Source knock down power line cut off neighborhood candlelight not only - but also ~ calm down enjoy themselves leave for the day shelf scream it seem as.


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Presentation transcript:

source knock down power line cut off neighborhood candlelight not only - but also ~ calm down enjoy themselves leave for the day shelf scream it seem as if as quickly as possible emergency stairs scared joyful regretful frightened satisfied dream of - it felt as though) Lesson 5 원천, 발생하는 곳 때려부수다, 철거하다 송전선 ( 전기 공급을 ) 끊다, 중단하다 이웃 촛불 - 뿐만 아니라 ~ 도 ( 노여움, 흥분을 ) 가라 앉히다 즐기다 퇴근하다 선반 비명지르다 마치 ~ 처럼 보이다, ~ 인 것 같다 가능한 한 빨리 비상 계단 두려워 하는 즐거운 후회스런 공포의 만족스런 - 을 꿈꾸다 마치 ~ 처럼 느끼다, ~ 인 것 같다

trap extremely criticize Aboriginal triumphant rarely exceed outnumber predict birth rate life expectancy census creature steadily wipe out decline It turned out that - high-pitched sounds emit as for - manatee Lesson 5 덫으로 잡다, 좁은 장소에 가두다, 올가미 극도로 비판하다, 비난하다 오스트레일리아 원주민의 승리를 얻은, 의기 양양한 좀처럼 - 하지 않는 초과하다 - 보다 수가 많다 예측하다 출생률 기대 ( 평균 ) 수명 인구조사 창조물 꾸준히 넘어지다, 완전히 없애버리다 감소 ( 하다 ) - 오 입증되었다 음이 아주 높은, 내던지다. ( 소리를 ) 내다 ( 빛, 열을 ) 내다 - 에 대해 말하자면 [ 동물 ] 해우 ( 海牛 )

1 다음 글에 나타난 아이들의 심경 변화를 가장 잘 나타낸 것은 ? Some candles were the only source of light. A storm had knocked down a power line, cutting off the electricity in our neighborhood. At first, the children were afraid of the darkness. However, when my husband and I read them a story by candlelight, the children not only calmed down but also began to enjoy themselves. We all sang songs and played games. When it was time for bed, one of the children said. “I hope our electricity goes out again so we have fun again.” 1)angry -> relieved 2) scared -> joyful 3)proud -> regretful 4) nervous ->frightened 5) peaceful -> satisfied 5. 시제의 이해 Where the grapefruit was,

2 다음 글이 묘사하고 있는 상황으로 알맞은 것은 ? At that time, Jeff was still in his office. He had been trying to finish a project before he left for the day. Suddenly, the building began to move. Books fell off their shelves. People were screaming. Although it seemed as if things were moving for several times, the actual time was just 15 seconds. Even before the building stopped moving, people were trying to get out as quickly as possible. This wasn’t easy for those who had been working on the higher floors of the building. The electricity had gone off, so no elevators were working. Most people ran down emergency stairs in the darkness and got out to the street. 1) 폭풍우 2) 대피 훈련 3) 지진 4) 홍수 5) 정전

3 다음을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. I had finally done it. All my life I had dreamt of winning an Olympic gold medal. And doing so in my home country of Australia was thrilling. Crossing the finish line was a huge relief; it felt as though I had been trapped in an extremely hot sauna and the door had suddenly been opened. In the past, I had been criticized for holding only the Aboriginal flag in photographs. So, this time I made sure that I picked up both an Aboriginal and an Australian flag from among those that my fans had thrown onto the ground. Listening to the screams of the crowd, I was overjoyed that I had made so many people so proud. (1) 밑줄 친 doing so 가 가리키는 것은 ? (2) 위 글에 드러난 필자의 심정으로 가장 적절한 것은 ? winning an Olympic gold medal 4) Triumphant and happy

4 Iceland 에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은 ? In the past, Iceland’s population rarely exceeded 50,000. In 1703, the country’s first *census showed a population of 50,358, with women outnumbering men by about 5,000. This was caused by the large number of men who lost their lives at sea. However, by 1950 balance had been reached, and today men outnumber women. Experts predict that the population of Iceland has reached 342,000 by Although the birth rate has dropped over the past 50 years from 4.1 children to 2.1, life expectancies have gone up. In the mid-nineteenth century, for example, men could expect to live to the age of 32. These days, that number has more than doubled to *census 인구조사 5)

5 밑줄 친 They[they] 가 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것 은 ? A recent survey of manatee populations shows that these large creatures are steadily being wiped out. There are only a few thousand left, and humans are likely the cause of the decline. When examining surviving manatees, it was found that they generally had boat propeller scars. Researchers set up an experiment with manatees to find out why they don’t avoid approaching boats. It turned out that while they could hear high- pitched sounds easily, manatees had trouble with the low- pitched sounds boats usually make. So the researchers have designed alarms so that boats can emit a high-pitched sound. If people install these alarms on their boats, they won’t have to worry about injuring manatees. And as for the manatees, they may just see their populations increase. 4) They  people
