Appendicular skeleton


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Presentation transcript:

Appendicular skeleton

Pectoral girdle(clavicle + scapular)

Pectoral girdle(clavicle + scapular) - 인체에서 뼈되기가 가장 빠름 - 원뿔인대 존재 - 가장 잘 부러짐 - 양 끝은 acromial end sternal end

Pectoral girdle(clavicle + scapular) - spine - supraspinatus fossa - infraspinatus fossa - subscapular fossa - glenoid cavity - angle(3) - border(3)

Muscles of the trunk ► Muscles acting on the shoulder(scapular motion) * anterior group - pectoralis minor - serratus anterior * posterior group - trapezius - levator scapulae - rhomboideus minor - rhomboideus major

Upper limb * Brachium(arm proper) - humerus * Antebrachium(forearm) ► * Brachium(arm proper) - humerus * Antebrachium(forearm) - radius + ulna * Carpus(wrist) - carpal bones(8) * Manus(hand) - metacarpals(5) + phalanges(14)

Humerus - 팔에서 가장 긴 뼈 - surgical neck : 골절 빈발 부위 - medial epicondyle : origin of wrist flexor - lateral epicondyle : origin of wrist extensor - tubercle(greater, lesser) - capitulum + trochlea - radial + coronoid fossa

Muscles of the upper limb ► Muscles acting on the arm * rotator cuff muscles - supraspinatus - infraspinatus - teres minor - subscapularis

Muscles of the upper limb ► Muscles acting on the arm * axial muscles - pectoralis major - latissimus dorsi * scapular muscles - deltoid - teres major - coracobrachialis

Forearm(radius & ulna) - head(proximal end) - neck - tuberosity (biceps insertion) - ulnar notch of radius - styloid process * Ulna - trochlear notch - coronoid process - olecranon (brachialis insertion) - radial notch of ulna - head(distal end)

Muscles of the upper limb ► Muscles acting on the forearm * muscles in the arm(brachium) - brachialis - biceps brachii - triceps brachii * muscles in the forearm (antebrachium) - brachioradialis - anconeus - pronator quadratus - supinator

Muscles of the upper limb ► Muscles acting on the wrist and hand * anterior(flexor) compartment(superficial layer) - flexor carpi radialis - flexor carpi ulnaris - flexor digitorum superficialis - palmaris longus

Shoulder joint(glenohumeral) Rotator cuff muscle(안정자 역할)

Elbow joint Humeroulnar + Humeroradial + proximal radioulnar

Elbow joint Pulled elbow

Hand Radiocarpal joint = radius + scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum * Carpal bone(8쌍) * Metacarpal bone(5쌍) * Phalanges(14쌍)

Muscles of the upper limb ► Muscles acting on the wrist and hand * anterior(flexor) compartment(deep layer) - flexor digitorum profundus - flexor pollicis longus

Muscles of the upper limb ► Muscles acting on the wrist and hand * posterior(extensor) compartment(superficial layer) - extensor carpi radialis longus - extensor carpi radialis brevis - extensor digitorum - extensor digiti minimi - extensor carpi ulnaris

Muscles of the upper limb ► Muscles acting on the wrist and hand * posterior(extensor) compartment(deep layer) - abductor pollicis longus - extensor pollicis brevis - extensor pollicis longus - extensor indicis

Muscles of the upper limb ► carpal tunnel(carpal tunnel syndrome)

Pelvic girdle * Hip bone + Sacrum

Pelvis M F * 골반 내장 : 방광, 전립샘, 자궁, 난소, 곧창자 여 성 남 성 큰골반 좁다 넓다 작은골반 (진골반) 여 성 남 성 큰골반 좁다 넓다 작은골반 (진골반) 넓고, 얕다 좁고, 깊다 두덩밑각(활) 크다 (90도 ↑) 작다 (90도 ↓) 두덩결합 짧다 길다 엉치뼈, 엉덩뼈 위골반문 타원형 심장형 폐쇄구멍 삼각형 M F * 골반 내장 : 방광, 전립샘, 자궁, 난소, 곧창자

Pelvic girdle * Hip bone = ilium + pubic + ischium - ASIS, AIIS, PSIS, PIIS - iliac crest - obturator foramen (obturator nerve) - gluteal line(3) - acetabulum - auricular surface - pubic symphysis - ischial tuberosity - pubic ramus - ischial ramus

Lower limb * Femoral(thigh) - femur + patella * Crural(leg proper) ► * Femoral(thigh) - femur + patella * Crural(leg proper) - tibia + fibula * Tarsal(ankle) * Pedal(pes-, foot) - tarsal bones(7) - metatarsals(5) - phalanges(14)

Thigh(femur & patella) - 인체에서 가장 긴 뼈 - 경체각, 염전각 존재 - neck : 노인에서 골절 빈발 * Patella - 역삼각형 모양 - 인체에서 가장 큰 종자뼈

Leg(tibia & fibula) * Tibia - tibial tuberosity - intercondylar eminence (cruciate ligament 부착부) - medial malleolus * Fibula - lateral malleolus


Foot(=pes) * Arches of the foot - medial longitudinal arch:목말뼈, 쐐기뼈, 발배뼈, 1,2발허리뼈 - lateral longitudinal arch: 발꿈치뼈, 입방뼈, 4,5발허리뼈 - transverse arch:1,2,3쐐기뼈, 입방뼈