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Presentation transcript:

WORK PERMIT PROCEDURES 캐나다 취업 비자 Presented by Canadian Embassy, Seoul HRDSK 8 September 2008

WORK PERMIT PROCESS 취업비자 절차 1. Obtain a job offer from a Canadian employer – 캐나다 고용주로부터 취업제안 받음. 2. Canadian employer gets approval to hire a foreign worker – 고용주가 외국인 근로자 고용을 위한 노동확인서 받음. 3. Apply for a work permit at the Canadian Embassy – 캐나다대사관에 취업비자 신청 4. Assessment by immigration officer – 취업비자 심사 5. Decision - 결정

1. JOB OFFER 취업제안 - The Embassy can not provide any assistance in finding an employer – 캐나다 대사관은 고용주를 찾아주는 서비스를 제공하지 않습니다.

2. APPROVAL (LMO) 노동확인서 LMO – (Labour Market Opinion) issued by Service Canada or HRSDC 캐나다 정부기관의 노동확인서 LMO can be obtained before or after a specific employee has been identified – 고용할 근로자를 결정하기 전이나 후에 받을 수 있음. LMO usually but not always required 노동확인서 면제 직종도 있음 - IT workers, intra-company transferees, visiting scholars, charitable and religious workers are exempt from this requirement

3. APPLY FOR A WORK PERMIT 취업비자 신청 must do medical exam before applying, and must pass before being issued a work permit 신체검사 필요 submit completed application – if incomplete it may be sent back or refused 완벽한 서류제출 see full requirements on website – 자세한 서류안내는 캐나다 대사관 사이트에서 확인

DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS 구비서류 Passport photocopy 여권복사본 One passport-sized photograph 사진 Completed and signed worker application form: completed in English or French 완벽히 기재한 신청서 Processing fee - $150 비자수속료 Medical examination confirmation letter for you and family members 신체검사확인서 Offer of employment from a Canadian employer 취업초청장 또는 고용계약서 Confirmation of offer of employment (Labour Market Opinion, or LMO) 노동확인서 Proof of work experience and education relevant to the job 경력 및 학력 서류 Proof of all activities and employment since your 18th birthday. You must include income tax certificate from your last 3 years of employment. If this is not available, you must submit a statement explaining why, as well as sufficient other evidence to support your stated level of employment income (bank statements with salary payments highlighted, day worker employment insurance certificate issued by the Ministry of Labour, or national pension contribution certificate) 직업 및 활동 관련 서류 Proof of funds 재정서류 Up-to-date Family Relations Certificate 가족관계증명서 Police Certificate 범죄수사경력자료 회보서

ASSESSMENT 비자심사 1. can do the job 업무능력 -meets requirements of the LMO 노동확인서 조건 -meets typical requirements of the position 일반조건 (eg.English 영어능력 등) 2. sufficient ties to Korea 한국으로 돌아올 연고 3. bonafide temporary worker 단기 취업의 진실성 4. no medical or criminal problems 신체검사 결과, 범죄기록 확인 Also: credible at interview 신뢰성 있는 인터뷰 employment/education verified positively 경력 학력 위조 여부 additional documents supplied by deadline given (usually 2 weeks) 기간 내 추가서류제출 medical has been passed (for main applicant and all family members) 전 가족 신체검사통과

DECISION 결정 REFUSAL 비자 거절 refusal letter issued 거절 편지 발급 can apply again and will be assessed by a different officer 재신청 시 새로운 심사관 should not apply again if circumstances have not changed or additional documents not supplied 새로운 내용 없으면 재신청 소용없음 decision is based on information available at time of decision and is final - additional info supplied after decision will not be considered. Reconsideration will not be given. 이미 거절된 후에 제출하는 추가서류는 재고하지 않음 have to make a completely new application 완전히 새로운 신청서 필요 ACCEPTANCE 비자 승인 work permit authorization letter issued 비자승인편지 발급 work permit issued at the port of entry 취업비자는 캐나다 입국하면서 받음

REMINDERS 주의사항 low-skilled worker program is for 24 months only, 4 month break and can reapply 비숙련직은 24개월 근무 후 4개월간 돌아와야 함 is illegal in many provinces for agents to charge recruitment fees to employee – know your rights 직업알선수수료는 불법 low skilled worker program is unlikely to lead to permanent residence 비숙련직 이민 어려움 accompanying family? if they will come within the next year, they must do medicals and be included on form 1년 이내 동반가족은 같이 신청 PR status never guaranteed 영주권보장 안됨 can not apply at the port of entry (if you take a chance, could waste thousands on airfare, have negative record) 캐나다 에 입국하면서 취업비자 신청할 수 없음 must be truthful/credible at interview and at port of entry 인터뷰와 입국심사 시 정직하게 live-in caregivers must be proficient in English - no exceptions 가사도우미는 영어 필수 dual intent 이민 의도 use of agent up to applicant – no difference in processing 대행업체 이용 여부 - 비자수속 차이 없음

MORE INFORMATION 추가 정보 Fax: (82-2) 3783-6114

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