 장애물을 피해서 가기 Path planning algorithm 예시
9월9월실내 호버링 + 장애물 감지, 데모데이준비 Gazebo 에서 장애물감지 (IR sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor,..) 10 월장애물 피하는 path planning Path planning 공부, gazebo 에서 장애물 회피하는 path planning 해보기 11 월 Vision 공부, vision-based control Monocular, stereo-vision, 비전으로 호버링하기 비전으로 장애물 감지 12 월 Vision 으로 장애물 회피하는 path planning Indoor, outdoor 고정익, 회전익