English Communication Unit 1-3
Homework 1. 이쪽으로 오고 있는 소년이 내 아들이다. The boy who is coming this way is my son. 2. 그들은 영어를 할 수 있는 사람을 찾고 있다. They are looking for a person who can speak English. 3. 우리가 어제 본 영화는 재미있었다. The movie we saw yesterday was interesting. 4. 우리가 공원에서 만났던 사람이 나의 삼촌이다. The man we met in the park is my uncle. 5. 이것은 내가 얻을 수 있는 최상의 것이다. This is the best that I can get.
Homework 6. 사람들이 둥글다고 믿었던 지구는 타원형인 것으로 판명되었다. (believe A to be B; oval-shaped; turn out) The earth that people believe to be round turned out to be oval-shaped. 7. 그는 한국이 낳은 최고의 시인이다. (produce) He is the best poet that Korea has ever produced. 8. 그는 창문이 깨진 집에 산다. He lives in a house whose windows are broken. 9. 그는 다섯 아들이 있었는데 그 중 둘은 작년에 유럽으 로 갔다. He has five sons, two of whom went to Europe last year.
10. 나는 우리가 처음 만난 날을 기억한다. I remember the day when we first met. 11. 나는 그가 그렇게 일찍 떠난 이유를 모르겠다. I don’t know why he left so early. 12. 그 문제를 풀었던 방법을 나에게 말해주시오. Please tell me how you solved the problem. 13. 나는 아무 말도 안 했는데 그것이 그를 화나게 했다. I didn’t say a word, which made him angry.
Correct the error in the use of relative clauses in the sentence 1. She is a person which cares a lot about helping others. She is a person who cares a lot about helping others. 2. The company sells bottles that they are made from recycled plastic. The company sells bottles that are made from recycled plastic. 3. The city cleans up trash that people throw it on the streets. The city cleans up trash that people throw on the streets. 4. The program needs a director is an expert in recycling. The program needs a director who is an expert in recycling.
들여쓰기(indentation) 단락(paragraph) 만들기 쉼표와 마침표 찍기 대문자/소문자
Fragments, run-ons, and comma splices They are three common sentence mistakes. Fragment frag The writer uses a subordinate clause as a complete sentence. She takes the bus. Because it is very convenient.
Run-on RO The writer puts two main clauses together without a subordinator. She gets up early she takes an important exam. Comma Splice CS The writer puts two main clauses together with a comma instead of end punctuation. Everyday is the same, she has the same routine.
Correct the mistakes. 1. My aunts and grandmother lived there, they took care of me instead of my busy mother. CS. My aunts and grandmother lived there. They took care of me instead of my busy mother. 2. Also, I want to be good at speaking several foreign languages. Because I want to learn foreign custom and culture personally. Frag. Also, I want to be good at speaking several foreign languages because I want to learn foreign customs and cultures personally.
3. My father works for Samsung and my mother is a housewife, they are generous and considerate parents. CS. My father works for Samsung and my mother is a housewife and they are generous and considerate. 4. We helped our hosts clean up after the party then we went home. RO. We helped our hosts clean up after the party. Then, we went home. 5. The girl who reads books all the time. Frag. The girl reads books all the time.
6. I love to write papers I would write one every day if I had the time. RO. I love to write papers. I would write one every day if I had the time. /Because I love to write papers, I would write one every day if I had the time. 7. The current city policy on housing is incomplete as it stands. Which is why we believe the proposed amendments should be passed. Frag. Because the current city policy on housing is incomplete as it stands, we believe the proposed amendments should be passed.
II-2. Deserts are often referred to as wastelands. It is true that not as many plants grow there as in temperate zones. It(CS) is also true that animals do not live there in great numbers. But many plants and animals live and do quite well in the desert because of their adaptations(Frag).
Not all deserts have the same appearance Not all deserts have the same appearance. Many people think of the desert as a hot, sandy area. Actually sand covers only about twenty percent of the desert. Some deserts have mountains and(RO) some others have snow. Because deserts are dry for most of the year,(Frag) plants must conserve and store water. Several kinds of cacti can shrink during a dry season and swell during a rainy season. Some shrubs simply drop their leaves and use their green bark to manufacture chlorophyll. Seeds sometimes lie(Frag) in the desert for several years before sprouting to take advantage of a rainfall.