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Presentation transcript:

VISA REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES Except for some nationalities, Philippine passport holders and individuals who intend to visit or work in Korea are required to secure a visa at the Consular Office. Visa exemptions are as follows: Frequent visitors who made more than 4 visits to Korea in the past two years, or more than 10 visits overall may enter Korea without a Korean visa as long as they have no Immigration offense or other criminal records. (Except for Chinese, Cuban & Macedonian) Travellers with a valid visa or a re-entry permit to U.S., Japan, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand (5 countries) and travelling to any one of those countries through Korea. They must have a confirmed onward flight ticket for departure within 30 days after entering Korea to any of the mentioned countries, in addition to having no record of criminal offense in the five countries mentioned above.   Travellers who will arrive directly to Jeju island by flights or ships. Except for nationals of the following 11 countries (Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, Syria, Macedonia, Palestine, Afghanistan, Nigeria and Ghana). 30 days stay only. A staff of the United Nations or special organization who have a travel document, namely, LAISSEZ-PASSER issued by U.N. office is allowed to enter Korea without a visa and is granted to stay for 30 days. APEC Business Travel Card Holders ( to qualify for this , please check if Korea is written at the back of your APEC card ) If Nationality is among the list of those exempted from securing a visa.  For information, or list of these nationalities, you may visit the website. for other visa information , you may also refer to this site:

Visa application requirements depends on the purpose of Entry and the applicants qualifications. Please refer to the guidelines below :

EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 Visa Requirements for Employees 비자구비서류 대상: 직장인 Application Form 1pc. Passport size colored picture Passport Original(6Mons. Valid) Copy of Passport First Page Original & Copy of valid visa s and arrival stamps to OECD member countries for the past 5 years Employment Certificate Original Personal Bank Certificate Original ITR(Income Tax Return) or form 2316 Copy 비자신청서 1부 여권용사이즈 사진 1매 여권원본(유효기간 6개월 이상) 여권(사진면) 복사 1부 OECD 국가 관광 비자 소지자의 경우, 비자면 복사 1부 신청자의 재직증명서 원본 1부 신청자의 개인은행잔고증명서 원본 1부 ITR(소득세 납부 증명서:국세청(BIR) 발행) 복사1부 개인 초청의 경우: 국내초청인의 초청장 및 여권사본1부(공증불필요) 회사 초청의 경우: 국내회사 직인이 찍힌 초청장, 사업자등록증 사본1부 If personally invited by Korean : Invitation Letter & Copy of invitor’s Passport If invited by Company in Korea: Invitation Letter & Copy of Korean Company Business Permit EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 Visa Requirements for Businessmen 비자구비서류 대상: 사업가 Application Form 1pc. Passport size colored picture Passport Original(6Mons. Valid) Copy of Passport First Page Original & Copy of valid visa s and arrival stamps to OECD member countries for the past 5 years Business Registration from SEC or DTI (Copy) Business Permit or Mayor’s Permit(Copy) Personal Bank Certificate Original Individual ITR or form 2316 copy 비자신청서 1부 여권용사이즈 사진 1매 여권원본(유효기간 6개월 이상) 여권(사진면) 복사 1부 OECD 국가 관광 비자 소지자의 경우, 비자면 복사 1부 사업자 등록증(SEC 또는 DTI) 사본 1부 사업허가증 또는 시장허가증 사본 1부 신청자의 개인은행잔고증명서 원본 1부 ITR(소득세 납부 증명서:국세정(BIR) 발행) 복사1부 If personally invited by Korean : Invitation Letter & Copy of invitor’s Passport If invited by Company in Korea: Invitation Letter & Copy of Korean Company Business Permit 개인 초청의 경우: 국내초청인의 초청장 및 여권사본1부(공증불필요) 회사 초청의 경우: 국내회사 직인이 찍힌 초청장, 사업자등록증 사본1부

EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 Visa Requirements for KOREAN’s sister/brother in law 비자구비서류 대상: 한국인과 결혼한 필리핀인의 형제,자매 Application Form 1pc. Passport size colored picture Passport Original(6Mons. Valid) Copy of Passport First Page Original & Copy of valid visa s and arrival stamps to OECD member countries for the past 5 years Birth Certificate of Applicant Certificate of Marriage History(within 3month) Copy of Korean Passport First Page Copy of Married Filipino’s Passport First Page Married Filipino’s NSO Marriage Certificate Invitation letter from the Korean National - Processing time: working 5days 비자신청서 1부 여권용사이즈 사진 1매 여권원본(유효기간 6개월 이상) 여권(사진면) 복사 1부 OECD 국가 관광 비자 소지자의 경우, 비자면 복사 1부 신청자의 출생증명서 1부 결혼한 필리핀인의 혼인관계증명서(3개월이내) 한국인의 여권(사진면) 복사 1부 결혼한 필리핀인의 여권(사진면) 복사 1부 결혼한 필리핀인의 NSO 결혼증명서 1부 한국인의 초청장 1부 -소요기간: 접수일제외 working day 5일 * If applicant is employed :Employment Certificate Original, Personal Bank certificate Original & Copy of ITR * 신청자가 직업을 가지고 있을 경우: 재직증명서 원본, 개인은행잔고증명서 원본, ITR 복사본 추가제출 EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 Visa Requirements for KOREAN’s parents in law 비자구비서류 대상: 한국인과 결혼한 필리핀인의 부모 Application Form 1pc. Passport size colored picture Passport Origina(6Mons. Valid) Copy of Passport First Page Original & Copy of valid visa s and arrival stamps to OECD member countries for the past 5 years Certificate of Marriage History(within 3month) Copy of Korean Passport First Page Copy of Married Filipino’s Passport First Page Married Filipino’s NSO Marriage Certificate Invitation letter from the Korean National 비자신청서 1부 여권용사이즈 사진 1매 여권원본(유효기간 6개월 이상) 여권(사진면) 복사 1부 OECD 국가 관광 비자 소지자의 경우, 비자면 복사 1부 결혼한 필리핀인의 혼인관계증명서(3개월이내) 한국인의 여권(사진면) 복사 1부 결혼한 필리핀인의 여권(사진면) 복사 1부 결혼한 필리핀인의 NSO 결혼증명서 1부 한국인의 초청장 1부 * Process time: working 3days * 소요기간: 접수일제외 Working Day 3일

EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 Visa Requirements for Student 비자구비서류 대상: 학생 Application Form 1pc. Passport size colored picture Passport Origina(6Mons. Valid) Copy of Passport First Page Original & Copy of valid visa s and arrival stamps to OECD member countries for the past 5 years School Certificate (Original) Copy of School ID Copy of Birth Certificate Parents’ Documents : Bank Certificate Original & ITR or Form 2316 Copy & Employment Certificate Original (or DTI, SEC, Mayor’s Permit) 비자신청서 1부 여권용사이즈 사진 1매 여권원본(유효기간 6개월 이상) 여권(사진면) 복사 1부 OECD 국가 관광 비자 소지자의 경우, 비자면 복사 1부 재학증명서 원본 1부 학생증 복사본 출생증명서 부모서류 : 개인은행잔고증명서 1부, ITR 재직증명서 원본(직장인일경우) DTI, SEC, Business Permit(사업가일경우) If personally invited by Korean : Invitation Letter & Copy of Invitor’s Passport 개인 초청의 경우: 국내초청인의 초청장 및 여권사본1부(공증불필요) EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 Visa Requirements for Religious Workers 비자구비서류 대상: 종교인 비자신청서 1부 여권용사이즈 사진 1매 여권원본(유효기간 6개월 이상) 여권(사진면) 복사 1부 필리핀 현 소속교회 사업자등록증(SEC) 사본 1부 교회 재직증명서(종교인) 한국교회 법인 설립 허가증 또는 재단등록증(소속단체) 사본 1부 초청장(개인 또는 교회) 초청인의 신분증 사본 1부 개인 은행잔고 증명서 원본 Application Form 1pc. Passport size colored picture Passport Origina(6Mons. Valid) Copy of Passport First Page Original & Copy of valid visa s and arrival stamps to OECD member countries for the past 5 years 6. Copy of Church SEC in the Philippines 7. Certification from Church Original 8. Copy of the Korean Church Registration Form 9. Invitation Letter 10. Personal Bank Certificate Original If employed, submit Employment Certificate Original & ITR * 신청자가 직업을 가지고 있을 경우: 재직증명서 원본, ITR 복사본 추가제출

EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 Visa Requirements for Filipino Married to Military Personnel Stationed in Korea Visa Requirements for Parents of a Filipino Married to Military Personnel Stationed in Korea Application Form 1pc. Passport size colored picture Passport Original(6Mons. Valid) Copy of Passport First Page Original & Copy of valid visa s and arrival stamps to OECD member countries for the past 5 years 6. Invitation Letter 7. Copy of Inviter’s Military ID(Front&Back) 8. Copy of Military Order 9. NSO Marriage Certificate 10. USFK Form166 Copy 11. CFO Certificate copy Application Form 1pc. Passport size colored picture Passport Original(6Mons. Valid) Copy of Passport First Page Invitation Letter Copy of Inviter’s Passport First page Copy of Inviter’s Military ID(Front&Back) Copy of Military Order Copy of Daughter’s Passport Daughter’s NSO Marriage Certificate EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 Visa Requirements for Children of a Filipino Married to a Military Personnel Stationed in Korea Visa Requirements for Housewife Application Form 1pc. Passport size colored picture Passport Original(6Mons. Valid) Copy of Passport First Page Copy of Birth Certificate Invitation Letter Copy of Inviter’s Passport First page Copy of Inviter’s Military ID(Front&Back) Copy of Military Order Parents’ NSO Marriage Certificate Copy of Mother’s Passport First Page & Visa Page Application Form 1pc. Passport size colored picture Passport Original(6Mons. Valid) Copy of Passport First Page Original & Copy of visa and arrival stamps to any OECD member countries(if there is) Husband’s Employment Certificate or Business Permit(SEC or DTI, Mayor’s Permit) Husband’s Copy of ITR Personal or Husband’s Bank Certificate NSO Marriage contract Copy If Child is a student: School Certificate & ID Copy

EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 Visa Requirements for Foreign Nationals in the Philippines Visa Requirements for Filipino Married to Foreigners working in Korea Application Form 1pc. Passport size colored picture Passport Original(6Mons. Valid) Copy of Passport First Page Original & Copy of visa and arrival stamps to any OECD member countries(if there is) Invitation Letter from Husband’s Company in Korea (Original) Copy of Husband’s Passport First Page Copy of Husband’s Alien ID Copy of Husband’s contract or Employment certificate NSO Marriage Certificate Application Form 1pc. Passport size colored picture Passport Original(6Mons. Valid) & photocopy Original & Copy of valid visa s and arrival stamps to OECD member countries for the past 5 years Copy of I-Card, Philippines Visa Personal Bank Certificate Original 7. If Student :School Certificate If Employed : Employment Certificate & ITR If Businessman : SEC(or DTI) & Mayor’s permit & ITR If personally invited by Korean : Invitation Letter & Copy of Inviter’s Passport If personally invited by Korean : Invitation Letter & Copy of Inviter’s Passport EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 Visa Requirements for Filipino Married to KOREAN (Tourist Visa) 비자구비서류 대상: 한국인과 결혼한 필리핀인의 관광비자 Application Form 1pc. Passport size colored picture Passport Original(6Mons. Valid) Copy of Passport First Page Original & Copy of valid visa s and arrival stamps to OECD member countries for the past 5 years NSO Marriage Certificate Certificate of KOREAN Marriage History (within 3month) 8. Copy of Korean Passport First Page Invitation letter from Spouse If Korean lives together with spouse in Philippines : - Employment Certificate or DTI (or SEC) 비자신청서 1부 여권용사이즈 사진 1매 여권원본(유효기간 6개월 이상) 여권(사진면) 복사 1부 OECD 국가 관광 비자 소지자의 경우, 비자면 복사 1부 NSO 결혼증명서 1부 필리핀인이 등재된 혼인관계증명서(3개월이내) 한국인의 여권(사진면) 복사 1부 배우자의 초청장 1부 한국인 배우자와 함께 필리핀 체류 시 : - 한국인이 직장인인 경우, 재직증명서 준비 - 한국인이 사업가인 경우, 사업관련 서류 준비 * Process time: working 3days * 소요기간: 접수일제외 근무일 기준 3일

EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 Visa Requirements For Children of Korean married to Filipinos (Tourist Visa) 비자구비서류 대상: 국제결혼자 자녀의 관광비자 Application Form 1pc. Passport size colored picture Passport Original(6Mons. Valid) Copy of Passport First Page Original & Copy of valid visa s and arrival stamps to OECD member countries for the past 5 years NSO Birth Certificate Certificate of KOREAN Family History(within 3months) 8. Parent’s KOREAN Marriage History(within 3months) 9. Copy of Korean Father’s Passport(First Page) 비자신청서 1부 여권용사이즈 사진 1매 여권원본(유효기간 6개월 이상) 여권(사진면) 복사 1부 OECD 국가 관광 비자 소지자의 경우, 비자면 복사 1부 NSO 출생증명서 1부 자녀가 등재된 가족관계증명서(3개월이내) 부모의 혼인관계증명서(3개월이내) 한국인 부의 여권(사진면) 복사 1부 * Process time: 3 working days * 소요기간: 접수일제외 Working Day 3일

EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 Visa Requirements for F21 Visa (Marriage Visa) 비자구비서류 대상: F21(결혼비자) Passport Original(6Mons. Valid) Copy of Passport First Page NSO Marriage Certificate Original & Copy 4. KOREAN Marriage History Original(Within 3months) Police Clearance or NBI Copy CFO Certificate Original & Copy Invitation Letter from Husbund 8. Visa Fee: 1500Peso 여권원본(유효기간 6개월 이상) 여권(사진면) 복사 1부 NSO 결혼증명서 원본과 사본 필리핀인이 등재된 혼인관계증명서(3개월이내) 신원조회서 CFO 교육이수증 원본과 사본 남편의 친필 초청장 1부 비자수수료: 1500페소 * Process time: 5 working days * 소요기간: 접수일제외 근무일기준 5일 EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 Visa Requirements for Studying abroad 비자구비서류 대상: 유학생 Application Form Passport Original(6Mons. Valid) 1pc Passport size colored picture Copy of Passport First Page Original & Copy of valid visa s and arrival stamps to OECD member countries for the past 5 years Philippines Last School Record Original Financial Supporting Document for Studying abroad Original Admission Certificate from Korea Visa Fee: 2500Peso 비자신청서 1부 여권원본(유효기간 6개월 이상) 여권용사이즈 사진 1매 여권(사진면) 복사 1부 제 3국 관광 비자 소지자의 경우, 비자면 복사(미국,뉴질랜드,일본,호주,한국,캐나다) 최종학력증명서 유학 경비를 조달할 수 있는 재정서류 표준입학허가서 원본1부 비자수수료: 2500페소 * If personally invited by Korean : Invitation Letter & Copy of Invitor’s Passport * 개인 초청의 경우: 국내초청인의 초청장 및 여권사본1부(공증불필요)

EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 Visa Requirements For C4(short term employment for entertainers, athletes) 비자구비서류 대상: C4(단기취업 ) Application form One passport sized colored photo Passport (original and copy) Invitation letter Employment contract (for entertainment) Condition of the game (for athletes) Recommendation Letter issued by the head of the relevant central government agency in Korea for entertainers : Korea Media Rating Board for athletes : Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism Visa Fee : Php1500.00 비자신청서 여권사진 1장 여권원본(유효기간 6개월 이상) 및 복사 1부 고용계약서 1부(선생님과 연예인) 대회 포상내역서 1부(운동선수) 영상물등급위원회의 추천서(연예인) 교육과학기술부의 추천서(선생님) 문화관광부의 추천서(운동선수) 7. 졸업장 및 성적증명서 복사 각1부(선생님) 8. 비자수수료 : 1500페소 EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 Visa Requirements for Seaman’s wife (tourist visa) 비자구비서류 대상: 선원의 배우자 Application Form Passport Original(6Mons. Valid) and photocopy Original & Copy of visa and arrival stamps to any OECD member countries(if there is) 4. Marriage contract copy Husband’s passport copy Guarantee letter from the Philippine Agent and Korean Agent 7. Copy of Husband’s Contract Personal Bank certificate 비자신청서 여권원본(유효기간 6개월 이상) 및 복사 1부 OECD 국가 관광 비자 소지자의 경우, 비자면 복사 1부 결혼증명서 사본 배우자의 여권사본 필리핀과 한국 에이전트의 신원보증서 배우자의 고용계약서 사본 개인은행잔고증명서

EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 Visa Requirements for Workers (with visa issuance number ) 비자구비서류 대상: 사증발급인정서번호소지자(E9,E6,D6 ,E7,E2, etc) Application form One passport sized colored photo Passport (original and copy) Visa Issuance number Visa Fee : Php 2500 (single enntry) Php 4000 (multiple entry 6. For F1 and E6 (photocopy of contract) 비자 신청서 여권사진 복사 1장 여권 원본과 사본 사증발급인정서번호 비자 수수료 : 2500폐소 (단수비자) 4000폐소 (복수비자) 6. F1과 E6 (계약서 사본) * Process time: 3 working days * 소요기간: 접수일제외 근무일기준 3일 EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel:(632)856-9210 Fax:(632)856-9024 Visa Requirements for D9 visa 비자구비서류 대상: D9((무역경영) Application Form Passport Original(6Mons. Valid) and photocopy Original & Copy of valid visa s and arrival stamps to OECD member countries for the past 5 years 4. Original Letter of Dispatch Invitation Letter from Korea Korea Company Business Permit Copy & Annual Tax Certificate copy 7. Copy of Contract for the construction and delivery between the buyer and the builder in Korea 8. Employment Contract copy 비자신청서 여권원본(유효기간 6개월 이상) 및 복사 1부 제 3국 관광 비자 소지자의 경우, 비자면 복사(미국,뉴질랜드,일본,호주,한국,캐나다) 파송장 원본 한국에서 온 초청장 한국 사업자 등록증 및 납세증명서 사본 7. 계약서 8. 고용계약서 사본 Visa Fee : Php 2500 (single enntry) 비자 수수료 : 2500폐소 (단수비자)

Updated Visa Requirements for Tourists Basic Requirements Application form Original Passport (6Mons.Valid), Copy of passport first page. Copy of valid visas and arrival stamps to all OECD member countries within the past 5 years Short-term Visas(C-3) for Tourists: Single Entry Targets: Visitors who plan to stay in Korea less than 59 days. Visa Requirements Employment Certificate or Business Registration issued by SEC or DTI. Personal Bank Certificate Individual ITR of Form 2316 Copy (the previous year). Notes For applicants who are not capable to submit the indicated requirements above, the applicants could have an alternative such as Real-estate registration or Country Club Membership or Pension Certificate from official agencies. For applicants with valid visa or who have been to any OECD Nations(Except Korea) within the last 5years, applicants are only required to submit only an Employment Certificate or Business Registration issued by SEC or DTI. If applicants are students, applicants are required to submit their School Certificate, Birth Certificate and Parents’ Documents (employment certificate, bank certificate and ITR) If the travel is an incentive tour supported by one of the top listed corporations in the Philippine Stock Exchange Market , applicants could submit only a guarantee letter from the company

Short-term Visa(C-3) for Tourists: Multiple Entry Double Visa Qualified Applicants: Visitors who plan to visit in Korea more than 2times within 6months. Visa Requirements: Same requirements with Single Entry Visa Issuance Details: Status(C-3), Term of Validity (6Mons.), 2 Visitations for a Multiple Visa. Short-term Visa(C-3) for Tourists: Multiple Entry Contents: Short-term Visas (C-3), Term of Validity (3Yrs)  Qualified Applicants  Applicants who have obtained a permanent residency in any OECD member countries (except Korea) or people who visited OECD member countries more than 2times within the last 4years, or people who visited Korea more than 4 times within the last 2years. Group Tour Guides who has travelled to Korea more than once for the last 2 years Philippine Government Officials , High Rank Officials/employees of International Airline Companies to Korea. Applicants who earn more than $10,000 annually or has Platinum international credit card Applicants who are invited for contract and consultation by Korean public agencies in connection to resources and energy development Applicants who are invited by the Korean Government to attend international forums, international conferences, international conventions. Executive or high ranking staff of a company that is listed in the Philippine Stock Exchange market Reporters,PD, journalists, news editors etc. people who works in major media company for more than one year Professionals : i.e lawyers, doctors, accountants, professors( PRC or IBP card holders) Popular Celebrities ; Artist/Athlete/writers who can be searched or viewed in Philippine major media websites Retired workers aged 55 years above who are receiving pensions of more than P20,000 monthly People who obtained a two year college degree or bachelor’s degree, master’s and doctorate degree from Universities in Korea. Spouse, minor aged children and Parent’s in law of a Korean national Dependent(Spouse, Children etc) of Multiple visa holders  For the list of OECD member countries , please refer to this site:,3343,en_2649_201185_1889402_1_1_1_1,00.html  Notes Applicants could be asked to submit additional documents as per consul’s evaluation.  All visa applications are subject for approval

Procedures and Visa Fees : Application procedure.  After completing the required documents, applicants or their representative may file their applications at the Consular Office from 9-11 am only.  This is on a first come, first serve basis.  No appointment needed.  Processing takes 5 working days for first time travelers and 3 working days for frequent travelers.  This may be extended though, depending on the Consul’s decision.  Releasing time is only from 2-4 pm. Applicants, especially First Time travelers, are advised to personally claim their visas.  An interview with the Consul may be required before the result of the application is given.  E-6 Applicants/Entertainers, must personally appear for an interview before the visa can be issued. VISA FEES ARE AS FOLLOWS: 59 DAYS OR LESS STAY IN KOREA - GRATIS 90 DAYS STAY IN KOREA - PHP 1350.00 MOre than 90 days stay in Korea   Singe Entry -PHP2250.00   Multiple entry -PHP3600.00 US PASSPORT holders -PHP2025.00 Foreign nationals in the Philippines applying for a tourist visa –PHP1350.00

IMPORTANT REMINDERS TO ALL VISA APPLICANTS Please read the instructions below, before you present your documents to the window Please register and get a number from the guard, if your number doesn’t appear on the screen yet, please sit down & wait for you number to be called. Please refrain from using your mobile phone and other electronic device while inside the embassy. Please make sure that you have filled out the correct visa application form, check the correct application form with the guard on duty, fill it out completely, and write “not applicable” if appropriate. Do not leave any blanks. Paste your passport size photo on the application form. Remove covers or jacket of your passport. Staple old & new passport together. Remove paperclips, rubber bands, envelopes and folders. Please arrange your documents accordingly: Visa application form on top, then photocopy of passport & visas issued from other countries, then supporting documents Contact number in Korea is very important, please don’t forget to fill out the contact number of your guarantor or your hotel in Korea. The embassy will return your original passport on the releasing date assigned to your application, we do not return any documents, so please make sure that you have submitted only a photocopy of ITR, Business permit , contract , marriage contract, birth certificate, etc. Bank Certificates should indicate the amount of money you have in the bank and the date it was opened. Employment Certificate should indicate compensation and length of stay in the company. It should also have a valid landline number. Do not forget to get your releasing slip / claim stub upon submission of documents.